Chapter 6

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TW: vomit, alcohol

Cordelia's POV:

I made my way into my room after yelling at the girls and sat down on my bed. I started rubbing my temples and then got up to use the toilet. I opened the door and y/n was on the floor asleep. I tapped her slightly and she stirred a little in her sleep. I shook her and she looked up at me. "Oh heyyyy what's popping?" she laughed out. She was adorable like this. I can't think that, she's a student. I mean she is 20 but still underage for alcohol and a student. "Let's get you to bed" I softly said and she whined "I need a pee". "Okay, you pee and I'll come back" I explained. "I need some help, my jeans are stuck" she laughed out behind the door. I helped her undo her belt and jeans. My eyes kept gazing back to her exposed breasts. "T-thanks Dee" she giggled. My heart warmed at the nickname. Once she was done, I pulled y/n into her room. She threw herself onto the mattress and started singing quietly. "Thunder only happens when it's rainingg. Dun dun dun dun dun dun. Players only looooove you when they're playinggggg". Even though the words were slurred I could tell she had talent. I smiled and passed her some pyjamas. She stared at them confused. "Put them on" I explained. She sat there clueless of everything. "Do you want some help?" I asked her. "Yes please mommy" she said. I froze for a second and then carried on to help her. I can't believe she just called me 'mommy', it was funny but also cute. I pulled her jeans down and looked away as she put on some shorts over her underwear. I then proceeded to pull of her top and she sat there in a lacy black bra fiddling and trying to unclasp the back of her bra. "More help?" I softly said. "Yes pleaseee" she agreed. I pulled the back of the bra to release her breasts and handed her the t shirt. "You don't have to look away so quick Dee, we both have boobs here" she smiled. I turned back around to her and helped her with her t shirt. I got up to leave due to becoming aroused and flustered.

"Don't leave me" she whispered almost so I couldn't hear. She pouted and did her best puppy eyes. Y/n patted the side of her double bed and I laid down. She turned to me and cuddled up against my side. Y/n instantly fell asleep and I could hear her little sighs in her sleep as she breathed in and out. I watched her chest rise and fall, her face so relaxed. She stirred and then pulled herself closer to me, a small smile appeared on her lips. She was adorable like this. Her hair messy on the pillow, but no care in the world.

Y/n's POV:

I woke up to myself latched onto Cordelia's side. My hand had found its way somehow under the bottom of her top to her boob in the night. The sun flooding through the window, causing my eyes to squint and my headache appear. I pulled my hand down through her top lightly. Memories from last night came back in fragments but only up until the first couple of shots. What the fuck happened after? Did I have sex with Delia? Am I in trouble? Shit. Cordelia brought me out of my thoughts as she stirred slightly in her sleep. Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled looking down at me. "Morning sweetheart, you feeling okay?" she asked in a hot raspy voice. And then as quick as lightning I got up and ran to the toilet. Emptying out my stomach. My throat stung. As I started throwing up again I felt Cordelia's hand pull back my hair and her other rubbed my back. "Let it all out" she cooed in my ear. This is my own fault, I shouldn't really be getting this attention, but I loved it. She stopped her actions once the sick stopped and got up bringing me a glass of water. "Drink this, you'll feel better I promise". Her hand went back to rubbing my back and she sat on the floor with me against the wall. "Thanks Dee" I croaked out. "This isn't really a good impression is it? I promise I don't usually drink, I don't even know why I did" I carried on. "Madison told you to, huh?" she asked. I silently nodded and continued to drink the ice cold water which soothed my throat. "What even happened last night? I don't remember much after getting to the bar" I whispered as my throat still stung slightly. Delia proceeded to laugh. "Well, let's just say you're a clingy drunk" she smiled. "Oh no. What did I do?" I asked quickly. "Nothing terrible. Just I had to help you get changed, you sung a bit and then you asked me to sleep next to you" she replied, causing my face to burn and I could just tell I looked like a literal tomato. "Hey, it's okay sweetheart. It was cute" she stated and lifted my chin up with two fingers. Her words caused me to blush even more, but also smile. My stomach was doing flips, from both the alcohol and the goddess before me.

Cordelia and I turned up to breakfast together laughing. My head still was thumping, but I wasn't going to ask for anything else. I poured myself a tea and sat down in front of the counter watching Cordelia make herself some toast. Her body was elegant and perfect. She was the definition of perfect. "Not having any breakfast?" she wondered. "No my stomach will kill me if I tried to" I chuckled back. The girls started coming in, all looking like zombies. "Someone get me some fucking pain killers, my head kills" Madison moaned whilst sitting on a stool. "Oh, what am I going to do with you girls" Cordelia chuckled and then her gaze met mine. She blushed and turned away. I was falling for her and I couldn't stop myself.

// I didn't update this for the third time today, not me ;) Suggestions of what you want to see next are welcome \\

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