Chapter 7

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TW: slight smut?

Y/n's POV:

Breakfast had ended at 8:30AM and now it was time to face lessons. The academy only had a few other girls, so lessons wouldn't be that scary of meeting too many new faces. However, less people meant my chances of being picked on to answer questions were higher. I had tried to learn some new spells, potions in some stray books lying around the day before, however overall I was pretty much clueless. I walked to my bedroom and got changed for the day. First impressions count, that's what everyone says. I tied my hair into a messy bun, I pulled some light blue mom jeans on and another Fleetwood Mac t-shirt. I walked into my first class which was with Zoe, we all were trying to change these stupid roses into the colour we wanted. I sat there and tried to focus, however my mind kept on going back to Delia, her blonde hair and her deep brown eyes and the smell of honey and coconut that radiated off her. Everyone was struggling luckily, but then suddenly my rose turned to a light golden colour. It was the exact shade of Delia's hair. "So what was your intention to create this colour y/n?" Zoe said, "it must've been pretty good since that's a solid colour". "Um, I don't really know haha" I joked off, hoping the conversation would change. Luckily it did as another girl was asking Zoe for help.

The next lesson was Cordelia's. Potions. I turned up to the greenhouse early. I stood in the doorframe again as I watched Delia moved around the room placing bottles and pipettes onto tables. She was so beautiful. Instead of standing like a creep, I made my presence known to Cordelia but clearing my throat a little. She suddenly turned around in shock but a smile appeared on her lips seeing it was me. The greenhouse was quite big and plants scattered around the edge of it. It was peaceful and quiet, like a different world. "You can sit down y/n, if you want. There's no set seating plan" Cordelia explained. I plopped my bag and myself down at the back, twiddling my my zipper nervously as I remembered this mornings occurrences.

Cordelia's POV:

Y/n sat there silently, her body stiff as ever and her hands fidgeting under the table. Her nerves were as clear as day. I walked over and placed my hand over her hands and crouched down a little. "You're gonna do great, I promise" I softly said and a small smile made it's way to her lips. She was so cute, her (h/c) hair tied up in a messy bun and her cute t-shirts she always had on. I realised I was staring a little as the other girls came in for the lesson and I made my way to the front. I kept my eyes on her all lesson as she watched everything happening intensively. "Right girls, it's your turn to do it now. Don't worry if you can't do it, I'm here to help" I encouraged whilst walking round the room in circles. Y/n cracked all her knuckles and then looked at the table. She concentrated so hard, her eyes never leaving the pages or potions. After about 10 minutes, she sat there looking accomplished but also nervous still. I walked over to see if she was able to make the swamp mud for healing. Placing down an alive frog on her desk, I made a small incision into its chest causing some blood to spill out. I wiped her mud over the frog and we waited a minute. I wiped the frog with a tissue to reveal it had worked. The cut or scar nowhere to be seen, as if nothing happened. I was proud of her. A sigh of relief fell out her mouth and she wiped her forehead a little. "Well done y/n" I whispered, her eyes lit up and in that moment I swear I could've kissed her. My eyes fluttered from her lips to her eyes multiple times and just as we were about to lean in to kiss. "Miss Cordelia I need some help" a girl asked from the other side of the room. I turned back around to y/n seeing her face completely red and flustered. "Right everyone, if your mud worked you can go" I yelled once moving around the room.

Y/n's POV:

I fled out the room, nearly tripping on my own feet and made my way to my room for lunch. I wasn't leaving for lunch to face Cordelia like that again, I would rather skip it. Once in my room, I slammed the door and jumped onto my bed, curling up in a ball under the covers. That was embarrassing. I made my way through the rest of the day without luckily seeing Cordelia and saving the embarrassment for both of us. That was until dinner.

I made my way downstairs for 6:30PM dinner, everyone sat around the table but me in my little group. The group consisted of me, Delia, Zoe, Madison and Queenie. Whilst the food was being served, Cordelia and I made eye contact but her eyes diverted straight away from mine. The meal went by quickly until Madison decided she wanted to play spin the bottle. "Come on, it's some fun Delia. Without you it would be like a foursome instead of a fun game, now join us" Madison begged. Cordelia sat down and Madison was first to spin the bottle. She pecked Zoe. Her rules were each round it rotated from just a kiss to a snog. A couple rounds went by and I had kissed Queenie and Zoe, but luckily I never got snog. Delia poured us all a vodka and coke. Not to get drunk but just an after dinner drink. The vodka took the nerves off me after my first official day and I sat waiting for my turn again but this time it was a snog. The bottle spun and spun and spun. I watched nervously as it landed on Delia. My eyes went wide and so did hers too. "Must've been a fluke" I joked so the game would move on. "Nope, you have to give Cordelia one big snog" Queenie giggled. My stomach filled with butterflies I moved to Delia. It must've been the vodka but sudden confidence got me to do it. I looked down at her lips and back into her eyes. My lips yearning for her touch. We gazed at each other for a few more seconds and then we both leant in. My heart rate rapidly increased as her lips pressed against mine. Her lips were soft, plump and beautiful. She slowly slid her tongue towards my mouth and pushed it in. I reciprocated by moving our mouths in rhythm. An ache in between my legs appeared. Her hands on my waist caused my arousal to grow. We both pulled back remembering where we were. "I'm not gay but that was hot" Madison laughed. My stomach felt like fireworks were going off and I felt slightly lightheaded from the lack of oxygen. After another couple of rounds I decided to go upstairs to shower. The was the best spin the bottle I've ever played.

// any suggestions on how I should get y/n and Cordelia together??? \\

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