Chapter 10

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A/N: Idk when I'll next update this lol cos I'm doing shitty. However, on the brighter side, finally after 2 months here's another chapter, I hope everyone reading is doing good :)

Anyways... here's a request from like 2 months ago... from paulsonxsupreme   of Cordelia comforting the reader after a nightmare. also prewarning: it's just fluff.


The picnic day ended with everyone hopping in the mini van shaking and dripping with cold water from the water fight. Smiles on everyone's faces. Delia drove, her blonde hair slightly damp and her blouse still slightly see-through as she stared into the road with her hands softly placed on the steering wheel.


We arrived back, everyone hopping out of the minivan and the girls flooding up the stairs to their rooms to get dry and changed. "Come on" Cordelia whispered whilst grabbing my hand and pulling me up the stairs too. Cordelia disappeared into her room quickly and quietly, whilst I flopped onto my bed with the biggest smile ever. She told me, she loves me. My heart warming at the thought as I sank into my mattress further, feeling slightly tired. Sleep soon overcame my senses as I laid there, the smile never fading from my face. I woke back up minutes later to the sound of dinner being called. I threw on some comfortable clothes and sprinted down the stairs knowing I was minutes late to the gathering. Madison sat there impatiently tapping her fingers against the table and as she saw me, she spoke "Thank fuck, we've been waiting years for dinner". "Girl, it's been about 3 minutes, shut up Maddie" Queenie defended me as I sat down onto the wooden chair. Cordelia softly smiled at me and food came in. Everyone's chatter was exhausting, my mind wanting to sleep again. Bolognese filled our stomachs as we all sat there, exhausted after such a wonderful day.

After dinner Cordelia pulled me into her bedroom. "Do you want to sleep in my bed with me tonight?" she asked excitedly like a child on Christmas. "Hmmm... how about... yes of course Dee" I replied giggling. Her eyes lit up and her arms pulled me into a tight hug. Her arms looped around my waist as I hugged her back, the smile still on my face. Delia threw herself onto the bed after releasing me from the hug. "Fuck, I am exhausted" she sighed out. "Woah hey, I didn't realise the supreme swore?" I laughed out and pretending to gasp. Cordelia pulled my hand causing me to fall clumsily onto her, faces inches apart. Her face pulled in for a kiss just as I pushed myself off the bed from being on top of her. "Save that kiss for later" I explained whilst walking out the room and shutting the door quickly. I threw some shorts on and a tank top, tying my hair into a bun and grabbing my fluffy blanket. I knocked quietly on her door before her gentle voice pulled me in "come in". "I could've been a murder or burglar for all you know" I joked whilst plopping myself down onto the bed. Cordelia smirked and brushed out her wavy hair as she stared into the mirror on the white vanity. Her pyjamas were a white silk dress that hung around her every curve and some cute little slippers. Flawless. She got up elegantly and smoothly made her way to the bed, sliding under the covers. "First night with me, how's it going?" she giggled. "Well, these 230 seconds so far of the night have gone great" I sarcastically replied, moving closer into Delia's side. "Does someone want cuddles?" she whispered into my ear, causing my whole face to blush. "Mmhmm." I replied, she smirked as she saw the evident blush on my face. "Come here" she whispered again. I snuggled my face into her neck, her hair tickling my nose, I was cosy. My arm lay across her torso. I felt her smile through her whole body. Her hand crept over my shoulder to rub circles on my back as I relaxed into her. "Mmm" I hummed out.

After about an hour of talking with Cordelia, her hand still rubbing my back or thigh to comfort me, she decided it was time to sleep. "Let me just turn off the light sweetheart" she whispered whilst placing a kiss on my forehead. I groaned as she rose from the bed to turn it off, but within seconds she replaced the cold breeze she left with her warm cosy body. "You're clingy when you're tired" she laughed whilst tapping the end of my nose. "I love you" I whispered gently into her neck. "I love you too" she replied, her arm snaking back to rub my back. With Cordelia's cuddles and comforting present I fell instantly asleep.

She doesn't love you. She's going to leave you. Look, basing your value you on one person. You're going to be alone. Words being spewed at me. I step back and back and back until I suddenly fall.

I wake up, slight sweat on my forehead and shaking. My breaths staggered and my heart beating in my ears. Cordelia wakes up and pulls me into her chest as I slowly get my breaths back to normality. Her hand rubbing my back gently and her whispering soothing words into my ears as I calm down from my nightmare. "Y/n, you're okay, You're safe, you're with me. Keep breathing, good girl." My breaths back to normal, but still slightly shaken, Cordelia asks "What happened sweetie?" her voice laced with such care and softness. "Just a nightmare, sorry for that. I promise I don't usually have them" I replied quickly.  "Hey, it's ok y/n if you did have nightmares regularly. I wouldn't mind, I would just help you sweetheart. Do you want to talk about it?" she whispered against my forehead, still planting kisses upon it. "My insecurities getting the best of me, I'm just scared of losing you" I half joked out, trying not to get deep into conversation as I read the clock to be 2AM. "You're stuck with me, you can't lose me any day soon" she giggled, placing kisses onto the bridge of my nose and cheeks. "Let's try to get you some more sleep" she suggested. In response I hummed whilst snuggling back into Delia's arms, her grip tighter than before. Her way of showing me I was safe. A smile appeared back on my face as I held onto her with all my love.

A/N: I would really appreciate suggestions right now as I have writers block lol. I also apologise for my very long break of not writing! I hope you are all healthy and happy. :)

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