Chapter 15

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TW: Smut ;)

Cordelia's head popped around the doorframe as I brushed my teeth staring into the mirror. "Baby, talk to me please?" She questioned softly, her hand reaching for mine to comfort me. Her thumb softly stroking the skin on my palm, her dark brown eyes searching for the honesty in mine. "Sweetheart?" She whispered as tears brimmed in my eyes then flowing down the valleys toward my nose and cracked lips. "Do you still love me?" I croaked out, after spitting the tooth paste out of my mouth. My hands retreating back to my sides in fear of rejection. "Yes, yes and yes" Cordelia spoke in-between kisses on my forehead that she attacked me with. Her fingers magically brushing knots out of my hair and massaging my scalp. "What made you think that I wouldn't?" Another sob rattled out my mouth as I clung onto her for dear life. "Misty" I spoke almost silently. Her movements in my hair stopped, her hands falling down to cradle my face and she looked directly into my eyes. "I promise you, where I was last night was just to help Misty sleep I promise. I know I do a lot for my girls, but that doesn't mean I love you any less, y/n." She took a breath then trailed on. "I'm sorry for making you feel like that sweetheart" she cooed in my right ear. Soft kisses she laid upon my skin from my cheekbones down my neck to my collar bones. "Let me prove it to you" she mumbled in-between sucking a hickey onto my neck. As she liked to say she was 'marking me, so everyone knows who I belong to'.

Soft fingers rubbing circles on my hips and leaving pattern on my stomach as she lulled me into the bedroom. "Wait who's here?" I mumbled as she attacked my exposed chest with kisses. "Just Misty" she whispered whilst teasing my erect nipples through the night vest. "Don't sound proof the room, I want her to know you're mine" I moaned softly. I looked down at Cordelia, her hands pulling my night vest off with a smirk on her face. "I kinda like this jealous side of you." She giggled. Her adorable lustful but sexy laugh. She took a nipple into her mouth and softly sucked causing a series of soft moans to fall from my lips. After giving the same attention to the other nipple she slid off me causing a whine to erupt out of my throat. "Two seconds" she whispered. Her body disappearing under the bed, she pulled a box  out and a laugh fell from her lips as she pulled out a strap on. Still fully dressed in a floral dress she pulled off the dress to reveal the black lingerie she had on. That complimented all her curves, her breasts being revealed more as she bent over to put the dildo in the harness. A wave of heat flying through my body and wetness flooding my centre as she stood there lubing up the strap and brushing her hair back. "Are you ready for mommy?" She whispered while coming up to the edge of the bed. "Yes mommy" I replied, legs slightly opening at her question. Her hands traced the shorts I was still wearing and started pulling them down. "Good girl" she purred into my ear as I moved my hips up to allow her to remove my shorts and thong. Tossing the garments to the side she leveled the strap with my entrance. "Please" I softly whispered. She softly pushed the strap into me and started thrusting gently. Moans shot out my mouth as I rode her dick. Gentle kisses placed on my stomach as she carried on thrusting. Her right hand going down to play with my clit which was throbbing due to the lack of attention. Cordelia looked down to my entrance "you're taking mommy so well" she groaned. My tummy twitched with butterflies and felt warmth covering my whole lower abdomen. "You're getting close, aren't you?" She grunted as thrusting into me really hard. "Yes oh fuckkkk" I moaned so loudly. Knowing that Misty would a hundred percent hear the sounds from the room. "Can I cum?" I whimpered trailing off with a series of more moans. "Cum for me sweetheart" she whispered into my left ear whilst nibbling the shell of my ear. "Oh fuck" I moaned loudly as another strangled moan left my throat. Liquid squirted onto Cordelia's lower abdomen without me nothing at first. "I love you and only you" she whispered as I fell softly against the pillows. A smile appearing on my relieved and pleasured face. I pulled Cordelia onto me shocked at the cool liquid on her stomach. "I squirted?" I laughed. "Yes you did. My jealous baby" she replied whilst wrapping her arms around my neck to snuggle. My head landed onto her chest and little breaths of relief flowed out my nostrils and mouth. My arms wrapping around her waist.

After cuddling for an hour and laughing at eachother and just bonding a small knock echoed through the room. "Miss Cordelia, could you help me with a spell?" Misty asked behind the door. A small frown appeared on my face as I pouted for Cordelia to stay with me. "Misty, I'll help you tomorrow, if that's ok?" She yelled back to the door. "Yes thank you Miss Cordelia" Misty replied and little footsteps were heard as she made her way back to her room. "Thank you Dee" I whispered then placed another soft kiss onto her lips. "Anything for you Sweetheart".

// I haven't updated in AGES, let's pretend it hasn't been that long. Anyways give me suggestions because otherwise this story will die lol. \\

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