Chapter 1

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A new book ;)

Y/n's POV:

Bang. The front door slams behind me, the cold morning air hits me like an avalanche. Shivers immediately taking over my body, as I stare down the road into nothingness. What do I do now? My mother has just kicked me out. It's probably my fault for throwing a vase at her head, which she did not find amusing. I don't really know how it happened, it just flew across the room at her head, which she dodged. So, apparently I did it? But here we are. Seven in the morning, just wondering what the hell I am supposed to do. I check my coat pockets to find about $3 and a packet of gum. Perfect. I am screwed. I slightly laugh to myself at how I've got myself into this ridiculous situation. Therefore, I decide to walk, the familiar roads turn into strange roads, but I carry on. There's no point of going to work as I'm not even in my uniform. I might as well walk aimlessly somewhere. It's peaceful, walking with no meaning. My outfit is questionable, to say in the least. A pair of light grey joggers, a baggy Fleetwood Mac t-shirt, some white nike trainers and my puffy black coat with a furry hood. I may look slightly homeless, but ironically I actually am. The cold air finds its way around the back of my neck, causing goosebumps to cover my skin. That's when I see it. Finally a coffee shop. After about 2 hours of walking aimlessly I can finally get my caffeine fix.

I open the door of the shop, causing the little bell above the door to ring. It's warm inside, the tv playing some local news and a few university students sat down with their faces crammed into books or laptops. I'm glad that whole chapter of my life is over. The sleepless nights staring into pages, with a blank mind. Whilst no matter how hard you try, the words on the page don't form in your mind. I walk up to the counter, glare at the options and get the cheapest thing. A coffee. Which funny enough, now means I'm completely broke. I hand over the $3 and sit down in front of the tv that's attached in the corner of the shop. The local news is always boring, but I've never been in this 'area' before so I might as well make the most of it. I slowly sip my coffee, not wanting to finish quickly and face the cold air again. The coffee slightly burns my mouth, but I needed this heat to warm me up. The tv now takes my full attention, as the camera guy zooms onto the most beautiful woman I have ever seen standing in front of a huge white building. She has blonde slightly curled hair, with dark thick eyebrows with dark oak brown eyes and long eyelashes. Her complexion is fair and she is glowing, under the sun rays that shine on her face. She has pretty, pink, plump lips and she has a jawline for days. Her figure is elegant. She is wearing a dark blue dress with a floral pattern. However, I keep looking back to those eyes. Those dark chocolate brown, welcoming eyes. After staring for way to long, I look to actually read why this beautiful women is appearing on the screen. That's when it hits me. Miss Robichaux's Academy for exception young witches. Wait, so witches are actually real? I thought it was all a joke, but they wouldn't show this on local news if it wasn't I assume. That's when she starts speaking, the soothing sound that plays out of the tv speakers from this elegant woman. "My name is Cordelia Goode, headmistress of Miss Robichaux's Academy. We are looking to recruit young witches, to save them from outside discrimination and help them learn to control their powers." she says. Her voice is like a calming ocean. There is a momentary pause and the location comes up on the screen. New Orleans. That's where I am now. I walk up to one of the students who are sitting in this quiet shop and ask them for some paper and a pen. I write down the exact location before forgetting. This could be my future. I hand them back then pen before sitting back down in front of the tv. I take my half finished coffee and sip it slowly again to savour the taste. For the first time in a while, a small smile is plastered on my face. This woman has stolen my mind.

After about half an hour I look at the time reading 10 AM. Time to find this academy. I get up and ask the guy of the location. He gives me a rough guide to the area. I thank him and leave the coffee shop. I make my way to the area he told me, but it was a rough idea to where this academy would be. I wander aimlessly around for another 30 minutes, trying to see if I could find this massive white building. It's huge how have I not seen it, or a sign for it at least? I kind of give up and sit down on a bench facing a small grass patch with a small pond ahead. It's peaceful, I've warmed up now from the heat beaming from the sun. The weather here, seems to go from freezing to boiling in minutes. I must've shut my eyes for a while, because when I opened them again I saw some girls. All dressed in black. 4 of them to be exact. They looked like they were on a mission. It made me giggle slightly in this now boiling weather, they were dressed from head to toe. Black boots, black tights, black skirts, black blouses, black cardigans and black hats. All different types of boots or items of clothing, but all in the same shade. That's when I finally clicked. What if they're witches, it's a long shot, however who would normally dress in that amount of one dark colour in this heat. Unless they were in some cult, I laughed at this thought. I then sat up from my slouched position. They all were in single file, walking in the same direction. I don't know why or how but sudden confidence came to me. I got up and followed them. I must've looked like some sort of stalker, but this Miss Robichaux's Academy could be my last shot for a home. I followed from afar not to scare the girls and they went through this alley way. A short cut I assume. It smelt like dew from the rain of last night, the ground still lightly wet under my feet. They all turned right at the end of it and as I was emerging from out of the alley way I saw it. This paper white mansion. Something you would see in a kids movie. Trees everywhere around the back of the building, the smell of freshly cut grass filled my senses as I looked. I had to take a step back and take it all in. Anxiety seemed to crawl under my skin, it was breathtaking. Not as breathtaking as the headmistress but still, I was in awe. Well it's now or never, I thought and made my way through the iron gates. My hands trembling as I knocked on the painted white oak door. My hands went down to fiddle with the zipper on my coat, whilst I waited for the door to open. After about 10 seconds I felt like leaving, it wasn't a long time but I didn't want to bother anyone inside. However, I stayed and waited. The door slowly opened after waiting another couple of seconds. Now I was breathless. The headmistress stood right in front of me, her golden locks framing her face. I felt like I could stare for hours. Her face felt like home, weirdly. A smile appeared on her face and I blushed. Was this the beginning of a new chapter?

// Okay so how do we feel about this new book??? I'm excited to see where it goes. Any suggestions are welcome. Have a great dayyy <3 \\

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