Chapter 2

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(let's pretend i didn't take a month to update this, i have no excuses. i am just lazy🤭)

Y/n's POV:

My breath seemed to disappear from my lungs as I stood staring at the supreme, the sun made her skin glow more, if that's even possible. "My name is Ms Goode. Cordelia Goode, the headmistress of this coven and supreme," Ms Goode stated. However, slightly brushing off the last part of 'supreme' as if it was nothing. She brought her hand out for me to shake, my palms were hot but I glad fully shook her hand. Her skin was smooth and fair. I replied as we shook hands, "I'm y/n y/l/n. Pleased to meet you." Ms Goode stood to the side and welcomed me in, she pulled me down the white halls of the coven into her office. The inside and outside of the coven seemed to be plain but simply decorated, making is stunning to look at. Cordelia's office had her chair facing a desk and two other chairs. The table was dark oak with her laptop and some folders on top. Everything in the office was placed neatly, even down to her pens, straight and precise. Ms Goode sat on the single chair and I sat down onto one of the two chairs facing her. I faced Ms Goode. She gently smiled and then asked "So, y/n what brings you here today?" I sat fiddling the zipper on my coat, my face slightly starting to burn as I became embarrassed of what I was about to say. "Um, well... Basically I think that I'm a witch. For me to come to this conclusion, what happened was that I apparently made a vase fly towards my mum's head. But don't worry she's okay, luckily she dodged it" I blurted out. Ms Goode slightly chuckled in front of me and placed her soft hands onto the desk in front. She tapped her fingers along the edge of her desk and looked directly into my eyes. "Has this ever happened before, like any other magical experiences?" she questioned. "Um, maybe potentially making people I didn't like, fall over. Promise if we get on well, you won't be falling over any time soon" I joked at the end. She giggled. Her laugh was like ringing to my ears, it was soft and innocent. "Well, I think you do have powers, but this coven is here to help you control your powers, is that what you want?" she questioned again, a little bit more serious. "Yes. I do believe this coven will help me as I want to be able to control my powers and maybe even use them for the good if I could," I replied. She took a glance at me then lifted the lid of her laptop, she clicked a few times and typed some things out and suddenly the printer in the corner started buzzing. She stood up and elegantly made her way towards it. Her ass looked so good in those trousers, the trousers showing every single curve of her lower body. The light blue blouse also outlining her boobs and waist. I snapped out of thought as Ms Goode said "Right, here's some paper work. It's a bore to fill out but will be worth it. I'll leave you to it and I will sort a room for you upstairs." "Okay, thank you Ms Goode, it means a lot" I stuttered out. She turned just before leaving the door, leaning on the door frame "Y/n you're welcome but, call me Cordelia. I hope to be more of a friend, than a formality." she smiled and left.

I turned back around to the desk. Two pages just sat in front of me, this is going to be long. I filled in down the boxes, then I came to the box: religion. Why would they need to know my religion? I carried on a bit, then another box was sexuality. This isn't fun, should I just leave it? These questions seemed quite personal if I'm going to be honest but it's just a form. I filled in the boxes and cane to the last parts agreeing to some terms and conditions. Cordelia came back into the room, "Perfect timing" she chuckled. "Right, do you have any belongings or like bags or anything?" she questioned. How am I going to explain I was kicked out and now the only thing I have is myself and half a pack of gum. "Not right at this moment." I replied kind of looking down. "But it's just that I got kicked out by my mum for the vase incident, so I should be able to retrieve some of my things once everything at home has cooled down". Cordelia looked at me, slightly teary.

Cordelia's POV:

Fuck. I need to stop being so emotional when people mention their mothers. I blinked some tears away and brought y/n up the stairs to her room. The room was so plain and basic like the others. It really wasn't homely until some colour was placed inside. I couldn't let her live like this, the room was too depressing. I pointed to the metal bed, to the plain white draws, white wardrobe. I dragged her into the connected bathroom. "So, this room is one of the nicest but it has a catch. Um so if we go in here, the toilet has two doors, one for you and the other side is into my bedroom. So when you need the bathroom, I suggest locking both doors unless you want an unexpected visitor" I giggled. She laughed. "I think it would be a good idea to get some things from your house today otherwise you'll get smelly wearing those for too long" I stated and she smiled weakly and nodded. Is it bad to think she's so pretty, her hair is soft and brown. She seemed so gentle and kind. I snapped out of thoughts as y/n and I made it to the car. "Can you show me the way to your house?" I asked and she nodded. I turned the engine on and then the radio, y/n's face lit up as Fleetwood Mac started playing. The song was: Everywhere. She smirked and lightly hummed along to the tune as I tapped my nails against the steering wheel and made my way to her house. I want to be with her everywhere.

// wow, i had motivation to write a chapter for once. i don't know where this book is going so pls give me suggestions in the comments or in my DMs \\

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