Chaper 12

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Cordelia hopped off the bed quickly as I lay there with no energy. She came back in with a wet cloth and wiped my forehead then went down in between my legs and wiped my thighs and vagina gently, making sure all the mess she created was gone. Delia then kissed my forehead and chucked the cloth into the washing basket. She laid back onto the bed. Automatically I moved my head onto her chest as she cradled my naked figure under the sheets. Our bare bodies touching and all cosy together. We both must've fallen asleep.

Cordelia's POV:

I woke up from my short nap and saw y/n who was still sleeping, I shook her gently to purposefully wake her up I whispered sweet nothings into her ear. "We should get up, it's lunch time baby" I suggested once she seemed more awake. She agreed with a nod and a cute little yawn. We both got into the shower and washed quickly. We made our way downstairs to the kitchen.

I turned the corner into the kitchen and all the girls were sat there. I stood absolutely shocked as y/n did the exact same, a blush forming on both of our faces nervously. "Ummm, girls how long have you been here?" I asked calmly. "All morning" Zoe replied nervously. I stood there gobsmacked and y/n moved to the fridge to make cereal. "Cordy, before you ask... Yes, we all did hear you both getting absolutely railed by each other, I'm glad you got some" Madison broke the silence with a mischievous look. I just stood there frozen looking at y/n who was also awkwardly standing there fidgeting with her fingers whilst looking at the counter with the two bowls in front. "I swear when I came down early, no one was here" y/n spoke quietly. "Yes, we were in the garden enjoying the sun, we came in and then minutes later we heard you guys" Queenie replied holding back her laughter. "So y/n when you came down earlier, that wasn't the only time you came today then?" Madison joked causing a huge blush of embarrassment to appear on y/n's face. "Madison that wasn't appropriate" I replied for y/n. "Neither was y/n calling you 'mommy', but that still happened" Madison threw back at us. "Guys let's stop now" Zoe spoke, finally ending the conversation.

Y/n walked towards me with a bowl of cereal and we both took our food to the greenhouse, it was lunch, but y/n insisted before going down the stairs earlier that 'cereal could be for any meal of the day'. "I'm sorry I didn't check the garden Dee" Y/n broke the silence, a little frown on her face. "Hey it's ok sweetheart, come here" I whispered. Her bottom lip trembling as she walked over to me. I pulled her into my lap causing her to straddle hug me, her body folding onto me. Little sniffles escaped her. "Shhh it's ok, they'll forget baby" I whispered against her forehead then placing kisses on it. "But I won't forget it" I spoke again after thirty seconds whilst a sad smirk appeared on her face, but partially giggling. "Neither will I." she responded. We carried on with the cereal and then I tended to the plants in the greenhouse. Y/n went behind me watering them for me as I cut off dead leaves or branches off the plants or fed them. She started humming 'Gold Dust Woman' to fill the silence. A smirk appearing on my face as I went behind her and started whispering the lyrics into her ear as she carried on humming. Y/n turned around to face me "Hey that's creepy" she laughed out uncontrollably, I started to tickle her as she carried on laughing causing her to become breathless. Madison suddenly walks in. "Trying to fuck her again Cordy" she smirked. "Madison as I said earlier, that's not appropriate, stop bringing it up" I scolded. "Just because you can't get a woman to fuck you Madison, doesn't mean you get to shit on our relationship" y/n growled mischievously. My eyes darting to y/n's face that was holding back a laugh. "Ew no, I'm not a lesbo" Madison mocked us with disgust on her features. "What was the dream you had the other day I heard... Oh Zoe... Oh Zoe" y/n shot back at Madison causing her to blush and huff then walk out. "Did she actually?" I asked absolutely confused. "Yep, but I swore not to tell anyone" y/n giggled.

Y/n's POV:

I started playing some Stevie Nicks on the radio we had in the greenhouse. For What It's Worth came on as the first track. Cordelia grabbed my hand and twirled me around the greenhouse, I giggled as we moved together. Her arms wrapping around my waist as mine wrapped around her neck as our noses rubbed together and then forehead pressed against each other. "You're so cute" I whispered causing a pink shade to appear on Delia's cheeks and nose. I spun her around now the back of her body placed against my front. Our hips moved in unison to the music. My head leaning onto her left shoulder as I kissed the side of her cheek. The sun now setting due to the amount of time we had spent out in the greenhouse, our escape from reality. Golden hour caused beams of sun to fill the greenhouse, Cordelia's hair now more golden than ever. Her brown eyes now looking like pools of honey due to the lighting, her skin milky and fair. I could only describe her as angelic or god like. Something you would see in a painting, absolutely ethereal. Every detail down to her fingernails were perfect, perfectly sculpted and made. Her hand slipped into mine as we both sat onto the couch in each other's arms. Completely in love. Nothing could tear our eyes from each other. Until there was a knock at the greenhouse door, showing an unfamiliar curly haired blonde.

// Don't kill me with this, I needed to spice it up. Just wait and see. Anyways here's another chapter, hope y'all are good! Feedback and suggestions are always welcome! <333 \\

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