Chapter 5

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TW: alcohol

(for your information: Cordelia's nicknames are Cordy, Dee and Delia)

Y/n's POV:

I woke up again to the sound of my alarm blaring at 8am. I got up and out of bed, the cold hitting me like a tonne of bricks. I rubbed my arms for warmth and made my way to the bathroom, sorting out my face and hair before I went downstairs. The bags under my eyes cleared up from yesterday as I looked at my reflection, last night I slept well. I opened the door and walked out my bedroom. The smell of pancakes hit me as the door opened, as if I was in some sort of bakery. I made my way down the stairs and stood in the doorway admiring Cordelia who was humming and swaying her hips whilst making the finishing touches to the plates of pancakes. Suddenly Madison went past me into the kitchen, "Quit staring at Cordelia lesbo" she joked and my face instantly became flustered. I walked in behind her and sat down. "Cordy must really like you to be making pancakes for us all" she stated. A red shade now came to the surface of Cordelia's cheeks. "Madison, it's because it's her first morning here." Cordelia explained smiling. "Well, you didn't do it on my first day here" Madison replied. "Maybe that's because you didn't wake up til noon" Cordelia replied again laughing which caused me to laugh too. Madison just rolled her eyes grabbing the plate and moving to the end of the kitchen counter. "What do you want to do today?" Cordelia asked me, her eyes full of hope. "Um. I don't really know New Orleans so it's up to you?" I responded, whilst cutting some pancakes up. The syrup on the pancakes was divine, the blueberries scattered across were fresh and this caused me to hum as I had my first bite of breakfast. Cordelia giggled again. She had such a bubbly personality, happiness and a homely feeling radiated off her. "Cordy, if you want I can take  y/n out tonight with the rest of the girls" Madison stated with a mischievous smirk turning up the corners of her lips. If I'm going to be honest I would rather just watch movies or sleep, but somehow I knew Madison had a reason for pulling me out tonight. "Uh, sure Madison, if you want to y/n?" Cordelia asked. I gulped down another bite of breakfast and replied "Sure, I'll be ready whenever you guys are later". I finished the rest of my food and cleaned off the plate in the sink. I hummed to a tune whilst scrapping off the dried syrup stuck to my plate and dried up the plate. Cordelia suddenly came up behind me and brushed her whole front against me by leaning over to grab something from the sink. My whole body froze and butterflies filled my stomach. Any touch from this woman made my knees weak. I quickly scurried upstairs before anyone saw my face completely red.

The day had gone by slow, probably since I was anticipating classes tomorrow and meeting Madison tonight. I threw on some black tight jeans with a grey body suit for my top half that revealed the top of my breasts. I also threw on a black zipper hoodie, but left unzipped so I looked good. I looked in the mirror and didn't 100% hate what I saw. My style was tom boyish but also feminine, my shoes were grey vans and I straightened my hair. Madison suddenly barged in as I was spraying myself with cologne. "Are you actually a lesbo or something. That's men's spray" she sarcastically said. "Um I just like it" I gently said back. "Come on bitch, we're going clubbing" she stated whilst pulling my hand down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs awaited Zoe and Queenie too. Cordelia watched as we all went and waved us goodbye.

Madison had pulled us to some bar down the road, looking at the time it was 9PM. Cordelia would've killed us if she knew where we went, for many reasons. But the one that stuck out like a sore thumb was that I was underage. Madison spoke to the bar guy and winked causing him to just give her the drinks. "I don't really want to drink Maddie" I said. "Nope come on, let's get wasted" she laughed. Zoe and Queenie replied "You don't have to y/n." "She does or go back home to Ms. Supreme" she stated again and handed me a glass. Shots of vodka, tequila and god knows went through everyone's system. Everyone tipsy and excited. We slopped drinks whilst dancing around the pub, our hands in the air and music blaring. Madison had got multiple men's numbers and more drinks for us all. Another shot of tequila down my throat, the burning sensation gone due to my drunkenness. Zoe and Queenie then suggested to go home as it was nearing 1AM. Madison scoffed and we all walked back to the academy. "You're actually not that bad y/n" Madison slurred. "T-Tahnks I guess" I replied practically falling into the gate of the academy. As we all walked up the steps, Cordelia opened the doors with a very unimpressed look. She pulled us all in. "What time do you call this? You could've been kidnapped or drugged or worse!" Cordelia scolded us. "Chill babes, we're not dead. Look have some vodka, since y/n wouldn't want it cos she 'didn't want to drink'." Madison laughed and passed Delia a bottle of vodka from her bags. Cordelia gave me a sympathetic smile, before yelling again. "Go to your rooms, I want you all up at 8AM for breakfast and lessons start at 9AM" she sternly said. We stumbled up the stairs laughing and tripping the whole way. I fell through my door and fell onto my bed. The room was spinning and my brain felt like it was fried. I got up to pee in the bathroom, leaving the doors unlocked from my drunk state and before I could even get to the toilet it went black.

// This was fun to write ngl. Any suggestions are welcome!!! \\

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