Chapter 11

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A/N: guys give me suggestions or stuff you want to see cos i have nothing to write and this story is getting positive feedback so i want to carry it on for you all!!

TW: literally just smut, mommy kink, strap on
(two people said Cordelia and Y/n deserved some smutty times so here you go lol, i have never written smut so if it's terrible then ohwell)

Y/n's POV:

I woke up. No sun beaming through the windows like usual. The curtains shut. Cordelia is usually up by now, gallivanting around the coven. I turn to my side to see Delia's arm still hung around my torso as she took light breaths in her sleep. Her face relaxed and so pretty. I slowly removed her arm from my middle and moved to straddle her. I kissed her face gently, smothering her face with hundreds of kisses to make sure I touched every beautiful part of skin of her face. Her nose scrunched and her breathing staggered slightly. Cordelia's eyes fluttered opened showing her coffee bean brown orbs and a smirk appearing on her lips. "Mmmmm hello to you Ms Supreme" I giggled into her ear. The smirk now becoming more prominent on her face. "Morning sweetheart" she replied in her a raspy voice that turned me on. I slowly started kissing down her jawline to her neck and collarbones making her hum in approval. "Can you check if the girls are in?" she whispered into my ear. I hopped off her quickly and the bed to search the academy. Each room was empty fortunately. I checked every room apart from the greenhouse and garden.

"Guess who has a free house?" I giggled whilst slowly crawling back onto the bed to next to Cordelia. "Hmmm I don't know baby girl" she replied winking. I crawled back onto Cordelia, onto her thighs as she was sitting up slightly now. I inched my body close to hers. Our lips slowly connected as she brushed some hair out of my face and tucked it behind my ear. My hands wandering her body slowly and sensually. Moving from Delia's shoulders down to her waist and moving one hand up and down her thigh causing little hums to escape Cordelia's lips as we made out slowly. My kisses went back down her jawline and neck, until I reached the sweet spot between her neck and collarbones. Slowly sucking gently on it causing a hickey to appear and Cordelia to moan gently in my ear. Her hands on my hips pulling me closer to her. "You're so hot" I whispered into her ear whilst slowly moving my hands from her thighs to under her shirt. Caressing her hips then waist then her boobs. "Ooh no bra?" I giggled whilst running my thumbs over her nipples causing her to squirm under my touch and her face to become more blushed with arousal. "Uhhh fuck" she moaned as my fingers rubbed her nipples. I looked down seeing her nipples showing through her lacy pyjama tank top, making me smirk. She started to lift her pyjama top and I helped, causing her bare breasts to be on show. I instantly made my face go down to her nipple, swirling on tongue on it causing quiet moans to erupt from her lips and her hips jerk towards. "Stop teasing me y/n" she moaned. Pulling my hips down onto her more. I threw my top off quickly.

I slowly laid Cordelia back down onto the bed from her sitting position. Moving down to her thighs and playing in between her legs with her shorts. "Is someone needy?" I whispered onto her core through her lacy shorts and thong. She moaned back in response as approval. I gently tugged her shorts down her milky legs and threw them onto the floor. Her hips jerking forward due to the extreme arousal. My lips placed a gentle kiss onto Cordelia's clothes core which was covered by her thin lacy thong. "Is this okay?" I whispered against her thighs. "Yes, now fuck me please y/n!" she moaned loudly. I flung her thong onto the floor and kissed the top of her vagina. I parted her folds and began to slowly lick her clit, back and forth. Her moans escaping from her trembling mouth. I started to suck gently on her swollen clit causing more frequent and louder moans to erupt from the beautiful blonde below me. Her hips jerking forward again, I pinned her hips down with one hand causing her to groan a little. "Put your fingers in me" she moaned into the pillow beside her. In response I pushed one finger into her entrance causing her to cuss and moan. "Want another finger?" I whispered against her clit whilst slowly thrusting in and out of her wet core. "Yes" she practically screamed in response. I pushed another finger into her core, her hips now freely riding my fingers. A thin coat of sweat covering her face as she glued her eyes shut moving with my fingers. I curled my fingers hitting her G-spot, watching her unfold in front of me was godly. "I- I'm close" she groaned. I slowed down my movements "Look at me Ms Goode. I want to watch you cum". Her eyes struggled to open up but she did. I went back to sucking on her clit and fingering her. Her moans filled the room, louder than never causing a pool of arousal to build more in my pants. "Cum for me baby girl" I moaned onto her core causing vibrations to erupt through her clit and I quickly sucked on her clit slightly grazing my teeth on it. This caused Delia to go over the edge, screaming my name. Her eyes glued to mine as cum coated my fingers and her breathing slowed down. Her thighs shaking and her sweat gathering on her forehead. "Oh fuck God" she moaned out quieter now, looking at me still, slowing down our movements. "God I love you" I whispered against her lips, give her a peck. "I love you too" she replied breathless against my face. "Suck them" I commanded, her lips opened as she sucked off her own cum from my fingers whilst moaning. "Come here" she told me and I kissed her passionately whilst tasing the cum mixed in her mouth. "You did so well Delia" I mumbled against her neck.

All of a sudden Delia turned me over, straddling my thighs now, "your turn to cum for mommy" she giggled. Her face is so cute but hot. Her hand slowly moved its way down my stomach and her fingers fidgeted with the waist line of my shorts. "Mommy it's not gonna take much for me to cum, I'm already so wet" I honestly whispered, a little embarrassed. "That's ok baby, I'm glad I could make you all worked up" she giggled against my neck, marking me like I marked her. Her fingers rubbing against my clit through my shorts and panties. I moaned gently against her and rubbed myself against her hand. "Don't tease me please" I begged slightly. "Ok, only because you asked so politely" she responded. Her tongue came in contact with my nipples, they became harder and I whined under her touch. "You need mommy somewhere else" she told me, knowing I was desperate. I whined more whilst rubbing myself faster against her hips. Her hand slipped into my shorts as she rubbed my clit quickly. "Oh god mommy" I moaned loudly against her neck. Delia quickly relieved me from my shorts and panties. Putting my bare core against her thigh. "I know you're already close. Ride my thigh" she demanded, turning me on even more if it was possible. After a minute of rubbing myself against her thigh I could tell I was close. "Stop" she commanded. "But- but why? I'm so so close" I whined desperately. "Just lay down for mommy, I'm going to take care of you" she responded. I laid down and spread my legs. Delia jumped back onto the bed and I heard a velcro noise, only meaning one thing. All of a sudden I knew I was right when Delia starting pushing the end of the strap into my core and I was throbbing. As it fully entered me, I screamed out "Delia" and started to pant as she thrusted in and out of me. "Oh fuck, I am so so so close" I whined even more than before. Delia's thumb rubbed my clit and I moaned in response. As I was getting to the very edge, she began to suck my nipple. Giving me three waves of pleasure. "FUCKKK, can I cum mommy?" I desperately tried to hold on. "Let go baby girl, cum on mommy's cock" she replied whilst moaning.  A huge rush of pleasure shot through me in waves as I slowed down on her strap. I looked at Delia and her stomach was wet with a liquid. "Baby girl you squirted" Delia giggled. My face becoming red with embarrassment. "I've never done that before" I whispered. "Hey, it's a good thing don't feel embarrassed" Delia replied whilst kissing my cheek. She removed the strap and sucked it off herself. "Kiss me" she whispered, I gave a last passionate kiss as we both flopped down onto the bed. Absolutely and utterly exhausted.

// Well that was eventful😂 let me know if it was good or not?? and I BEGGGGG give me ideas in the comments of what you want to see next or in the future!!! Have a wonderful day \\

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