The Return of the Goons

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I had stayed with Jimmy a little longer than 10 minutes but I don't think Brian cared too much he didn't care where I was for how many years, so I doubt he cares where I was for the night. "What you thinking about Cali? I can hear your brain crying in pain." Jimmy laughed looking over at me "Haha very funny J, but what I was thinking is none of your business." I smiled out to the boy before grabbing one of the three joints the boy had just rolled. "Heyy come on I just rolled those." He whined as I giggled "Well no shit Jimmy and I know but I will pay you back I promise. Plus you probably used Brian's money to buy the weed sooo." I giggle shoving the joint carefully into my pocket before getting out of the vehicle, stretching and covering my eyes as the sun began to beamed down on me "Well Mister Jimmy, I will seen you around noon and I will buy lunch." I teased sticking my tongue out at the half asleep boy as he mumbled something in agreement as I started walking to the boat house.
I slumped down onto to a little white plastic chair that's was sat right outside the doors of the boat placing the joint in between my lips lighting it.

I slowly took a the first hit before my glanced landed on Fuentes causing me to  giggle "Damn you really tryna get him. It's earlyyyy girl." I say looking her up and down "Early to be smoking. Does he know?" The woman retorted softly as I shook my head "No one's business but mine if I do." I answered in a hushed voice as she walked in. Shortly after the king legged woman walked in Roberto and Enrique turned up, "No peaceful morning for me then." I sigh ashing out the joint shoving it back in my pocket. I hear Roman's big ass mouth from inside as I get up and walk towards the much older unattractive men who were trying to spy through the windows. "GOOD MORNING BOYS, How can I help you today?" I grin at them as they just stare at me, Roman quickly came out of the boat wrapping one of his arms around my shoulder the other lent on the roof "Found what you was looking for?" Ro spoke calmly to the men as his hand went over my mouth so I couldn't continue to make a fool of myself.

"Y'all still mad about ya car, don't even trip homie." He continued smirking "Verone pay ya to keep a straight face?" Roman smirked as I stared at both of the men who are very ugly and the longer I stared at them the worse it got causing me to start giggling. "Cuz if I had that money shittt I would get that mole removed off my damn nose!" I blurted out moving Roman's hand.

Roman sighed and pulled my face into his side with one quick movement. "How much he paying you anyways? everytime I see y'all, y'all have the silk shirts onnn, Jewellery, you know looking Real Miami. You know I caught ya walking up in the clubs you got the hamburger meat all hanging out. You know." Roman waffled and laughed as they burned holes into us. Brian came out as I peeked out at him and he shook his head at me. Nodding his head back into the boat, I quickly took his gesture as my exit plan as Brain took my place next to Roman.

I was inches away from sitting on the bed before yelling halted me "Aye aye where you going?? You stay right here with us buddy." He said grabbing Brian by the collar as he tried to walk in after me. I quickly stood near the door as Roberto entered so he could search the small area, he circled around once before his eyes landed on the small door in the corner of the room. The Bathroom. I tensed a bit this was the last place Fuentes could be. He pushed open the door but nothing she was gone.

I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding and quickly the growing tension between my fists had fallen as I leant against the doorframe. My sudden movements had caused the two older men to start staring at me.
"DAMN way to make a girl feel safe. Grown ass men looking at a child. Though I'm sure Mr. Money bags has plenty of young girls on his side." I rambled on looking at his two goons. Silence still as the four men began to have a stare off causing me to zone out. The next thing I heard was  multiple guns cock. Oh shit.

"Put the gun down!" Brian yelled in his weird cop kinda voice. But no one moved. The two idiots still had their guns pointed towards us.
"Put the gun down now!" He yelled again but he remained stationary. This carried on for a good 2 minutes whilst I stood there waiting to be saved. Until an unknown voice spoke up as they walked up to us.

"I'm glad to see you boys are getting along so well. Because Enrique and Roberto are going to be riding along with you just so we don't have any problems." The curly haired man spoke, looking between all four men before his eyes landed on me "You know, I was never told about this nice little lady you guys have here until today. Nice to meet you sweetheart, I'm Verone though you probably know enough about me." He stuck his hand out for me, I looked back at Brian I didn't know what to do, he subtly nodded towards Verone's hand. Taken back I took his hand slowly shaking it.

"Nice to meet you sir." I smiled awkwardly at the man tilting my head as I feel Ro and Brian walking closer towards me. As Verone let go of my hand and his piercing gaze finally left mine briefly and shot towards Brian before landing back on me roaming my body. This guy is nasty. "You never told me you had a beautiful polite young woman by your side." His words implying something else. "No, I'm his-" I quickly tried to interject fumbling slightly as the richer man chuckled

"No no, whatever you guys do is none of my business, apologies. I'll see you guys in a bit." And he left as I shuddered Ew! He was weird.

Word count: 1140
A/N thank you for 5.26k reads it means a lot
Thank you guys so much and I'm sorry for the last updates I have poor motivation skills but I promise I will update eventually.

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