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Jessica and Brian were young, dumb and stupid when they ended up falling pregnant with TJ, it could have totally been avoided but it wasn't. So when the blue eyed girl was born her parents were still kids. She was an accident, and often referred to as "a happy mistake".

Jessica was quickly disowned by her parents once they had found out about the pregnancy but Brian's mom was just as fast to take in the young girl, no hesitations offering to help her young son and his girlfriend raise her granddaughter which is what took place after the girl was born. TJ was mainly raised by her mother and grandmother before the tragedy took place as Brian was often out getting into trouble with the law with his long time friend Roman Pearce.

When TJ was about 2 and a half, Brian was arrested and sent to a juvenile detention centre in Tucson for 2 years for grand theft auto. He was caught when driving his mother around for the first time after getting his learner's permit on the forty freeway, a car right in front of them locked up its breaks. A car blew into them from behind. Causing a five car pileup on the freeway. And that was the first time Brian O'Conner drove.

The summer after he was released was when the tragedy for the small happy family, hit. Two weeks after Thalia's 5th birthday and the very first birthday party the family had hosted for the small girl, was shadowed by something that would haunt the surviving members of the family for the rest of their lives.

Jessica's death.



I was helping my grandmother cook when we were suddenly interrupted by my cell phone ringing. Which can pretty much only be one person, "Hey Rome." I sigh out playfully as I hear a crash in the background, "Are you seriously in a game right now?" I ask holding in my laughter. This guy and his timings. "Yeah but that's not why I'm calling. Brian's here." He replied plainly. Oh what a way to kill my mood. "Oh right. Cool." I respond back in a similar monotone voice he used with me to break the news. "I don't know what he wants but clearly it's not good, I'm not in the mood to talk to that pig alone with you here I wouldn't do anything stupid." He grunts out frustrated "Rome you seriously can't break your parole, but yeah ok I'll be there before you finish the game. Crush their asses for me Romey." I laugh before hanging up turning to my grandmother. The woman who practically raised me.

"Grandma," I gleam to the older woman, "Yes Teej, what do you want?" The woman looking back at me smiling slightly. "Would it be ok if I go watch Rome's game? I completely forgot about it." I plead slightly with her "Fine, ok baby. Did you need me to give you a ride?" She asks me looking away from the mixing bowl. "That would be greatly appreciated, so I don't have to run all the way to the derby," I speak fast looking around the room, before quickly adding. "He said it was really important grandma." I look my grandma in the eyes pleading. She shook her head softly laughing "Sometimes Teej you remind me of your father, go get in the car and wait for me I'll be there in a second." The older woman playfully sighed to her granddaughter who quickly bolted out of the front door grabbing the car keys on the way out to wait in the car.

The young girl eager to get the the demolition site to see Roman Pearce, the man who stood by her side throughout her entire life even after her dad had left Barstow. But there was a sinking, aching feeling in her heart, she didn't want to see her father but now with her grandmother in the car and driving towards the destination there was nothing she could do but accept what was about to happen.

She was going to be faced with her father and probably be forced to talk with him, even if she wasn't fully prepared to.


A/N: Hiii, so I realised the other day that I want to rewrite this story and edit it. I first started writing this book in 2018 and I think this book could do with a bit of updated look and I would like to believe I can rewrite it slightly stronger and make it better :)

O'Conner's Daughter  (Rewriting & Updating)Where stories live. Discover now