The Weird Encounter

975 19 12


I watched intently as the three shady men walked away before getting pulled from my thoughts as I felt myself being pulled back into someone and I heard both Brian and Roman talking but nothing of what they actually said was registered by my brain as I stood there.

"You alright Lia?" Brian whispered into my head softly as he held me close to his chest as I nodded softly "Yeah, I am fine Brian." I whisper into him my head still a little clouded due to my mild high as Brian rubbed my back, "I am sorry Lia, if I knew they would turn up I would have made sure you were back before I went to sleep." Brian rambled on as I rolled my eyes slowly pulling away from him.

"It doesn't matter Brian, I should have come back earlier I was just with J... Anyways, I am hungry so whatcha got to eat Romey?" I say looking at Rome the entire time as Rome shrugged checking his pockets "I don't mean to disappoint popcorn, but for once I don't got anything." He turned out his pockets "THE WORLD IS ENDING ROMEY ROME HAS NO FOOD." I gasped dramatically causing both Rome and Brian to laugh

"Come on you two we can get food after." Brian stated before closing the boat house door as we walked to the cars and drove off to meet up with Bilkins and the other idiot.

"Nice shirt, Bilkins." I say smiling to the older officer as we walked in, "Well It's my day off." He shrugged smiling kindly back to me . "Yeahhh." Rome chirped in making me laugh. "Well, anyhow, this is the deal. Last night, Verone threatened a cop into giving us a window. We're driving to an airstrip in the Keys, off Nallwood Avenue. Verone has a plane there and he's taking off for good." Brian explained as I sat on one of the tables listening in.

"Wait a minute. How do you know this?" The officer I don't like spoke "Monica. She's doing her job. She warned us." Brian said simply as Rome and I sat there quietly for once.

"She warned you about what?" Officier ugly spoke again making me roll my eyes what doesn't he get it isn't hard to understand what is going on. "Verone plans to kill us after we give him the money." Brian stated very simple and bluntly causing my heart to drop a little a look up at Brian.

"Driving into an ambush was never part of the deal. No I'm calling this off." Bilkins interrupted "Like hell you are. This is a Customs case, Bilkins. No one's calling this off unless I do. Look, this is real simple. You make the run, you get Verone and his cash together so I can move in for the bust. You don't, I'll file enough charges on both of you to make you disappear." Markham spoke

"You're really fucking disrespectful." I snapped jumping off the table and walking up to Markham getting into his face. "Just because they have done wrong in the past makes the disposable to you and your system? Does it fulfil your little power kink?" I spat at Markham "Huh you gonna speak up pendejo?" Usually I don't this but this bitch pushed it. "O'Conner get your failed abortion out of my face before I arrest her." Markham remarked looking past me to Brian "Arrest me for what? Officer am I threatening you by speaking my mind or did I hit a nerve in your old wrinkly body?" I tilt my head looking up at him. " I suggest you move back Ms O'Conner." He spat back at me "You going to shoot me for being peaceful Officer?? I think you will have a lot of paperwork if you did, I can hear the headlines already." I rolled my eyes moving back to Roman as he gently pat my back and whispering "That's my girl." as I exhaled heavily out of my nose.

"Your just going to be another disposable jailbird when you grow up sweetheart." Markham retorted looking me up and down as I snapped back to look at him before looking at Brian hoping he would help me out but he just looked at me causing me to sniffle away the tears forming in my eyes nodding before walking to the door turning to the men faking a smile "Goodbye gentlemen have fun playing heroes today." I say cheery before walking out slamming the door after me walking off.

I'm not too sure where I'm going but I keep walking. Brian obviously didn't really care, this morning made me question that maybe he did but he didn't even try to defend me. He went out of his way to help that Fuentes lady hide and escape this morning but doesn't fuck up the guy insulting his child. What the actual fuck.

Just then I was drawn from my arguing thoughts by honking of a horn making me jump back onto the sidewalk, shit I could have died as I watched the car speed past me not noticing a second car stop next to me.

"A pretty girl like you should watch where she is going, don't you agree sweetheart?" making my heart start pounding against my rib cage as I look into the car.
"Oh what the fuck do you want?"


974 Words including A/n

Hey guys long time no see, and I can't lie I'm surprised with the current amount of reads, so thank you for 6.26 K reads and all the votes every vote is appreciated I know I don't update this very often but I promise most likely will start updating more as I start summer break soon.

Thank you for all the patience.


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