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I was inside Roman's RV sat on his bed whilst he packed his tiny ass duffle bag whilst Brian was stood outside in the boring, dead, dusty ass city that was Barstow on, as he called my grandma having a clearly very awkward conversation with his mother that he hadn't spoken to in a few years.

"Rome?" I had a burning question to ask the man that was doing a little dance whilst packing up some of his belongings. "TJ?" He shot back at me, stopping what he was doing to look back at me "You think this is all going to work out the way it's supposed to?" I mumbled out the question looking down to play with the zip on my hoodie tilting my head slightly. He took a seat next to me on the bed as I moved my head to lean to his shoulder as I often do. "All of that? Hell Yeah it will. Maybe even better to finally get our asses out of Barstow." The older man laughed out ruffling my hair before getting back up to throw a pair of socks into the duffle and going back to his excited dance. "Something just doesn't feel right about this whole thing though." I mumbled out a whisper to myself not wanting to ruin his mood if he thought this was his way out of here.

After Rome was done packing we made our way outside where Brian and Bilkins were conversing with my grandmother? We walked towards the small group of people Brian turned to us. "Finally man. Mom is gonna drive us back to yours and you got ten minutes to pack whatever you need. Okay?" Brian explained to me as I gave him a subtle nod in response.

After all squeezing into my grandmother's car and driving to mine where I made sure to be the first one to roll out the car, by climbing over Brian's legs as soon as he had opened the door as I was in the middle of the backseats in between Brian and Roman with Bilkins in the passenger seat. Bolting to the front door, shoving my key into the lock before swinging the door open to run to my room grabbing my duffle bag and rucksack, shoving clothes and all of my essential things into the bags. I glanced towards the top of my bed where situated in between the two pairs of pillows sat and debated on taking it, the stuffed lioness toy my mom got me for my fifth birthday as at the time I was absolutely obsessed with Disney's Lion King. I haven't really gone anywhere without it. Quickly I grabbed the stuffed animal. Shoving it into my rucksack before closing the bags and walking out to the top of the stairs. I strung my arms one after the other through the holes of the rucksack putting it on before chucking my duffle bag down the stairs, praying it didn't land on anyone below.

It was only after becoming face to face my grandma that tears began to prick the surface of my eyes. This would be the first time I would be leaving the state without her, it may be with Brian, the guy that is my father, but it doesn't mean it wasn't a bittersweet moment as much as I wanted to go I would be leaving behind my grandma the woman that has cared for me all these years. She pulled me into a tight, firm hug kissing the top of my head slightly on her tiptoes as I was slightly taller. "Now Teej, go have fun but not too much and if you need to come home just call me and I'll get you on the first flight home." The older woman's voice in her usual sweet tone as I nod softly inhaling sharply looking at the ceiling to hold my tears from rolling down my cheeks.


Bilkins parked the car up outside the police station, I was quick to grab all my stuff before jumping out of the car. We walked to the door, Bilkins headed in first and Brian held the door for me. "Thanks Brian." I say shooting him a smile, he just started to walk in before he turned around "Wait. Hold on." He said to Bilkins, causing me to turn around and look at what had caught his attention. Roman. Brian walked out towards Roman as I leant my body on the door, holding it open as I waited, Bilkins stood a few feet behind me in the lobby of the police station.

"Rome, What's going on?" I slightly yelled from the door before Brian got to ask him "I don't know if I should be trusting you man." Roman said simply turning to face Brian. I rolled my eyes mentally slapping my face. "Think of it as an opportunity." Brian said "A fresh start." I said "Now, let's just go do this, all right?" Brian sighed clearly already fed up with the victim act Roman was playing. "I wouldn't need a fresh start if it wasn't for him." Roman mumbled "Let it go Roman stop blaming it on me. Cause you've been using that since the day you got busted." Brian said in defence "Why don't we all just chill out so you guys can go do this already." I sighed leaning my head back on the glass door. "TJ I don't need to chill out." Roman said back "Yes you do." Brian said "And you need to stop blaming your mistakes on me and Roman Pearce needs to start taking responsibility for his own actions." Brian said as he poked his chest "Damn burn." I mumbled. "You need to go to Hell." Roman fired back "And you need to go back to Barstow." Brian said as he walked back to the door, nodding his head forward signalling me to walk into the building which I did, before walking in after me. "I'm not going back to Barstow." I heard Roman mumble before he grabbed the door and walked in.

We walked into a garage and waited as a truck pulled in. It stopped really suddenly making a loud noise that echoed throughout the room. The back opened from the inside revealing a lady. "Brian O'Conner, Roman Pearce and kid meet Monica Fuentes." Says the older mean looking guy I don't remember what they said his name was. "Do they have background on Verone?"She asked him "They've been briefed." Bilkins plainly stated. I barely listened to the brief Bilkins gave us, not like it's relative to me anyways I have to stay with Bilkins until one of Brian's Friends comes and gets me. THE MENTAL EYE ROLL IS THERE. I don't even know them.

"Good." She said jumping out of the truck, other things were said but I wasn't listening as I looked around the room we were standing in. I quickly snapped back into the conversation when I saw movement of two sheets. "HOLY SHIT a 2003 Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder and a 2002 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VII. That's fucking cool where'd you get these from?" I asked "Did you confiscate them?" I asked as Roman laughed looking at both cars "Don't even think about taking the convertible O'Conner." He stated to Brian pointing to the purple car. "That's cool," Brian began before I cut him off. "It would be too much Chrome for him anyways." I shrug knowing I was right just as Brian had quickly halted what he was going to say looking at me "How do you keep doing that?" He asked me slightly amused, I assume he was going to say something similar. Roman laughed as he looked towards the blonde "It's the O'Conner brain Brian your brainwaves are linked." Roman smirked slightly shaking his head.

"Damn! Where do you all confiscate these rims from, man?" Roman asked checking out the car that he had claimed, knowing he wouldn't receive an answer. I was looking at the Evo that Brian had "This is fucking fire Brian." I say to him. Brian looked at me "Well if I bring it back in one piece I'll think about letting you drive it." He spoke quietly to me with a smile to which I returned. "Thanks Brian." I smiled softer before fist bumping him.

"Come Jada let's go." Bilkins said as he began walking back out of the warehouse making me softly sigh, back to being by myself. "See ya later Brian. See ya Romey. Be safe" I looked at both of the men before starting to walk backwards after Bilkins "See you around Kid." Rome responded "Be good Lia, nothing illegal while I'm gone." Brian joked, exhaling out a small chuckle. "Haha very funny, you're hilarious, save that one for later." I say faking out a laugh before smiling slightly. Before turning around, I picked up my pace to catch up with Bilkins as he walked towards an office. I sat on one of those office chairs that spun around. "This is gonna be so much fun." I sighed, bored already. Bilkins looked at me and laughed "Just as much for me."



Hi bbys sorry for this late update. I struggled with wording some of this and then I had some crippling writer's block and a family situation arose earlier this week but I will be continuing to rewrite, update and edit this.

1614 Words including A/N

Let me know if there's anything you particularly want to see happen in this story and I can try my best to include it :)

As always thank you for reading, voting and commenting. It's greatly appreciated and I hope you have a great day - Lex

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