The Demolition Derby

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"Thanks for driving me here grandma." I say shooting my grandmother a smile as we pulled up to the derby. "Of course baby, you want me to pick you up later?" she asks me as I start getting out of her little 2001 Ford Focus 1600 GHIA. "Uhh maybe? Depends on what time I'm done here if that's ok grandma. But you don't have to, I'll call you later and let you know??" I say a bit perplexed with my own plans, I didn't know what was gonna go on here. "Well, alright then TJ but I don't want you staying out past 10pm, you know Roman can't bring you home and that's the latest I'm coming out to get you." Grandma said simply shaking her head "Oh, and tell Roman I said hi and next time I'll bring him some homemade stuff. Have a good day now honey." She stated simply waving before driving off.

I walked into the beaten down arena and go to the place I usually stand to cheer Rome on as I look around trying to spot Brian, occasionally looked back to lock my eyes onto Roman's car as he crashed into others. My eyes finally did land on the blonde haired man and another man who I assume is another officer in a stand across from me, whether he had previously noticed me I was unsure of but it didn't seem like he did. Which in a way is good for me as I wouldn't have to deal with him until after Roman was finished here. Emotionally supporting one another.

Roman was deemed the winner of today's demolition derby and he was quick to slide out of the window of the absolute wreck of a car. He quickly made his way over to me looking beyond pissed. Brian had already started calling after him but Rome was having none of it. Quickly putting his hands on my shoulders and ushering me out of the derby entrance, towards his RV. "Pearce." Brian yelled out from behind us "Roman Pearce." Brian hollered again causing me to giggle slightly at his clear desperation. Roman had now let go of my shoulders, walking beside me. "You hear anything TJ?" Roman asked me to which I shook my head "Nope" I shrugged as we continued walking finally reaching his RV, Brian and the other officer fairly close behind us, "Yo, whatever happens next, just let it go." I hear Brian tell the other cop. "I ain't in it." the guy spoke simply letting out a soft chuckle. Brian whistled loud which was then followed by him yelling "Rome!" across the derby parking lot. 

Roman suddenly came to a stop turning around harshly "Only my homeboys call me Rome, pig." Rome spat the whole sentence dripping in venom. Brian stood only a few feet from him now calmly responded "I'm not a cop anymore bro." Both men only staring at each other. If you didn't know the history this could have easily been misread so badly. "That true?" I quizzed the guy standing behind Brian as they had their intense little stare off thing.

That's true. No badge." He stated simply but smiling. Rome took a few steps closer to Brian, closing most the gap that previously stood between them, staring at him for a moment before punching him in the face. "Here we go." The cop said I laughed as Roman and Brian ended up falling on the dusty orange ground of Barstow throwing punches at each other like children in a playground. I sat down on a chair outside Roman's Trailer along with the other cop. He looked at me "Jada." I stuck out my hand "Officer Bilkins" He said taking my hand and shaking it as I nodded.

"You still fight like shit, You still fight like shit." Brian spat to Rome I turned to Bilkins "Very nice to meet you sir." I say shooting the man a vague smile. I laughed as Bilkins ate his popcorn as we watched these grown men continue to roll around on the ground fighting.  "You better chill." Brian yelled at Rome "What the hell are you doing here?" Roman spat back Brian "I'm gonna choke you." They continued to yell at each other which I rolled my eyes to, this is just so typical of them. "Nice to meet you too, How do you know Pearce?" Bilkins asked me I hesitated slightly "Uhm, through O'Conner, Roman is like family to me." I responded as they continued to fight. They were both panting out of breath laying on the floor.

"Why did you come here O'Conner?" Rome panted "I got a deal for you." Brian responded "When we needed your ass, you were nowhere to be found...Now you're tryna make deals." Roman scoffed giving Brian a dirty look "We? What do you mean we?" Brian questioned as they both got up, Roman just nodded his head towards me "Your daughter Brian, the one you left." He said Brian's face dropped as his eyes scanned over me "Lia. I'm sorry." Brian said walking over to me "No, no please continue to act like I'm not here. I wanna hear the deal BRIAN." I say taking a few steps back to put distance back between us "Don't call me that Lia." He scoffs softly at me which caused me to scoff right back "Well you haven't been around for a couple of years I don't really  recognize you how do I know you again?" I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms Bilkins looked between Brian and I in confusin, this was clearly not what he was here for or expecting at all. "Lia come on," Brian sighed rubbing his forehead with the tips of his fingers  "I thought you said you're name was Jada?" Bilkins questioned me "It is." I responded Bilkins looking even more perplexed with the situation unfolding in front of him.

"Look Brian we will finish this conversation after you talk about this deal with my homeboy Rome here." I said smiling at the word homeboy. To which Brian just sighs throwing his hands down away from his face, "Fine whatever." He looked at Roman who was now standing next to me "I need you to come to Miami and drive with me." Brian stated I covered my mouth and tried not to burst into laughter but he said it so seriously "If you do they will take off that anklet and clear your record." Brian said "A clean record?" I instantly perked up and the mention of it "Can one insert themselves into this operation without being asked to join by any chance or is it an inclusive thing??" I ask completely disregarding the fact that Brian had no idea of my criminal past. "Why isn't clean already?" Brian looked at me with this stupid disappointed 'father' look "Oops" I cringed slightly shrugging Brian's question off turning to look at Roman "See what you have taught me I can't keep my mouth shut." I laughed

"Lia why are you ignoring my question?" Brian asked again "Like that is any of your business Brian, you walked away from every right to know." I looked away from him knowing what was going to happen "Why isn't your record clean?" Brian asked me causing me to smirk. "Becauseeee... it's not." I smiled at him stupidly.



Hey guys so I've now also updated this chapter, I've changed most of it but kept some of what I wrote originally, I hope you're enjoying reading this as much as I have enjoyed writing this part it took me like 2 hours ;-;. But anywaysss.

If you are reading this right after I updated this chapter then obviously all the chapters after this one have not been updated yet, I will be getting around to it around the next couple of days before releasing the next two new chapters.

1348 words in total inc. A/N

Thank you sm for reading please vote and comment your thoughts, I will try get back to everyone I can :) -A

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