🥴 So Jada huh? 🥴

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I looked the boy up and down trying to figure out if he would cause me. But damn this bitch had beautiful eyes, his gaze remaining on me waiting for me to answer. "I know you ain't mute, I heard you sassing off the big man baby earlier." The unknown boy chuckled as I watched him intensely. "I'm not gonna hurt you, if anything I am protecting you. He won't throw a temper tantrum in front of me, and he won't get physical in front of me either cuz that fool knows I will run my mouth of it to abuelita and then he would never hear the end of it. He would be finished. Death by La Chancla." The boy now laughing at his own joke as I tried not to laugh but ultimately failing as I shake my head.

As the laughing died down I looked back towards the curly haired boy sat next to me. "I thought you said he wasn't going to hurt me 'cause I'm valuable to him?" I quizzed the boy frowning. He looked at me intently going to answer before he's rudely interrupted.

"I thought I told you to be quiet!" Verone yelled through the house causing me to flinch due to the noise. "What are you doing in here with her Santiago?" The older man spat from the doorway causing both me and the boy sat next me to look in the direction the noise was coming from. Verone stood in the doorway furious as a giant vein in his forehead popped out as he walked towards us on the couch. "Get up and go to your room." Verone spoke his words cold as ice sending shivers down my spine as I look towards the boy sat next to me who was smirking, this family is weird as hell.

I was pulled from my thoughts by the arguing between the two boys in front of me. "Uhm excuse me, Mister Verone, I mean this with no offence but that the vein in your forehead will for sure explode if you keep hollering like that I'm not sure that would be good for your business, if you're dead." I interjected the two of them.

Verone opened his mouth to speak as the front door opened causing us all to turn towards the door as Monica walked in. Her eyes met all of us as the slightly widen as her eyes landed on me. She hurried through the door with bags hanging from each of her arms making her way towards us. "Hey baby," She spoke softly as she kissed Verone's cheek before looking towards Santiago and I "Hey Santi, is this your friend?" She spoke focusing on me as Verone stood in shock in the background before responding before either me or Santiago could. "Yes, she a friend from school, what did you say your name was again sweetheart?" Verone lied so calmly despite everyone in the room knowing he was lying I went along, it was easier if I did. "Jada. My name is Jada." I smiled softly to Monica before looking back at Verone. "You guys stay here and do that homework you were telling me about whilst I have a word with Monica elsewhere." Verone said smiling an eerie smile before grabbing Monica's arm and dragging her out of the room and up the stairs.

"So Jada huh?" The smooth spoken boy said as I turned to him "So Santiago huh?" I response to him in a similar tone as he laughed. A door upstairs slammed hard as shouting begun, I would have taken this as my chance to escape but I have no idea where I am and we were still surrounded by Verone's stupid knuckleheads. "Where you come from, do they not feed you?" Santiago spoke as he looked me up and down "I'll have you know I eat just fine." I huffed softly leaning on the arm of the couch. "I didn't mean to offend you baby. You look hungry that's all." Santiago spoke softly grabbing my arm softly. "I'm sorry, let me go grab us some snacks, we can try see if these idiots will let you come to my room if you want?" He continued to speak softly and apologetically as he let go of my arm and got up, standing in front of me "I'm sure being in some strange man's house isn't the most comforting feeling." He sighed looking behind him at Verone's idiots who were watching us very intently.

"So, let's go eat and don't watch them, you are safe whilst you are with me." Santiago says putting his hands out for mine, I stared at the boy as I weighed up the pros and cons with going with him. Was he being genuine? I was definitely trusting him too fast. Maybe he is just a genuine kind hearted person? But maybe it's a part of Verone's plan for Santiago to get close to me? Would it be so bad if I did trust him though maybe I'm just overthinking this?

I gently extended my hands to his as he pulled me up. "The kitchen is this way." He says tilting his head slightly nodding towards the kitchen before turning to start walking that way. Normally in a new place I would at least have some sort of confidence but right now my stomach was flipping with anxiety as I shuffled slowly behind Santiago as he walked into the kitchen. Stares followed us as I stared at floor glancing up towards Santiago's shoes.

"You're awfully quiet back there." Santiago chuckled slightly looking over his shoulder to me. "Hey it's not my fault your stupid knuckleheads are staring at me, sorry if a group of middle age men staring at me freaks me the fuck out." I mumbled softly shifting uncomfortably from one foot to the other. Some of Verone's security team had followed us to the kitchen but I only identified that by the sounds of multiple pairs of shoes hitting the kitchen floor tiles.

"They're not going to hurt you baby, they won't even say anything to you. Feel free to say whatever you like." Santiago laughed out as he walked around the kitchen searching the cabinets. "What are you looking for?" I peered over at him as he continue to scavenge through the cabinets that were unsurprisingly pretty empty.

He opened the final cabinet that he hadn't been in before which caused a snack avalanche. "This! Now come pick your snacks Miss Jada." He looked towards me smirking and he scooped up an armful of snacks as I made way towards the pile of snacks picking something random so we can get out of the kitchen.
"Is that all you want?" He spoke softly his eyes not leaving mine as I nodded softly.

His hand extended out to grab mine as I gently took it as he dragged me to his room which was around the back of the house. Santiago very skilfully balanced all his snacks in one hand as he used the other to open the door before extended the same arm out gesturing to his room, "Ladies first." He smiled his stupid smirk to me as I walked passed him into the room.

His room was pretty nice, it smelt nice that's always a plus. I looked around his room before looking back him. "Take a seat already." Santiago playfully rolled his eyes already sat on his bed patting beside him for me to sit as he turned his tv on flicking through the channels on the cable. "I got VHS too if you watched to watch something else." His eyes flicked towards me before looking down at his snacks as I shrugged. "I don't mind." I spoke softly as I looked towards the clock in his room it was late afternoon I wonder if they've noticed yet. Maybe Jimmy has noticed I was supposed to meet him for lunch and repay him for the stuff I took this morning.

"Jada?" Santiago called causing my attention to snap towards him "You ok?" He asked I could hear the slight concern in his voice did I zone out for that long or is he just weird?

"Yea Santi I'm fine, I just had plans this afternoon which have obviously been cancelled, hopefully my friend isn't too mad." I sighed out hard softly hugging my knees.


Hey bebes long time no see and I deeply apologise though I know I've been saying that for a while now. I am in my final year of school and so much personal stuff has been going on with but I promise that I will always update this book when I can. And whatttt over 12k reads?! I am so so grateful for each and every individual that reads this story. I hope this chapter is ok, I'm hoping not to leave so long between this part and the next, but fingers crossed. I wish you all the best bebes, love you all ~ Lex 🤍

Full word count: 1506

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