⍨ Where is she? ⍨

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It had been a couple of hours, Santiago and I had been talking lightly not getting into too many deep details. When it suddenly dawned on me that none of them knew where I was.
Brian is so sending me home after he finds me, Rome is probably worried too after I stormed out without saying anything.
Why did I have to be so dramatic?
No, no.
Why didn't Brian stick up for me?
If he just interrupted, told Markham to shut up for two seconds, maybe I would be with Jimmy right now instead of trapped here with Verone and his idiots. Small taps on my shoulder halted my train of thought.

"Sorry, you were zoning out hard. I tried calling your name like five times." Santiago awkwardly laughed "You should have ran from him, he's not good news, whoever you know that's involved with him really fucked up." Santiago spoke gently, quickly brushing the pad of his right thumb to caress my cheeks as he wiped away stray tears from my face. I hadn't even noticed them until he wiped them from my face.

"Please don't take it personally," I choked out with a forced thick laugh as I sniffled "It's been great meeting you Santi." I rambled on looking down wiping my face as the same thumb brushed against my chin lifting my face making me look at him. "I'm not taking it personally Jada, my cousin practically kidnapped you, it would be weird if you were enjoying being here, don't you think?" He continued to speak to me in a soft tone as he intensely studied my face.

"Maybe it's lucky your crazy cousin found me, I mean I'm relatively safe here right? Could have been worse." I say breaking a silence that had formed I look into his eyes as a slight frown appeared on his face, "I guess so." His response was slightly cold, patting my back as I hugged my knees tighter. Maybe he doubted what I said was true. Maybe I'm not as safe as I thought. I only can only hope Santiago and Monica can keep me as safe as possible until Brian and Rome find me or if Verone let's me go. That's not likely though. I know that. Just wishful thinking.

Third person POV

Roman looked at the blonde haired male that stood next to him as TJ swung the door open hard and walked away from them. "What the hell was that man?" Roman tutted gesturing towards the door his friends' young daughter that had just left. "Nothing Rome, give me a second, ok." The blue eyed man turned to Markham getting in the man's face, "You don't have any fucking right to talk to my kid like that." Brian spat. "Well keep your kid in check, she'll have a hurt ego boohoo. She'll live a long life whether that's with or without you in her life O'Conner, you must have already spent a least half of her life in prison." Markham chuckled as he pushed Brian back towards Roman. "The daddy issues reek off your kid already O'Connor, which if you ask me is quite unfortunate she's real pretty, I'm sure that's landed her in some unfortunate situations. Now get out of my face O'Conner. Do your job and she doesn't have to cry to you about her shitty boyfriend she's stuck with whilst your stuck behind bars." Markham said walking away humouring himself waving them off dismissively with the image of that playing in his head.

Roman clenched his jaw as he held back his former best friend, he wanted to square Markham in the jaw for such an outrageous comment on a child but that would only end badly for the two of them and Markham would be correct. Roman swore to protect the girl and he couldn't do that if he was in prison, he had learnt that from the last time. "Let go man, he can't get away with shit like that." Brian thrashed in Roman's grip as Roman guided them towards the door. "Shut up Brian, he's right we can't protect her from inside, no point in fighting them." Roman muttered to his friend as they walked out of the door before turning back to look to Bilkins uttering quickly "We'll be there." patting Brian's back exchanging a quick knowing look with Bilkins, neither of them expected something like that to occur.

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