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 I could feel Brian's burning gaze as I sprinted back over to Jimmy in the garage. I felt bad but he should know not to cross lines like that. We aren't like that. Not anymore anyways. I doubt we'll ever be like that again. Jimmy looked up from the car he was finishing up. "You good  Cali?" The boy queried and honestly I didn't know. There are so many mixed emotions about that whole situation.  Maybe I'm just overthinking it. "Yeah, I'm all good J, just policing me." I laugh out softly, popping the hood of the Spyder "Ah that's what family is for Cali." Jimmy laughed walking over to grab some tools "If that ain't the true." I mumble looking at the internal works. "It all look good under there Cali?" Jimmy questioned moving around slightly to be able to see over my shoulder to the car as I hummed a response looking it over rolling up my sleeves "Not sure J, I think this thing should maybe not be there. " I say simply pointing to the GPS  that was situated quite visibly. "Oh fuck this shit is wired as hell" Jimmy blurts out  looking over to Brian who was walking over to us as I hummed a mhmm in response as Jimmy quickly moving over to the Evo to check for the same thing under that hooded. I shook my head softly this police unit has no trust for the people that are working so hard to clear their records, it was almost humorous.

"So, Jimmy? So, what's up, you ever seen anything like this before?" The blonde asked as I walked over to Ro. "No. Both of them are wired like I never seen before" J states looking between  both cars "What?" Ro quizzed as I wrapped my arms round him.

"Yeah, man, they got us wired with GPS." Brian sighed running his hands across his face. 

"That's why Markham knew we were gonna be at that impound lot." Brian continued simply looking at Roman who was tensing a little as he wrapped his arms around me. "Yeah he thought you guys were running." I frown looking up at him "I would never leave your curly ass." Rome  chuckled causing a smile to flash ontomy face. In the corner of my eye I saw Brian scratch the back of his neck looking away from me and Roman. Honestly I do feel a little bad for the guy but he did it to himself. Roman looked up from me and over to Jimmy "Yo, you the master mechanic. Why don't you just yank that shit out?" Roman asked J  causing me to sigh slightly,  "It's not that simple Ro-Ro," I sigh out "Yeah. This ain't no LoJack." Jimmy says  finishing my sentence.

"The DIS box, the engine management system, hell, the main harness the GPS is spidered into all of that." I state quickly, my eyes meeting Brians' as Jimmy sighed at the cars before speaking up again. "Hey, tell me something, man. Do I even want to know where the Skyline is, dawg? Or where you've been the past couple of days or where the hell you got these rides from?" J flooded out, I realised how much in the dark this guy was. "They're hot?" Brian asked disregarding all of Jimmy's questions.

"Yeah! They hot." I exclaim letting go of Roman, walking over to the cars standing in front of Brian "They wired so hot that whoever's tracking these things would know every time you don't wear your seat belt." Jimmy chuckled "All right, Jimmy." Brian paused "Just do what you can do, bro. And you, over there, I need to talk with you." Brian proclaimed pointing towards me and then over to the side . I walked over there quickly crossing my arms as he and Jimmy kept muttering about something before he walked over to me.

"What now?" I sigh rolling my eyes causing him to sigh as well. "Look, I get I wasn't around but there's no need to rub it in." Brian announced as he looked down at the floor. "Rub what in? That Roman took over the main male role model in my life?!" I snarled slightly. "Are you seriously  jealous of my relationship with Roman?" I laughed slightly at his stupidity "You left me and didn't even tell me until you left, that's on you Brian not me and it's not on Rome either! I'm so sorry your masculinity can't handle that" I spat at Brian looking over to Roman, making him frown and walk over to us. "What's up in the OC fam-i-leeee?" Rome smiled out as I leant into him "Nothing." Brian spoke coldly before walking away. 

"What's up with Mr. Sunshine?" Ro mocked looking down at me "I think he is jealous that me and you are closer than me and him." I whisper walking over to help Jimmy "Well he needs to lighten up, he weren't around. His fault TJ, don't feel bad about it. You're here with him now so you can do all that bonding later after all this shit is over." Ro states sitting down as he whips out a burger out of nowhere and taking a bite out of it  before telling to me all about what happened whilst him and Brian were out as I was working on how get the GPS out of the Spyder.

"You took off your shirt for no reason?" I let out an ugly cackle, picturing it and a confused Brian. "And why didn't check the door first why?" At this point J and I were laughing our heads off. "Oh fuck Rome you'd think with that big ass head you would be smart" I say walking out to catch my breath. 

I look around as I caught my breath before my eyes lock on a Cadillac with two guys in it facing the garage. "Roman?" I say wearily turning back into the garage. "Yes little Popcorn?" He exclaimed walking over to me. "Um... you see that Cadillac over there?" I continue looking up at him as he nodded "Yeah?" he questions looking down at me. 

"They've been sitting outside for ages now j-" I rambled on before getting interrupted by Brian "They've been on us ever since we left Verone's house."

// author's note//

Hi guys, it's been a long time. Thank you for your patience I should be updating this book more regularly now I'm sorry I disappeared for so long.



01/07/23 rewrite: we are now at 20k more reads then when I originally published this chapter. Thank you all so much! I've finished college for the summer so I will be updating this book as much as I possibly can. Thank you all so much again, and I hope you're enjoying the book. 


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