Meet Jimmy

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"You like cars?" Tej asked "Do I need to answer that?" I asked causing the older pair to laugh "You should meet Jimmy." Tej says as I nod simply to his words. "JIMMY!" Tej yells as a guy comes over "Jimmy meet TJ O'Conner." Tej says with a smile "TJ meet Jimmy he's a mechanic here, one of my best guys. You two play nice whilst I got collect some of my money." Tej continues looking between us before walking back over to the lake.

"Hi, nice to meet you." I smile to him "You too." Jimmy says looking at me.
  "As I have a job to be doing I better go. I gotta finish this one car by the end of the day, it's being a pain in my ass to finish." He sighs softly pointing towards a 1996 Hyundai Tiburon RD which was sat back in the garage. "You need any help with it. Looks like it would be easier as a two man job." I say not taking my eyes off the car. "Yeah sure. As long as you know what you're doing, can't have my reputation be ruined over one car." The boy smirked to me as we walked towards the garage. "I can't tell if that is an insult to me being a girl or me being young Jimmy." I retort to him with a similar smirk spread across my face.

"Not an insult at all." Jimmy responds
popping open the hood of the car "Sure. What needs to be done anyways?" I say glancing at him . "Insulation of a couple tanks of NOS tanks and I gotta fix the exhaust, this guy royally fucked up his car. It's falling off." He speaks shaking his head as he began to jack up the car. "Well luckily for you I can help with all of that." I expressed to the boy.

Time passed us fairly quickly. Small talk thrown between the two of us as we worked on the exhaust. We got it back connected properly before moving onto the NOS tanks. And they are pretty easy to fit when you know what you're doing.
After connecting the second tank and filling the gas tank, I jumped in to the driver's seat and Jimmy got into the passenger seat passing me the keys. "A'ight Cali start this upppp." He says shooting at smile at me as I laugh at the nickname he had given me in the hour I had spent with him "So impatient Jimmyy." I say squeezing his cheek laughing starting up the car.

As the roars of the engine die down I hear Brian's voice and sigh softly "Hey, Yo Jimmy," Brian hollers throughout the garage. Jimmy quick to scramble out of the car to meet Brian, with me closely behind him. "Hey what's up man." Jimmy    answered with a friendly smile plastered on his face. "That's Rome," Brian quickly announced gesturing over to him before pointing at the two cars they'd brought in.
"Do me a favor, When you get a second I want you to check the Evo and The Spyder make sure everything is copacetic." Brian explains looking at me nodding his head towards the lake "Evo? where'd you get a Evo from?" Jimmy quizzes as he walks over to the cars. "Long story." Brian chuckles as he slowly walks away from the cars and passed Jimmy towards me.
"Hey, you ok?" He askes me quite intently gesturing for us to walk and talk "Yeah, I'm ok. Maybe even more than it's nice here." I smile softly to him walking next to him "Good. Let me go talk to Tej first then we can talk properly if you want." He says looking at me causing me to nod quickly before he walked off to find Tej. "Are you coming to help me look over these cars Cali?!" Jimmy shouts after me as I walk with Rome who's trailing behind Brain checking out the tons of girls in bikinis. "YEAH I'LL BE BACK SOON JIMMY!" I shout back in response throwing my thumb up in the air to him. "Hey Rome." I say looking at the taller guy trying to grab his attention "Hey TJ." Rome says looking at some girl causing me to laugh to myself. This guy.

I walked ahead of him to watch the Jet ski racing "Ray don't do that man. You're making me lose money." Tej blurted through the megaphone. I look over to Brian and Roman who had be embraced in a side bro hug before pulling him to Tej as they checked a girl out causing me to roll my eyes.
"Hey Tej Parker. Roman Pearce." Brian interjected as Rome and Tej fist bumped across Suki as she was sketching.

"Basically he's the man to know in Miami." Brian quietly explained to Rome. He spoke more but I looked at what Suki was doing. "That's so sick Suki." I shared to her "Thanks O'Conner." She grinned back to me "Hey Suki how's it going?" Brian asked her "Hey baby, I'm good." She beamed to him kissing his cheek. "Check it out Brian." I mentioned to the older guy very impressed with her drawing. "You like it Lia?" Brian questioned me smirking at my interest "Yeah it's fucking sick." I answered
"It's a working progress it's not finished yet." She spoke softly "That's some artistic shit. You got talent girl." Roman quickly interjecting her.
Getting bored of standing I walked to the other side of Tej and sat down next to him bringing my feet up onto the lounger.

"Ray it's do or die right now! Bring it home, Ray! Bring it home, Ray." Tej said through the megaphone. "YEAH." I exclaimed as he won.

"Pay up, Pay up! Pay up!" Tej hollered to everyone getting up and walking around. Brian followed him with Roman. "So little O'Conner you race?" Suki asked me her eyes not looking up from the page "Yea I did back in Barstow but I haven't... not since I got out of juvie." I hesitated slightly watching her "So you are like a little Bullit." She laughed softly "How long you have known Brian?" I asked her "A year and a bit?" She responded simply as she continued to shade.

"YO LIA!" I hear Brian call me "I'm coming! I'm coming." I holler back in his direction before getting up "I'll be back in a second" I utter quickly to Suki before jogging off toward them. "You are gonna stay here when I'm not around okay?" Brian told me "Well I guessed as much." I laugh in response looking at him. His face slightly less amused. "I'll stay here when you're not around gosh Brian lighten up." I sigh softly before looking back towards the garage. "Mmm I'm going to go help Jimmy see you." I explain smiling softly at Brian. "Okay Lia I'll be over in a bit." He spoke softly putting his arms out slightly as if he wanted to hug me as I just looked at him, dumbfounded "Um yeah I'll see you in a bit." I stutter out awkwardly before running back in Jimmy's direction to help with the Evo and Spyder.

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