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I laughed softly looking down back at the food sat in front of me, my forced laughs blending in with the surrounding laughs as I frown at myself.
I hate this.

What makes this whole encounter worse is the multiple sets of eyes fixed onto my every move. Each set of eyes stuck to me is practically burning a hole into my skin. The amount of undivided attention I was receiving here was quite foreign to me. I know why they're watching me but it's not like I can go anywhere, I'm pretty certain they would catch me relatively easy. Not saying the  thought hadn't crossed my mind - It has. But I wouldn't know where to go and I already don't know who to trust.

Warm air unexpectedly crawled down the side of my neck, breaking my trail of thoughts entirely. "You either really do want to fuck that steak or you're very uncomfortable." His voice whispered in my ear, despite the fact there's so many people staring I doubt they heard him. Heck I barely heard him and I didn't want to respond, I'm sure he knows the answer, he doesn't need my confirmation. I just want to be far away from here, driving down to some beach to go swim in the ocean, dry off, smoke as much as I want and go to sleep, heck maybe even end up back at home. But let's be honest, things never go the way you want them to on the best of days.

"I'm ok Santiago, thank you. It's just been a long day but I'm sure with some sleep I'll be just fine." I spoke softly back to the boy my eyes never leaving my thighs. I wasn't afraid to look up I would just rather not be met with Monica's eyes lecturing me or any of Verone's remaining bodyguards eyefucking me, and I knew the second I looked Santiago in the eyes I would break. For some reason, though I've only known him for a few hours, he provides me with comfort. It's a feeling of familiarity. Which I've noticed I form around some guys, and I'm not completely sure why it happens but it does. And it usually doesn't end well for me. Which is scary but I can't help it. But it's why I will remain wary. At least until I know I can actually trust him. 

I just glanced at the boy shooting him a soft smile. 

It had been about an hour before Monica came to Santiago and I, "I'm heading out for the night, I'll be back later with Carter, you guys behave yourselves. Santiago make sure your friend here is comfortable ok? We treat young ladies nicely." Monica shot me a quick smile as I stared at her, hopefully if she sees Brian before me she will tell him I am still alive so he isn't completely beside himself, that is if he cares at all. Maybe he is just mad that I wondered off, he's probably thinking about how he should have left me in Barstow instead of causing all of this havoc for him. 

I had been too in my thoughts to hear any response from either of them or to notice that Monica had now left. "So your dad is a mechanic?" The boy quizzed me staring at me as I nodded to his question. "Yeah, he's quite good with cars, has been my whole life. Sometimes I feel like he's better with cars than he is with me" I joked softly but it was true, I often bonded with Brian over cars as he was constantly busy with them when he was around and not in police custody. I think after my mom he gravitated towards them more to deal with her being gone. The look on my face must have held sadness as Santiago broke the silence with another question. "You just live with your dad then? You said you mom had passed, was that long ago?" He quickly looked into my eyes as the words fell out of his mouth a thousand miles per hour, opening his mouth again "Tsk sorry mi nena that was a sensitive topic I should have asked before -" He sighed, "It's fine, I am used to these types of questions. Yes it is just my dad and me and yeah, like I said earlier she died a long time ago I was just a kid." I spoke fiddling with my fingers not looking at my peer. 

Due to how close we were on his bed I could feel his movement I assumed he was nodding to what I said. "I see, well still -" He begun to speak but I quickly  shut him down "Yeah I know you are sorry for my loss. Thank you." I smiled delicately at the boy his mouth slightly hung open due to being mid sentence, "Sorry, that was rude of me. But I have had enough of hearing those words, my entire life since she died had been that sentence and sympathetic smiles and after nearly a decade of it I'm so over it. But thank you honestly." I spoke apologetically I didn't mean to go off on him I was just nervous, tired and hungry. Being held hostage whilst freedom is so close by is very frustrating. The boy shook his head slightly "No worries nena, I can imagine it was tough growing up without a mother already without being clouded by condolences. Half of them probably don't even feel real huh? I can imagine many people say it out of shock and the respect for the dead." Santiago spoke softly to me again, his voice holding nothing but kindness and almost understanding as I looked up at the older boy I could see his brain working away trying to picture my upbringing. "Well unless you want to talk about it more, we won't." He spoke again clearly trying to make me comfortable again as I nodded softly "Thanks." I spoke by nothing louder than a whisper came out, I was choked with emotion. "Of course. SO now to figure out what we are going to do all evening." The boy spoke once more before stretching back onto his bed. 

1049 full word count w/o A/N

A/N: Hi everyone! Again I know it has been so long life has been catching up for me and I've ben meaning to finish this chapter for about 6 months (RIP) I have just lost a lot of passion when writing this as I'd lost my way with it and really just want to skip to some filler chapters and the move onto the next movie. But I currently have sometime and I am almost finished college so I thought now would be a great time to get at least a couple of new updates out. I want to thank all of my active readers and all those that have recently voted on this booked and gave me the motivation to write this today! Without all you readers I am nothing and these books just sit here so I am so grateful. I hope to have a few more chapter come out over the next few weeks. I have also recently began publishing a new book Twilight Universe related so if you fancy any of that fantasy stuff do check it out but it's in it's early days. Again I appreciate you all! Leave any suggestions and comments. Love Ya - Lex 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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