Knucklehead racing 🏎💨

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"Alright I'll handle this,"  The older spoke gently tapping my shoulder slightly "Go ask Jimmy for some window cleaner for me and make sure that shit highly flammable and in a spray bottle." He continued as I nodded along to his dumbass plan. "Ok Ro, give me a second I'll be back with it" As I walked off back to J. "Remember that manner shit we spoke about too." Roman hollered after me making me laugh "Yeah yeah I remember." I say as I ran over to J "Jimmyyy?" I say looking at him with puppy eyes. Making him smile and shake his head "Yes Cali what do you want?" The boy chuckled softly. "Can I have some window cleaner? PRETTY pleaseee." I smile to him, dragging out the e whilst looking over at Roman who shook his head at me trying not to laugh at my stupidity.

"Yeah sure Cali whatever you need." Jimmy nods quickly grabbing the window cleaner and throwing it to me "Heads up." He announced as the bottle was already quite close to my head. Catching the bottle quickly before it hit me before I ran back towards Rome passing it to him. "Right you guys stay here whilst I go sort our little problem over there." He stated pumping himself up to go before walking over to the cadillac.

"Elian and Fidel! Que pasa jota? Hey man I'll clean your windshield for you." Roman was yelling at this point whilst smiling at them. "Uno, tres, cuatro, fourtro, TAco!" Roman says spraying their windshield. "Everything is copacetic, homie, me gusta choca!" He continued yelling as he hyped himself up further whilst smiling quite a psychotic smile before getting him lighter out "Kiss my ass putos." I laughed a stomach aching laugh as I watched his idiotic plan play out. "See it's sorted." He blurted out coming back over to where Brian and I were stood, clearly he was very proud with himself.

°。°。°。Later °。°。°。

Jimmy and I were sat in one of the corners of the garage cleaning up some of the tools we had used today. Roman and Brian had left to go have some meeting with Bilkins and some other officers which I guess they will be doing a lot whilst we are here.

Jimmy clearing his throat disturbed my trail of thoughts. "So uh Cali how long will you think you're gonna be staying here?" Which just lead me to shrug softly, "Mm however long Brian and you guys will have me I guess. There's not much for me back in Barstow, scratch that there's not a lot for anyone in Barstow and I kind of like the idea of staying with d- Brian and for a little, it's been a while since I've like hung out with him." I sigh whilst playing with my fingers as Jimmy listened. "Well I can only speak for myself but it's nice having another little car genius helping out around here. " Jimmy smiled at me causing me to smile.

"Mm J you have any cars that need to be  test driven?" I say getting up from the chair I was sat on looking around at the garage that was still pretty full with cars as he nodded pointing over to a couple cars. "Yeah some of those, I'm coming with though don't leave me with those fools." Jimmy scattered after me as I laugh softly "I would never even dream of it J" I climbed into the first car him following. The next hour was filled with the two of us taking it in turn to test drive the cars that needed to be tested before the owners came to pick them up .

"Like I remember this one time when Brian floored Rome cuz he dropped his fries in the car an-" I spoke softly to Jimmy reminiscing on the stupidity the pair used to get up before being rudely interrupted by Brian "Yo Jimmy get Tej and Suki, we got a race for slips of these 2 cars and we are gonna need help to drive back two new cars." The blonde man blurred out before pausing and turning to me "Um Lia you jump up front in my car." Brian spoke awkwardly wiggly adjusting from foot to foot as he spoke before walking back to his car as I followed, jumping into the passenger seat whilst Jimmy hopped into the pickup truck Tej and Suki would be riding in.

Brian drove us to some road for the race between him and Rome verses these two knucklehead guys. I quickly hopped out of Brian's car and made my way over behind Jimmy, standing on my tiptoes covering his eyes.

"Guess who.." I beamed.


Hey guys thank you all so so much for 3.8k reads you all mean so much to me I know this chapter is super short I am working on the next chapter already. Thank you all for your patience please remember to vote if it isn't too much hassle and don't be afraid to reach out to me with any ideas or just to hurry me up with updates.

Thank you so much again ~A

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