That O'Conner Blood 2.0

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"Brian did you really just ask your daughter why her record isn't clean?" Roman asked Brian laughing "Are you being stupid? Or am I the one that has to tell you this girl is your daughter with that O'Conner blood running through her veins?" Roman joked towards the blonde man and then back to me. "She's even got your brains, however unfortunate that may be for her." Roman continued clearly holding back some laughter.

"Like really Brian? You started to teach me how to drive when I was nine." I piped in smirking, he's so slow sometimes. Poor guy. "Can I show him?" I asked Rome, before glancing towards one of the derby's spare cars. "I don't want to see you do anything until I know why your record isn't clean Lia, plus it would be very illegal, you don't be have your license yet." Brian sighed getting angry he's so uptight sometimes.

"Dude, it would have been way easier just to show you though." I say rolling my eyes at him. "Well too bad spit it out already we have places to be." Brian says rolling his eyes back at me. "Well, it's so boring to explain and well just very sad." I bore on trying to plead with him pouting slightly. "No. I'm getting quite tempted to just leave you here and go now." Brian sighed. He's such a dick sometimes. "She got sent to juvie at the end of last year." Roman uttered quickly interjecting whatever foolishness he knew was about to leave my mouth. Brian looked slightly surprised which is really stupid on his half. "Why did you get sent to juvie?" he questioned me his glare now burning down onto my forehead. "It wasn't my fault." I mumbled in response, no way was I going to look at him now, his anger was now radiating off of him. He grunted heavily gripping the tip of his nose bridge before turning more to Roman.  "You gotta be kidding me. She sounds just like you." Brian rolled his eyes and harshly pointing at the man in front of him "It's not my fault says Roman Pearce as he gets locks away in prison for three years." Brian spat. I swear this man is having some serious mood swings. He definitely needs a smoke or two to calm his ass right down.

"How is it his fault that I sound like him? Am I meant to sound like you? Newsflash you left me with him when you decided you wanted to become everybody else's hero instead of mine. You don't get to be mad at Rome, deep down we all know you're mad at yourself. Maybe if you visited a few times a year or called or heck even written me a damn letter maybe I would have turned out differently." I blurted out to the blonde rolling my eyes and looking away from him. "Maybe you wouldn't have." Brian simply retorted looking me dead in the eyes. "Maybe not but at least you would have known that I was in juvie or you know showed you cared." I tutted holding back the tears that had welled up in my eyes, and quickly breaking this intense eye contact he was making us hold.

Bilkins stood there in disbelief that something like this had occurred when they were clearly in a rush to make whatever needed to be done, be done. Brian pulled Bilkins away from Roman and I discussing something. "You alright TJ?" Rome asked me putting a reassuring hand on my shoulder to which I slowly nodded as I stared elsewhere biting my lip to stop myself from completely breaking down. Roman knew that I did this, rapidly embracing me. "I don't care what they offer me if you don't want me to go with blondie over there, I won't." He spoke softly as he was hugging me. "No Rome, you should go, this would be your only time to clean your record that's more important." I mumbled into his grip.

After a short few minutes the two men walked back towards us, Brian looking at me his face filled with guilt. "I spoke with Bilkins and if me and Roman pull this off they might be able to clean  your record as it's not long or severe or whatever." Brian spoke calmly looking at me throwing a soft sad smile towards me. All three men waited in silence for a while probably waiting for a mouthy response from me but all I did was nod shrugging. It didn't matter that much to me. Brian move slightly closer to Rome and I before he spoke again "I would like you to come with us to Miami though, so we can catch up a little and I would like to keep an eye on you, but you don't have to. Only if you want to. And I have a few friends you could stay with whilst we sort this out I think you would like them." Brian shrugged softly looking at me. Miami does seem pretty cool but I am still mad with him. And no one fucking likes Barstow. Plus Rome would be with Brian making this place even more boring. "I'll give you a few minutes to think about it but we gotta go soon Lia." Brian spoke once more filling the silence.

"This deal legit?" Roman asked Bilkins clearly it's been on his mind whilst Brian had been talking everyone's ears off. "That's right. If you do this job for us." Bilkins replied causing Brian to rip his eyes from me rapidly "I told you." He fired at Roman. "Shut up punk." Roman retaliating back just as fast. "So you're gonna clean my record and get this thing off my ankle." Roman asked Bilkins again for clarity. "That's right." The older officer simply responding with a slight smile on his face, nothing devious but he could tell that Roman Pearce was on board.

   "I thought you couldn't wonder more than 100 yards from your home." Bilkins questioned Roman looking between the derby and his RV, I could see Roman was getting slightly pissed again "Why do you think I'm parked so close to the derby?" Roman replied
his response caused me to giggle "Man quit playing like your gonna pass this up." Brian and I say at the same time, unfortunately. "See look O'Conner blood. they share the same brain." Roman laughed to Bilkins. I look back at Brian "I would like to come to Miami with you but mainly it's for Rome so he doesn't have to put up with your annoying ass by himself." I quickly explain not looking any of them in the eye. "I am also gonna need you to tell grandma where I'm gonna be at 'cause I'm under the assumption this is gonna take more than one night..." I continue talking at a fast pace hoping they got all of that cuz I really don't feel like saying it again. 

Brian smiled softly at me nodding "Mhmm, we'll have to fly passed your house anyways to get some of your stuff so I can just tell her that you would like to spend a few weeks with me, she deserves a little break from you anyways." Brian playfully commented.



hey bbys thank you for being so patient :) I hope you enjoy this updated version of chapter two, just a  little update I am looking to have all parts updated and edited in the next week or so

1286 words count inc. A/N

Thank you sm for reading I appreciate it, if there's anything you would like to see in this book feel free to comment, I pinky promise to read :) -A

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