Bored outta my freaking mind

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After spinning in this chair about fifty thousand times waiting.
Just bored out of my freaking mind. I thought this would be a little fun but it isn't. I sat in silence waiting spinning on this chair whilst Officier Bilkins did some work occasionally with others popping their ends around his office door. Finally Bilkins broke the silence, "Miss O'Conner are you hungry?" He asked me causing me to I shake my head "No sir, I'm not Roman Pearce he would jump at any opportunity to eat." I laughed and continued to spin in my chair thinking about what I could have been doing back in Barstow. Nothing. Breaking my thoughts was the old man from before screaming as he ran through the building "They're running! What a surprise." He had quickly halted at Bilkins door running off making me burst into laughter. "Something funny Miss O'Conner?" Bilkins turnt to look at me. "No offense sir, but your officers are really dumb if they think those knuckleheads are running." I shrug smiling.

Bilkins office landline rang suddenly. The older picked up the phone holding it to his ear, "Yes?" He responded simply before nodding and looking towards me. "I'll bring here through, give us a second." Bilkins says putting down the phone looking back at me
"Looks like someone is here for you already Jada." Bilkins smiles softly getting up walking to the door as I nodded and grabbed my bags before getting up. Following the older man through the precinct and out to the lobby. Bilkins started talking to the receptionist as I looked around the lobby my eyes locking with a really pretty girl.
"Miss O'Conner, it's been a pleasure getting to know you and your unconventional family. See you around." Bilkins chuckled in a hushed voice shaking my hand "Goodbye Officier Bilkins." I shake his hand smiling before looking towards the receptionist who gestured at the girl.

"You the kid Bulitt wanted me to pick up?" She called over to me "I guess so I'm pretty sure I'm the only kid in here, so yeah." I laugh out nervously "Lia right? I'm Suki Brian's Friend." Suki shot a smile at me "Uh TJ, I don't really go by Lia" I say as we walked out towards a car. "Cool, that's totally fine," Suki laughed out softly "TJ it is. I'm gonna take you back to Tej's Garage, Brian said he will be there later." She stated calmly as I got in her car.
"Nice car." I state looking a round the interior of the car "I'm just borrowing it my car got busted in a street race the other night." She smirked softly to me "How do you know Brian anyways?" She asked me and we sped off to Tej's Garage. "Family." I said bluntly thinking about Brian. She nodded "Cool." She said pulling up. "Dang." I say getting out the car "I thought you said this was a garage Suki." I laughed

"It's is. Well it's across the street from Tej's garage. Speaking of Tej, let's go see him." Suki says grabbing my hand and pulling me over to a guy with shades on. "Hey baby." Suki said kissing his cheek "Hey Babyy." He say back to her smiling "Who's the short stack behind you?" Tej laughs softly nodding his head towards me. "That's TJ O'Conner baby," Suki replies as she sat on the wooden sun lounger gesturing towards me. "TJ this is Tej." She introduced us he putting his fist out and I fist pumped him "Welcome to Miami Kid." Tej exclaimed with a smile to which I returned before he suddenly spun back to Suki "O'Conner?" Tej asked, it clearly hitting him. "Yeah. She is related to Brian." Suki explained to Tej waving her hands around slightly as I was looking over the street at the cars in the Garage I see a busted pink one.

"Is that your 2001 Honda S2000?" I asked the sitting girl "Yeah you like it?" Suki asked looking up at me "Yeah it's a really nice car did you design it yourself? It's beautifully customized" I admired the car as I spoke it really was pretty "Yeah." She sighed happily tilting her head slightly. "But I'm thinking of maybe something new." She gushed pulling out a sketchbook.

"Lil O'Conner." Tej called and I turned around "Hm?" I responded looking towards the now standing man.
"You good with cars?" He asks "Do I really have to answer that Tej?" I say rolling my eyes playful making him and Suki laugh "Well you should go meet with my guy Jimmy might keep you entertained" Tej states pointing towards the garage Suki and I passed a little while ago. "Okay! Thanks Tej." I nod running over there.


Hi sorry it's been so long. I have a lot to do with college recently. I'm also sorry this part is so short it's just a quick update plus it's like 12:30 am rn my brain isn't braining at all I'm sorry if something doesn't make sense in this update 🥲.
Word count inc.notes: 876 words

Thank you so much for reading, please remember to vote and comment any ideas that I could include. Thank you again 🤍 -Lex

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