🌪 Chaos 🌪

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"Come on sweetheart where did the polite girl I meet earlier go?...But seriously no pretty girl like you should be roaming Miami streets alone." He smirked at me as I rolled my eyes. "Who said I am alone?" I remarked back to the man as I looked across the street praying for someone I know to pass. "Well, I don't see anyone responsible with you, get in we can give you a ride to wherever." His eyes locked onto mine as I scrunched up my face "Dude I am no where NEAR legal." I say disgust painted all over my face "And? We would just be giving you a friendly drive sweetheart, no ties, you won't owe me anything." He smiled at me but a smile way too friendly as I shook my head "Uhm no?" I say which caused the older man to shake his head "That's not going to work sweetheart, I don't think your father would appreciate me leaving you out here." He smirked as he gestured to the passenger of the car to me as I was a little taken back, How did he figure that out when earlier he was saying Brian and I were dating??

My attention was brought back to the passenger seat as the car door swung open and I was met with a familiar face. Roberto, of course as I peeked the driver who I didn't know of which I could have guessed as Rome had told me he had learnt Roberto didn't know how to drive which is such a shame if you ask me. Roberto just open the back door for me as I shook my head before being pushed in as I grunted looking at both of them.

"I hope you both know that this is technically kidnapping." I pout as the curly haired man laughed "I don't think people who are kidnapped are treated with such hospitality sweetheart, I am just sincerely treating you with a car journey to your destination." He said simply as the car started driving off already "Get buckled up sweetheart we don't want anything to happen to you do we?" He cocked his head towards me smirking.

"And where is my destination Mister Verone? Because I actually had lunch plans with a close friend." I look back at the man tilting my head mimicking his previous actions. "Cute. But those plans are definitely cancelled for today." He bored on before placing a cigar into his mouth as we sped out of town.

The rest of the journey was silent as my fate slowly hit me. "Are you going to hurt me Mister Verone?" I spoke up quietly slowly looking at him as his eyes were already on me making me freeze slightly.

"You won't be harmed if you do nothing wrong, now you just sit there look pretty." He sighed looking away from me as I frowned "So I'm not looking pretty right now Mister Verone?" I tilted my head pouting at him purely for my entertainment and to make him uncomfortable.

"Don't try to be smart with me, of course you are but you need to sit there and be quiet whilst I make some calls. So as I said sit there and look pretty sweetheart." He winked at me before going about his business on his cellphone as I sat there looking out the window not knowing where we were going.

After an agonising amount of time had passed we pulled up to a very beautiful mansion, I was pulled from my thoughts as the door I was pushed against fell open, I braced myself for the fall out of the vehicle but it never came. Instead I felt arms wrapped around me, I looked behind me to find Verone's arms holding me in the car. "I can't return you scratched, your father will think I hurt you, and as I said this is a friendly visit." Verone smirked letting go as Roberto had gotten a hold of me. Verone was obviously planning something, I'm not too sure what though.

I was so caught up in my head I hadn't even noticed the two knuckleheads had carried me into the house. I squirmed as they went to put me down, "Get off I can walk ya know." I continued to squirm as they dropped me as Verone sighed. "Behave, I don't have time for this childish behaviour." He rolled his eyes before pointing and clicking towards a prestige couch, "Now go sit over there and be quiet ok? You'll be fed once Monica gets back from-" His sentence strayed off as he thought about where the woman could be, everyone in the room could see the anger building up as I scurried to where he told me to sit. "WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE?!" He yelled, his sudden outburst and break of character made me jump as I dug my nails into the palms of my hands. He looked over at me causing me to get highly nervous, I knew if they found her with Brian I would be in danger, Brian doesn't even know I'm here.

My brain was making up all kind of scenarios as Verone walked off in a temper tantrum, which allowed my nerves to ease slowly before quickly getting tense again as he slammed things around in the house.

I suddenly felt the couch dip as someone else sat next to me, "He'll calm down soon and he won't hurt you, not yet anyways you're of value to him as of right now." A smoother younger sounding voice spoke, it isn't one I recognise, this voice was quite soothing. Cautiously I turned to face the figure next to me, highly aware it could be one of Verone's crazy henchmen.

~Author's Note~

Hi, it's been so long and I'm so sorry I had a lot going on, this was meant to be released ages ago as it has been half written since July but I had a lot of things going on, updates may be inconsistent for a while, but writing this book is quite fun for me so I will try to write more but no promises. I have just thought of a different way for this story to go whilst writing this chapter, not that you guys were aware of what was going to happen but I've slightly changed it now lol. 🤣🤣

Thank you so much for reading this part 🥺🤍 ~A

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