x holly x

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x holly x

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x holly x


Kakyoin finally stood and scratched the back of his head, avoiding your eyes. "Yeah, you can't come with us Y/N. Not right now at least."

"Why not...?"

"You...you don't understand how powerful stands are, Y/N, and you don't even have one yourself. You could end up hurt, or worse, and you wouldn't even see it coming."

"It...it doesn't matter! I want to save my friend- "

"Do you think they'll be happy to finally break out of the mind control just to find out that you're dead?"

Dead. The word had weight, an almost crushing one. But you pictured your friend again, their empty eyes holding the bat, head dangling to one side, just a sliver of them left.

"I won't die!" you protested. "I can take care of myself!"

"No, you can't! Did you even hear what I just said? Even if you could protect yourself, there's still the possibility that the stand user can take over you and make you spy on us."

"You mean you don't trust me!"

"That's not what I said at all! You know the power of the stand user! He could-"


Both of you fall silent at Jotaro's sudden outburst. His voice sounded just as terrifying if not more as it did last time, and it made you jump.

"I said you're not. Coming. Kakyoin, let's go."

Kakyoin sighed. He shot you an apologetic look and followed behind Jotaro.

"Hey, where do you two think you're going?" you heard Holly's voice. "I just got finished with dinner."

"Ms. Holly, not now. We must go somewhere-"

"Oh no, no, no, I did not go through all of this work just for you guys to not eat anything! Whatever it is it can wait until after, okay?" She ushered them both to the kitchen. "Y/N! You too!"

"Y-yes ma'am!" You replied in a wobbly voice. It was insane to you how intimidating Jotaro was. Raising his voice just once already had you on the verge of tears. You followed sheepishly behind them, keeping a safe distance away.


Needless to say, dinner was awkward.

Jotaro was quiet, as always, and Kakyoin didn't say a word, either. He just had this look on his face while he idly shoved the food in his mouth, his eyebrows going up and down periodically, changing from anger to worry. You tried to make small talk with ms. Holly but you were too worried about the whole situation to maintain a proper conversation.

Despite that, the food was delicious. Big, steaming bowls of Katsudon! Fried and breaded pork served with rice, eggs, and vegetables all soaked in a chicken broth. But your stomach was aching too much with anxiety to eat. So dinner was over quickly, and afterwards you offered to help ms. Holly wash the dishes while Kakyoin and Jotaro went to carry out the plan.

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