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As you thought, Jotaro was definitely not at school at 7:14 in the morning

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As you thought, Jotaro was definitely not at school at 7:14 in the morning. Hardly anyone was. You sat down in your respective classroom by yourself and played games on your phone until you felt it vibrate.

The notification came down, you had a call. Your heart skipped a beat when you saw who it was. It was your friend's mom. You stared at the screen, frozen. Suddenly, you began shaking. How could you possibly explain this current situation to their parents? How would they react? Would they be mad? Would they blame you? Would they blame your parents? You hesitated for so long, shaking, that the screen eventually disappeared. You got a voicemail notification. Your stomach turned. You couldn't open it. You couldn't. You didn't think you could bear to hear their distraught voice, the slight tremble as they asked, uncertain, if you'd seen their child. You couldn't bear to lie to them, but you couldn't bear to tell them the truth either. You swallowed, then held down the power button to your phone, shutting it off. You stuffed it deep into your bookbag, as if that would get rid of the problem.

The first student came in.

He was a fiery haired boy who wore a green uniform and these red earrings that resembled cherries. Whenever you saw them dangling as he walked through the halls you always had the strange urge to just put them in your mouth. How he got away with wearing those at school, you had no idea. How the teachers let him get away with his hair being that color, you had no idea. Where did he even get that green uniform from?? You also had no idea. What you did know, though, was that he was a quiet and reserved student, much like Jotaro (well, save for when he got into fights), and you even saw the two together sometimes.

He smiled at you as he walked in. "Good morning, Y/N," he said, then sat down at his desk, unpacked two books- a textbook and a notebook- and started to quietly study. You offered him a wobbly smile in return and began doodling on your desk, stealing glances at him every now and then. You were wondering how he knew your name, but the bigger question was, that if he was friends with Jotaro, did he know what was going on? You wanted to ask him, but you couldn't work up enough courage. And it'd be strange asking something like that when you didn't even know his name. You lost your chance anyway when two more girls walked in and started chatting it up with him.

You recognized the two girls as part of the "Jotaro fanclub" who had stopped you earlier. It seemed they were all over this guy, too. At second glance, he was pretty cute, but Jotaro was more attractive in your opinion.

You had to pause yourself right there for a second. Why did you immediately compare him to Jotaro?? Did you seriously have a crush?? No, no, no, he is just handsome. Anyone would think he's handsome, this was just a normal reaction.

It seemed like all at once the rest of the class came in, and it was suddenly full. It was 8:13, twelve minutes until class started. You had time. You got up and wandered the third year hall to look for Jotaro. He wasn't hard to miss with that large group of girls following him around. And that height. Oh my lord. You realized you should have just followed the two girls who were just fawning over the red haired guy earlier, but you'd lost them in the crowd of students that had suddenly flooded in.

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