x stand x

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x stand x

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x stand x

You sighed and began the slow walk of shame home, mentally beating yourself up. Maybe if you hadn't been so pushy you could have found out eventually. And you didn't even know the  next time he would come to school, so you might never get the chance to even try and fix things.

You sighed heavily again, finally making it to your house and unlocking the front door. When you got inside you spotted a note on the kitchen counter.

On a date. 

We'll be back tomorrow morning.

There's dinner in the fridge. 

-mom & dad ♥️

Sheesh, you thought, crumpling up the note and tossing it in the trash. Sure enough, there was a bunch of spaghetti in the fridge, so you heated all of it up and ate from the container as you went to your bedroom to commence a pity party for your screw up.

As soon as you opened the door you jumped. There was someone sitting on your bed, their back to you. You immediately relaxed though, as you realized it was just your friend. You became even more relieved to find that they had woken up after all.

"Geez, F/N, you scared the living crap out of me. You haven't gone home, yet?"

They didn't move a muscle, staying perfectly still, back extremely straight, head drooping and hands resting on the bedsheets.

"F/N?" You repeated, inching closer. "You good?" You moved around to the side of the bed they're sitting on and bent at the waist in order to look at their face.

Your heart leaped to your throat and you dropped your container of spaghetti at the sight of it. Their expression. They were smiling, but it looked....so plastic. So unnatural, void of any happiness, like they were intoxicated with The Joker's laughing gas. It wasn't them. It still wasn't them.

"F/N..." you started, stumbling backwards. Their head suddenly jerked up to meet your eyes, as if it was pulled by a string, their face still with that same exact expression. Then they spoke.

"Who will fight for you now, "Y/N?" They spoke through clenched teeth, their stretched, grinning lips barely moving.

You got chills and began to break out into a cold sweat, freezing for a moment before bolting out of your own house, breathing hard and slamming the front door behind you and running far away. Was this a dream? Your mind was racing the entire time, so you had no idea how long you were running for, much less where you were running to. All you knew was that you had to get far, far away from your friend.

When you finally ran out of energy, you realized you were on your way back to school. Being at a loss for what else to do, you completed the walk back. There were still students there, milling around and waiting for their rides. You had no idea what you were doing here. If you had been in a right state of mind before, you would have called your parents, called your friend's parents, the police, somebody. But in your panic you forgot your phone at home in your backpack. What Jotaro told you earlier also came back to mind- Don't tell anyone about this, not even the police. You scrunched up your hair, holding your head in your hands. What right did he have to tell you what to do when he wouldn't even explain anything?!

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