x rude x

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"[Y/N]. [Y/N]!" Wake up! Oi!"

You inhaled sharply as your friend karate chopped you on the back of your neck. Your head flew up from your desk, and you peered up at them wide-eyed. The beams of sunlight spilling through the classroom windows nearly blinded you, so you quickly rubbed at your eyes, waiting for them to adjust, and squinted up at your friend again. "That hurt," you groaned.

"You were out cold." They tossed a packet of papers on your desk. "Those are all the notes you missed while you were sleeping. You're welcome."

"Awwwww, [F/N] you shouldn't haveeeeee," you croaked sarcastically. You took the notes and flipped through them absentmindedly, not even bothering to try to understand.

"Oh, shut up, you know I'm used to doing this by now. Just remember you have to buy me strawberry milk."

Before you could get out another word to protest, your friend had already walked away. You turned your pockets inside out. Nothing. You dug around in your bookbag. You only had around six hundred yen left and that was all you were getting for the rest of the month. You sighed deeply. Being broke was tough.

"Come on! You're taking five thousand years!" Your friend urged you.

"Don't rush me," you whined, slowly standing and stretching your arms to the ceiling. "I just woke up."

You guys made your way through the crowded hallway, down the stairs, all the way to the school store. You only had 600 yen, so that would be 256 yen for the milk, and... you sighed again. A sandwich was 500 yen. You would have to settle for onigiri today.

You guys waited in the long line, you listening to your friend ramble on about some show called BoBo's Weird Journey or something like that, but being too sleepy to really pay attention.

It was finally you guy's turn to get what you want, but right as you were about to speak, some huge guy wearing a hat cut in front of you.

Annoyed, you reached up and tapped on his shoulder. "Hey, we were here before you!"

He turns around, glaring down at you with piercing blue green eyes.

Your attitude immediately shrinks once you realize who it is. You open your mouth, wanting to take back what you said, but the apology died on your tongue. "Uh..." you mumble. "I mean..." your friend seems to have the same shocked reaction as you do, so they weren't any help, either.

It was Jotaro Kujo, the boy who always got into fights. The boy who was always drinking and smoking, even on campus sometimes. The boy who everyone wanted to be- or be with. How could you not? He had the looks, the build, the money, and just enough mystery to be popular among any group of people.

Speaking of mystery, you hadn't seen him at school in nearly two months. There were rumors of him dropping out, and you've been hearing about them for so long you just took it as fact. But here he was, suddenly returning in the middle of the year, as cool and handsome as always.

"Oh, sorry," he simply said, making you jump a little and straighten your back. "You were so short I didn't see you."

The anger came out of nowhere, sudden and unannounced, as it usually did when someone poked fun at your height. No one- absolutely no one talked about your height, especially after they just boldly skipped you in line! Forget your nervousness, his reputation. You yelled at him. "I'm not short! You're just freakishly huge!!"

Your friend giggled nervously and stepped in front of you. You froze, realizing what you just did. Most people around you guys have stopped whatever they're doing and were staring, some looking shocked that someone had yelled at Jotaro like that, and some of his fangirls looking pissed to see that someone was disrespecting their "future husband". In any case, you slipped up. Jotaro was staring down at you with that same neutral gaze, seemingly being the only one not fazed by your outburst at all.

"Yare yare daze," he sighed. He grasped the tip of his cap, looking away for a second, like he was already done with the conversation. When he looked back, all the softness from his eyes was gone. "Short people piss me off. Stop denying the fact that you're short."

This just triggered you even more. You roll up your sleeves and shove your friend out of the way. "What was that, you jerk!?"

Your friend once again acted quickly, practically picking you up and dragging you away. "Oi! Let go of me! I'm gonna punch him in the face!!" You yelled at them the entire way. You two were still earning stares from the students in the hallway, but you were too blinded by your anger to notice, much less care.

Finally you guys found yourself in isolation. Your friend finally let go of you, and you snapped out of your enraged state. You realized how tense you were, your hands balled into fists prepared to swing at anyone. You look at their face. Ah, crap, they were pissed.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"Y- yes!" You stutter. "Sorry... You know how I don't like people making fun of my height. I kind of can't help myself."

"[Y/N], listen to me." Your friend puts their hands on both of your shoulders and looks you right in the eye. "Your height doesn't define who you are. Understand? No one thinks anything less of you because of your height, not even that Jotaro guy, I can tell. And even if someone does..." Your friend smiles. "Well, I guess I'll have to assist you in beating them up then, won't I?"

You smile, your cheeks warm from the sudden and sincere commendation. You shrug your friend's hands from your shoulders. "Alright, whatever, don't get all corny on me." You turn away and start to head back to where you came. "I still have to buy you milk, right?"

"Oh, no, you owe me way more than that, now!" Your friend fumes, crossing their arms. "Strawberry milk and tuna onigiri. No, make it two tuna onigiri!"

You do the math in your head. Onigiri were 150 yen each. You only had 400 left to spend, minus 300 was only 100 yen left. You sigh. So much for eating lunch today. Being broke really sucked.

 Being broke really sucked

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