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You weren't expecting to bump into him again so soon

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You weren't expecting to bump into him again so soon. Literally. 

You were playing volleyball in P.E. when someone made an incredible pass and the ball went flying about a thousand miles.

"I'll get it!" You called out. No one liked to get the balls except for you, because you loved to run. So retrieving the ball as fast as you could would always be your goal. For some strange reason, you were always competitive towards small things like this. You decided in your mind, You would get it before it touched the ground a second time. It bounced. One. You sprinted with all of your might, stretching your hands far and low. It was falling. Closer.... Closer.... And 

Bam! You saw stars as you ran into something rock hard. You black out for a second and found yourself sprawled out on the ground, wondering what in the world you could have run into. The last time you checked there was no brick wall anywhere around here.

You sat up and saw a pair of legs. You ran into a person? Impossible, that felt like cement! You looked up, and up, and up... and froze for the second time that day.

Jotaro! This guy? Again?!

"Ahhh! I'm... I'm sorry!" You tried to stand so you could bow, but you were dizzy and you found yourself teetering and falling back down on your butt. 

"Are you okay?" Jotaro asked you, kneeling down. 

You noticed that he had the volleyball in his hand, but he dropped it to help you. "Can you stand?"

You were surprised at how much he seemed to care, but you still didn't need his help. "Y-yeah, of course I can." You stood up, but the world began immediately spinning. You feel his hand grasp your bicep, your arm looking like a twig compared to his. He steadied you, mumbling, "Yare yare daze." He helped you walk to a nearby bench and sat you down. Then, you didn't know if you were imagining it or not, but a water bottle seemed to float into his hand. Figuring that you had just hit your head really hard, you pushed out the thought. 

Jotaro unscrewed the water bottle. "Here, drink this." Instead of waiting for you to take it yourself, he tilted your head up with one hand and put the water bottle to your lips with the other. 

You tried to say that you could do it yourself, but the water was already slipping down your throat, and you would choke if you tried to talk. So you just gulped it down. You were thirsty after all. 

You downed the whole thing in one breath, and after you were done he said, "Aren't you that short girl who I accidentally skipped in line earlier?"

Short girl?! Was he saying this to piss you off on purpose?? You were about to blow up on him, but then he said, "Sorry."

"Huh?" You calmed down a bit. You thought that he would bully you now that he remembered who you were, but he was apologizing? Again?

"I said I'm sorry. For skipping you, that is. And for getting in your way while you were running."

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