x fight x

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In the middle of the fifth episode of Ghost Blood, your friend paused the episode and sat up

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In the middle of the fifth episode of Ghost Blood, your friend paused the episode and sat up.

You sleepily turned towards them. "What's wrong?" You mumbled. Seeing their terrified expression and the visible beads of sweat forming on their forehead, you quickly woke yourself up, sitting up and rubbing at your eyes.

"What's wrong?" You repeated. What could they possibly be scared of? You see their eyes focused on the bedroom door. You nervously stared at it too, expecting some kind of monster or demon to barge in at any second. You could barely hear them whisper under their breath, "Stop. Wait." Just as you're about to ask what was wrong again, you hear a knock at the door.

"[Y/N]. You need to leave. Right now," your friend said, their voice shaking.

"What? Why?" When they failed to answer you again, you pressed them harder. "[F/N], what's wrong? You're scaring me."

"I'm serious, [Y/N]. Leave. Don't make me repeat myself."

Your eyes widened, knowing that their tone of voice only changed like that when they were dead serious. You decided that you should leave for now and ask about it tomorrow. Then the memory of the phone call came back to mind. Of the bloodcurdling scream that could be no one else's but [F/N]'s. And you knew that somehow they were in danger.

    "No," you said simply. Your friend looked shocked. "You're in some kind of trouble aren't you?" You placed your hands on either side of their face, cupping their cheeks. "Tell me, I want to be able to help."

    "[Y/N]! I.... I can't! Not now!" Your friend was trembling, their eyes glassy. "You need to leave! Please! You could-"

    There was another knock at the door. You began to panic more and more. Your friend curled up into a ball and clutched their head, sobbing.

"Please go!" They were nearly yelling. "He's coming for you! He's coming for you too!" They turn towards you again. "[Y/N], you need to-" they cut themselves off and suddenly the tears stopped. They untensed, and they were no longer shaking.

"[Y/N], can you get the door for me?" they say in a completely relaxed tone, as if nothing happened.

    Nope, something was wrong. This wasn't [F/N]. You didn't know how, but it wasn't. Just then, you heard the front door bust open. Someone was coming. Someone dangerous. You didn't know what to do. You jumped to your feet and grabbed the baseball bat your friend kept in their room at all times just for situations like this, and stood your ground, shaking. "[Y/N], what are you doing?" Your friend asked. "I said get the door. I invited another friend over."

    "That's not a friend!" You yelled at them, your voice shaking. "Shut up right now! You're not okay!"

    "What are you talking about?" In one fluid motion your friend swiped the baseball bat out of your hand and broke it over their knee like a twig. You weren't able to process it for a second, then pure dread crept into your heart. You never remembered your friend being that strong, or that fast. They stood there calmly, each half of the broken baseball bat in either hand. Their head was lolling to the side at an unnatural angle, and their eyes had a sickening, vacant look to them, their mouth slightly hanging open. You felt as if they were looking through you as they repeated once more, "Get the door."

    You backed away from them in horror, just as the door to the room slammed open. You were too afraid to turn around and face the intimidating presence behind you. No, there was more than an intimidating presence. There was murderous intent, a presence full of ambition and hatred. This person was here to kill you, and the only way you would get out of this alive was to fight.

    You had to fight.


I hate this chapter, but thanks for reading

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I hate this chapter, but thanks for reading. And I'm late, but RIP Unus Annus for whoever watched them

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