x gift x

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x gift x

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x gift x

Minutes passed. No, hours. Seconds? You didn’t know, fear seemed to make time move differently. All you knew was that Jotaro hadn’t hit you yet. Well, you didn’t feel any pain. What if you were already dead and you just didn’t realize it? Like a video game character lagging when they've depleted their last life or the last sliver of energy? Did you get transported to the afterlife? Was this how it felt? Or maybe you’re unconscious right now- but conscious, like that small window of time right before you open your eyes to wake up, where you’re dreaming and you're watching it like a movie on the insides of your eyelids.

Or… he just hadn’t hit you yet?

You were afraid to open your eyes, to peek out and look at what he was doing, in fear of his fist being the last thing you see. After what seemed like years, you hear a sigh. “Alright, stop with all that. I’m not going to hit you.”

“Wh-what?” you were still too afraid to lower your arms, but your eyes fly open at the statement.

He sighed again. “Strange…” You relaxed your stance a little, peeking through your arms at him. He was staring down at you and his fist was no longer raised. He pinched his hat brim. “If you had a stand it would be out by now… but strangely I can still feel a stand’s presence coming from you.”

You lowered your arms a little, staring up at him in confusion. “Y-y-you’re not gonna hit me?”

He paused. “Yare, yare… No, I’m not. If it makes you feel any better, I never planned to. I just had to make you feel threatened to the point where your stand would come out on its own.”

At this revelation you sunk to your knees and tried to hold in your tears, swallow the lump that was forming in your throat. “D-dammit, Jotaro, you...you scared me…”

“My bad,” was all he said. He squatted down in front of you. “What’s that?’ he nodded towards the box you held in your hand.

You forgot you were still holding it. You clutched it with both hands. “It’s a gift your mom gave me. I h-haven’t opened it yet.”

“Open it.”

You undid the two small golden latches in the front and opened the lid. All you saw so far was just this purple cloth…? You pulled at it, and realized that it was just wrapping up something else. You work at unwrapping it, until you can feel something hard starting to reveal itself. It was heavy and sharp. As soon as you got it unwrapped it slipped out of your hands. It impaled itself in the floor upon impact with a thunk.

Jotaro’s eyes widened. He unlodged the small, metal thing from the ground. “Wait...is this…”

It was an arrowhead, one of the prettiest you’d ever seen. Plated with gold, a hole shaped like a heart right near its tip. It shimmered, all of  your house lights seeming to bounce right off it, and it almost seemed like it was glowing if you stared at it for too long.

“Woah…” you gasped. You didn’t expect her gift to be anything like that.

“This is a stand arrow,” He exclaimed, turning it over in his hands. “What the hell is my mom doing with one of these, and why did she give it to you?”

“Wait…. That’s a stand arrow?” you asked. “Can’t… if you get stabbed with one of those…”

“You get a stand, but… you have to have to be strong enough to wield it, if not, you die.”

Your head whipped up. You stared at him wide eyed. “Wh- what?”

“It doesn’t matter if the wound is fatal or not, even if you’re nicked with it it affects you…” He picked up the purple cloth and wrapped back up the arrowhead, putting it back inside it’s box. “You can’t have this.”

“E-ehhh? But...Mrs. Holly...”

“She must have made a mistake.”

“But don’t you want me to have a stand? How do I even know if stands are real or not? Just let me use it, then I can find out…” you trailed off once you noticed Jotaro’s behaviour. His face was set in a scowl, and he was looking all around him. “What’s up?” you asked nervously.

“Come here,” he said, extending an arm towards you.

You stood there, frozen. “H- huh-”

He grabbed you by your arm and yanked you against him. You let out a small squeak as he did, curling up defensively. “There’s another presence in here… so stay close.”

The statement sent shivers down your spine, your blood turning to ice. You stayed silent and still as your eyes shifted around, paranoid. You were so close to him you could hear his heartbeat- strong and steady. It comforted you to know how calm he was, while your heart was going wild due to nervousness from Jotaro and from the overall fear of this whole situation. You found yourself instinctively balling up your fists in his coat, hanging onto him like your life depended on it- in which, if this situation was as serious as Jotaro was making it out to be- it did.

You gasped as you heard something in the house slam. Jotaro immediately turned towards the door that belonged to the bathroom. You saw it being knocked off of its hinges by nothing, exposing the empty room inside. He glanced at you, then took a few steps forward into the bathroom, peeking his head inside.

“Hey…!” you started, about to voice your confusion and fear finally, but then you feel someone behind you. Your heart leapt to your throat as you began to turn around, but it was too late, their arm was already wrapped around your neck, locking you in a chokehold. “J- Jota…” you struggled to say.


Have y'all watched Invincible?? Here's a meme I made :D Anyway I hope y'all have a nice day

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