x ugh x

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x ugh x

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x ugh x

When you woke up, Jotaro was gone and your friend was cuddled up against you, hugging you from behind. Your hand was still hanging off your bed, and you quickly retracted it back under the covers, finding that it had gotten cold. 

You lay there in bed for a bit. It was bright daylight outside, so you knew you must be beyond late for school. Instead of worrying, you just decided to take the day off. After everything that happened yesterday, you deserved it. You could hear your friend's deep breaths behind you, they were still asleep. Good, you didn't much feel like talking at the moment. 

You pulled the covers over your head, snuggling into your pillow, closing your eyes. As soon as you were about to drift back to sleep, you heard your door slam open.

Your eyes opened wide as you flung your blanket off you. It was your dad. 

"[Y/N]!" he roared. "What the hell are you still doing sleeping? Is this what you do when we're gone?! Just skip school and relax all day?!"

You felt your friend start to rouse behind you, and letting out a sigh they sat up, they stared sleepily at your dad. 

He looked like he was about to explode. "And... and what the hell were you doing with your friend?!"

"It's...it's..." You stuttered, struggling to process what was happening. You turned under the blanket and looked up at your friend. You turned back to your dad. Your face grew hot as the realization hit you. 

"It's not what it looks like!!" You shouted.


Being unable to really explain what happened yesterday to your parents, they sent you off to school against your will, promising a "talk" when you got back. Your friend went home, too disoriented to request any explanation. 

You couldn't believe this. You were so tired you could barely walk straight. Why should you be forced to go to school like this after you almost died yesterday? And you were getting in trouble, too? This was abuse. You wondered if Jotaro was having as much of a hard time as you were. Probably not. Ms Holly didn't seem anywhere near as strict as your parents. He was probably still sleeping soundly in his futon. Especially since he slept on the...

You stopped dead in your tracks. Your face turned a tomato red as you remembered what you had done right before you went to sleep. Strangely enough your mind remembered every detail of it. How had you been so bold? What the hell had gotten into you? You sunk down in a crouch, covering your face with both hands. And he agreed, too? What did that mean? How long were you guys holding hands for, anyway? When did he go home? Did your parents see him? Why did he...why did he agree in the first place?

What if you'd pressured him? What if he felt pressured so he just gave in because he was too tired to fight you? That would be the worst case scenario, you thought, groaning out loud. You hated being a bother to others. Especially to someone like Jotaro. You didn't have the energy right now to keep walking, much less do anything in school. Should you even go? No, you'd go and just spend the entire day in the girl's bathroom watching Bobo's (From what your friend showed you it was actually pretty good). There was no way your mind could take any mental strain right now, not even the slightest. 

You suddenly felt someone's presence behind you. You turned around and looked up, up, up... It was Jotaro. 

You stared each other down for a few long moments. 

You finally broke the silence, standing up. "Y-yo, Jotaro... what's up...?"

"I'm going to school."

"Th- this late?"

"I overslept. Don't act like you're not running late, too. You must be exhausted from yesterday. Your eyes are red."

"Eh, really?" You rubbed at them, blushing at how casually Jotaro was speaking to you. He wouldn't as much as look at you before. Maybe the night before had changed things...

You stopped rubbing your eyes and stared wide eyed at your feet. The night before. 

"What's wrong?"

You turned away from him, unable to look him in the eye. "Nothing..."

He walked around and bent at the waist , staring you in the face. You jumped and let out a squeak, breaking eye contact once again. "Wh- what are you doing?!"

"...Nothing...." He slung his backpack over his shoulder and began to walk ahead of you. Hesitating, you followed behind him, staring at his back.

"[Y/N], you're late," your teacher said as you walked in. You didn't understand why teachers always said that, you already knew you were late. "Sorry, won't happen again," you mumbled, although you seriously doubted it wouldn't. You sat down at your desk and hiding your phone underneath, you texted your friend. 

  U doing okay?

You almost fell asleep waiting for them to respond, then your phone buzzed.

  My parents are pissed
  They were just interrogating me until a few minutes ago
  But i don't even know what to tell them

>Did you tell them anything?

>I...I told them I was at your house ...
  And then they said when they called no one picked up, and when they knocked on your door          
  no one answered

Oops. That  was your fault. 

>Okay...so what didn't u tell them?

  That right before you were about to come to my house that night, some strange guy appeared 
  in my room

>Then what happened?
  Did he do anything to you?

>Hold on, I'm trying to remember

>Ok, sorry

>Uh, he told me to sit down on my bed 
  And then he put his hands on both sides of my head, and then

>And then?

  It felt like I was paralyzed
  It was really scary 
  It was so scary
  I couldn't do anything

>[F/N] if it's too hard for you to talk about, you don't have to

>No, I want to tell you everything from my point of view. 
  You and Jotaro are trying to stop this guy, right?

>How did you know that?
>Well, I was still ...there the entire time, I just couldn't control myself
  It's hard to explain

>It's okay
>I want to meet up with you and Jotaro
  This would be better to talk about in person

>I agree
  But are you okay right now? Do you feel sick or anything?

>Yeah, I guess
  It feels like I've lost half my weight and I'm tired as hell tho

>Okay, get some sleep 
  We can meet up after school at the library

  See ya

>see ya 


Should I try to keep writing this?? lol

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Should I try to keep writing this?? lol

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