x enemy x

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The person that stood in front of you could be summed up in a singular word: terrifying

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The person that stood in front of you could be summed up in a singular word: terrifying.

They had to be taller than seven feet, their body built even bigger than Jotaro's. Their clothes were dark- a black coat draped around their shoulders, black jeans, and a black collared shirt. They were wearing a black mask that covered their nose and mouth and the only thing you could see of their face were these glowing blue eyes, with a jagged scar running over the left one, and long black hair that hung over their eyebrows.

You reflexively took a step back, scanning the room for other weapons you could use. You saw a small lamp on the bedside table, and automatically lunged for it. Suddenly your friend's hand reached out and sent the lamp flying out of your reach. "Don't," the intruder said in an impossibly deep voice. They quickly approached you and, before you even had time to think about moving, grabbed you by the throat. He lifted you in the air, and you were unable to utter a sound, unable to do anything but helplessly grasp at his arm, and try your absolute best to breathe, although it wasn't working in the slightest. You struggled uselessly for a while, kicking and scratching at him, But you couldn't do anything while he had you at arms length, so you started to feel weak from the lack of oxygen and went limp.

As soon as you were sure you were about to pass out and die, he dropped you, and you collapsed to a gasping, coughing heap on the ground. Your head was spinning, and you were more panicked than ever. You needed help. You needed help! He let you go once on the verge of death, there was no guarantee he was going to do it again. For some reason the image of Jotaro flashed in your mind. Why are you thinking of him? Especially at a time like this??

"That man," The enemy suddenly said, causing you to flinch, "Do you know him?"

Jotaro? You thought. Wait, how did he know what you were thinking?

"Well, that's simple," he replied, as if you had just spoken out loud. You couldn't see his mouth, but his eyes were squinted, as if he was smirking. "I can read minds."

What the heck? Read minds? Was this man on something?

You heard him chuckle. "Of course I'm not," he said . "Here, I'll prove it to you."

He points straight at you. "You met Jotaro Kujo at school and almost had a fight with him because he accidentally skipped you in line."

Your blood ran cold as you gasped and involuntarily scooched back on your palms. He chuckled again. "You met him again when you ran into him in your Physical Education class. You had a bad opinion of him, but you changed it when you saw his true, gentle nature. And now..." His smirk seemed to grow even wider. "You seem to have formed an emotional attachment to him."

Despite the situation, your face burned red. "I... n- no I haven't!"

He laughed out loud.. "You're adorable." He took off his face mask and ran his fingers through his hair, revealing his whole face. He looked tired and disheveled somehow, and had impossibly dark under eye circles, almost like someone had just smeared eyeliner under his eyes. His lips were thin and a grayish blue color, like he was dead, his cheeks hollowed out. Now that you got a good look at him, he did look dead, like he was ready to fall over at any second. But the power you had experienced when he choked you, lifting you up in the air like a rag doll, told you that this man was very much alive and well.

"You... your body... your mind... it's all so weak, so vulnerable..." he stared at you with a lustful grin. "It makes me want to kill you so badly."

You scooched backwards again, and this time he pursued, taking long strides towards you, his footsteps heavy. You gasped as you found your back against the wall. You started to tremble, tried calling for help, screaming, anything- but all you could do was let out squeaks and whimpers. You were going to die. You were going to die, and you couldn't do anything about it. You almost felt angry, at how helpless you were, at how short your life was. Why didn't you spend more time with your family? Why couldn't you have paid more attention in class? Why weren't you nicer to strangers? Why hadn't you been nicer to Jotaro?

Jotaro. You scoffed. In the end, he was still the only thing you can think about, and you'd only spoken to him twice. What was so great about him anyway? That... that would make you become so infatuated so easily?

The man's laugh broke you out of your thoughts. "Don't worry though, I won't kill you right now." He kneeled down and looked you in the eyes. You stare back, too frozen with fear to look away. "Teenage girls are mysterious creatures," he muttered under his breath. "Thoughts filled with boys even as they're staring death in the face." he let out a breath of air. "This will only take a second. After I'm done, you will be completely under my control. Like my little puppet. How does that sound?"

Under his control? Then everything hit you at once. The scream you had heard over the phone was your friend - they got scared because they got attacked by this man just like you are now. The only reason why they acted normal after was because they were under this bastard's control! It was all a trap. Your friend must have broken out of his control somehow and tried to warn you of it, that's why they kept telling you to leave. But now that they were under his control again... You look back at them. They were blankly staring into nowhere, the bat still in their hands. Now that they were under his control again, they couldn't do anything to help you! You could cry at how little sense it all made, but it seemed like the only logical answer. With whatever means he used, he could place people under his control.

Now you were next.

You balled your hands up into fists, bracing yourself for whatever was going to come next.

The man chuckled shortly. "Calm down, little girl, this'll be very painful for you if you're not calm..."

[F/N]..... I'm sorry I didn't listen to you.... You apologized in your head. Now you had no other choice but to willingly accept your f-

You heard a loud slam, causing you to jump. You opened your eyes that you hadn't realized you'd squeezed shut from fear and looked over to the door. Immediately you recognized who it was- a tall, huge teenager with a school uniform on and a gold chain.

"J...Jotaro?! What the hell are you doing here?!" 


Sorry this left off on a cliffhanger hehe

Look forward to seeing joot next week! And see ya later ✨

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