Chapter 40 -We're Over-

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(Toni's POV)

"Uhm, I think I'm going to ask Cheryl to marry me," I grinned. Archie choked on his water and widened his eyes.

"Wha-wait say that again," Archie said.

"I'm going to ask Cheryl to marry me," I smiled again. Archie grinned with me. He put his bottle down and hugged me tightly.

"Oh my god, my baby sis is getting married!" he squealed, spinning me around. I laughed as he put me down. I shushed him before he woke up someone.

"She's gotta say yes first," I stated.

"She definitely will," he said. He sat down at the breakfast bar. "So, when are you going to ask her?" Archie questioned.

"Well, one, I want to get permission from her mum, and I guess I already got permission from you," I answered.

"It's cute that you wanna get permission, but just so you know, my mother will definitely let you," he said.

"But it's still nerve-racking to ask."

Archie nodded, "The same thing happened with me and Veronica's parents. Do you know how scary Hiram Lodge can be," we both laughed. I grabbed my phone from the bench.

"Alright, well, I'm going to go upstairs before Cheryl gets suspicious and comes down. But please, Arch, don't tell V. She'll probably tell Cheryl," I told him.

Archie nodded and pretended to zip his lips. We hugged each other before we walked upstairs and went into separate rooms. Cheryl was still sitting on her bed, reading her book. When I walked in, she dropped her book and smiled up at me. "What happened? You took so long. I thought someone killed you," she joked.

"I was talking to Archie," I said, jumping onto the bed next to her.

"What about?" she asked.

"Uh, football," I lied. She smiled and nodded before letting out a slight yawn. "You tired, baby?" I questioned. She gave me a slight nod. "Go to sleep. I'm just gonna get changed," I said as she went under the covers. I got up and walked to my suitcase and pulled out my sweatpants and a t-shirt. I replaced my clothes with my PJs. Once I turned around, I saw Cheryl with her eyes closed, little snores escaping her. I smiled to myself. I walked over to her side and turned off her light. Then I moved to my side of the bed and slipped in the covers. Like a magnet, she moved in her sleep and put her head on my chest. I kissed her forehead and breathed in her cherry scent. "I love you so much," I whispered. A little smile appeared on her face. I laid my head back and fell asleep along with her.

-In the Morning-

I woke up to the smell of fresh pancakes. I had my arms wrapped safely around Cheryl's waist with her head on my shoulder. I slowly unwrapped my arm, trying not to wake her. I slipped out of bed gently and kissed her cheek before grabbing my jumper, putting it on, and following the smell. I walked downstairs and was greeted by Penelope, Archie, and Veronica. "Ah, Toni, good morning," Penelope said.

"Morning P," I smiled.

"Cheryl still sleeping?" she asked me.

"Yep," I answered, walking over to the table and greeting Veronica and Archie.

I sat down as Penelope brought over a stack of pancakes with butter and maple syrup. Minutes later, a tired Cheryl walked down. She made her way over to the table and sat down on my lap. "Morning," I said.

"Morning Tee-Tee," she murmured.

"Cher, if you're still tired, why didn't you just sleep more?" Veronica mentioned.

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