Chapter 27 -Can't wait to see you!-

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The gang is back at home and they are back at school. They only have a term left before they graduate High School. 

(Cheryl's POV)

I was looking at an envelope I got this morning from Highsmith College.

Dear Miss Cheryl Blossom,
We would like to thank you for applying for Highsmith College and we would like to formally congratulate getting accepted. As starting Highsmith next year we would love for you to join us on our annually College tour in the summer holidays. 
Please get back to us as soon as possible.

Thank you for your time and we all can't wait to meet you,
--Highsmith College, Greendale--

I got accepted to one of the best Colleges around Riverdale. I couldn't help but feel excited and happy. But then it clicked to me, Toni. We've never talked about what are we are going to do about College. Archie, Veronica, Betty and Jughead have set their minds on going to Harvard together. But I've never thought about it. I've never had a girlfriend to have to talk about this. I sighed to myself and put the envelope back into my bag. I walked to my next class but what was on my mind made me zone out, What if I've only got three more months left with Toni? What's going to happen if she goes to a different college than I do? How is a long-distance relationship going to work? 

The day went by fast but colleges were still on my mind. Then I remembered. Shit Spencer's baby shower is this next weekend. I waited at the front of the school for Toni. But I turned around to see a beautiful pinked hair girl walking towards me. I smiled to myself, "How was your day babe," she said kissing my cheek. 

"It was alright. How about yours?" we started to talk as we walked towards my car. 

"Yeah great," she walked to the passenger seat as we drove off. We headed to Toby and Spencer's house. 

We got out of the car and I grabbed Toni's hand. She knocked on the door and a few seconds later Toby opened the door. 

"Cheryl, Toni. Come in," Toby smiled as he let us in and hugged us both. We sat at the kitchen table, "So how's school going?"

"Yeah, it's great. I'm really ready to graduate and get out though," Toni laughed as I smiled slightly. 

"Have you picked out any colleges?" Spencer asked us as I tensed up. 

"Yeah, I've picked a few but I really haven't decided. But I'm still debating if I'm going to leave Riverdale," Toni answered straight away. She then looked at me.

"Um, I haven't looked at many," I paused. "Most of them are out of Riverdale," I said looking away from Toni. But when I turned back she had a little frown on her face. I quickly changed the subject, "Anyways. This baby shower, how are we going to do it?" I put a smile on my face. We began to plan the new parents, baby shower. 

--2 Hours Later--

"Okay, so that's all set. Cheryl you're going to come with me to my next doctor's appointment to find the gender. But remember don't tell anyone not even Toni or your brother," Spencer told me as I nodded along. We said goodbye to Toby and Spencer and jumped back into my car. It was a silent drive back to Toni's trailer. I parked my car at the front of it. As Toni got out I hesitated and finally made my way to the front door while Toni unlocked it. Toni walked into her small kitchen and grabbed two plates and started to make chicken noodle soup. I walked into her bedroom and laid down on top of the covers. 

I heard little footsteps coming towards the room as I sat up, "Babe, dinners ready," she smiled at me as I got off the bed and followed her into the kitchen to the two seated table. I sat down on the opposite side of Toni. I tried to eat my food but nothing was going down so I began to start twirling my fork around the bowl. Toni then raised her eyebrow and looked up, "You alright babe?" she asked me. 

I continued to look down at my bowl, "Umh, just don't really feel well," I calmly replied, "Do you mind if I skip dinner and go for a quick shower?" I asked her. 

"Of course, you know you don't have to ask me," she pouted as I got up from my chair and walked into her bedroom not making any eye contact with her. I stripped and walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. 

(Toni's POV)

I cleaned up the table and put Cheryl's uneaten soup in the fridge for later. I wonder what's wrong with Cheryl? She was fine before. Did I do something to upset her? I walked into my bedroom hearing the shower still running. I went to my drawer and picked out a tank top and shorts. I threw my serpent jacket onto the side of the bed and changed my clothes. I jumped onto my bed and sat waiting for Cheryl to come out. After a couple of minutes I heard the water turn off and after a few seconds Cheryl came out slowly with a towel wrapped around her body and one around her hair. She walked around to one of the draws and pulled out a pair of underwear, a jumper and shorts. She took her body towel off and put the clothes on. I watched her bend down and use the towel that was in her hair to dry it. She stood up straight and turned around to me. I cleared my throat, "Babe what's going on? You look so upset. Did I do something wrong?" I pouted as her eyes finally met my eyes like it was the first time. She had a frown on her face and I saw a single tear fall from her eye to her cheek. I quickly got off the bed and wrapped my arms around her body as I felt her head rest against my chest as I started to hear little sobs coming from it, "Shh, it's okay. Tell me what's the matter," I whispered as I kissed the top of her head. 

"I just -to- like- forever-," she murmured. 

"Cheryl, I can't hear you," she lifted her head off my chest as I saw her swollen eyes from the crying.

"I just want this to last forever," she whispered. 

"What do you mean," I said grabbing her hand and moving to the side of the bed, making her sit down. 

"I- I got m-my acceptance letter to High-smith College," she struggled to get out. "And, and I- just do-don't wan-nt to lo-se you," she said in a sob.

I began to pout. I sat down next to her, "Baby, no, you will never lose me okay. I love you so much," I cupped her hand.

"Yo-u said today that you don't want to leave Riverdale," she whispered.

"What. No, I said that because I haven't been accepted to any Colleges," I tried smiling. "You know I did apply for Highsmith but I don't think I'm going to get in," I said. She slowly raised her eyebrow, "You know what," I smiled as I moved my body more towards her, "I promise you that when we graduate. We're going to move to Greendale. Rent out a little apartment. You'll get to go to Highsmith and I'll still be by your side and even if I don't get into Highsmith, I'll get a little job and I'll love and support you for all your decisions," I said lightly grabbing her arms. I saw a little smile creep up on her face which made me smile back.

"I love you so much," she whispered which made me shiver.

"I love you too," I said back. "Come here," I opened my arms up as she embraced it. We then laid back onto the bed and soon enough we both fell asleep peacefully.  

Hey, Guys, it's me I hoped you liked this. But if you did like it please like it and vote for it and I will keep posting more of this. Cheryl and Toni have decided that they are going to move to Greendale once they graduate. Do you guys think that Toni is going to get into Highsmith College? Next chapter will be Toby and Spencer's planning of the baby shower which will be so much fun to write. I'm sorry if I spelt things wrong like mum I'm Australian that's how we spell it lol. Hoping to get a new chapter this week. But I posted every day on my Instagram fan account. Make sure to vote for this story!

My Instagram is: missriveraswhore

Thanks and bye loves xx

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