First days with the Host club!

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Haruhi and I walked to Music Room 3 in silence. It was mostly because i was depressed, but it didn't help that she was mad at me for taking half of her debt. 

"Come'on Haruhi. I couldnt just let you suffer by yourself! Its not that big of a deal."

"But you dont need to work more than you have too. You have less money than I do. You can't afford to be in debt!" I sighed. She had a point.

We reached the Club shortly after. As we walked in, Honey-senpai dragged me away. "H-hey! Where are we going?" He smiled and started skipping.

"We're going to make cake! It's gonna be so much fun right Gin-chan??" He began to spin his bunny around. 

"Yeah..." I turned to Honey. "So what do you want to make?" He thought about it for a while.

"Cake with strawberries on top!"  I sighed. Kinda obvious. I pulled out the ingredients. \

"Shall we get started?"

 About a half hour later, Honey and I were chatting and happily eating cake. We talked about random things that came to mind.  Mori-senpai was watching us as if we were his younger siblings. He always had scolded us when we would do something wrong, like trying to start a food fight or when we would compete to see who could stck the most plates of cake on our heads. 

He must have had enough when the cake eventually landed on his face. He picked me up and placed me over his shoulder. "Enough. You two have had enough fun for today. " He then carried me to where Hikaru and Kaoru sat. He placed me between the 2 of them. "Watch her. Don't let her near Mitskuni."

"Yes sir!" They both saluted. Then they introduced me to their guests. 

"This here is Naomi. She's our new personal chef! " Hikaru said while hugging me. 

"Don't forget that she's our singer as well!" Kaoru spoke next, hugging me as well. I sweatdropped. What am i, some doll?

"Awww! She's so cute!" 

"She seems like she could be Mori's little sister!" 

"She's so tiny!" I turned a light shade of red. 

"I AM NOT TINY!!!" I attempted to wiggle free of the twins death grip, but to no results. 

"Why of course you are!" Hikaru stated.

"You're at least 3 inches shorter than everyone except Honey!" i started blushing even more and looked into my lap. One of the girls started squeeling. 

"OMG I just want to dress her up! She would make a adorable princess wouldn't she?" The rest of the girls agreed. I saw a sinister shine in Hikaru and Kaoru's eyes.  They pushed me towards the girls. 

"Do as you want! She does work for us after all!" My heart sank. 

Those bastards!!

The girls giggled even louder and grabbed me by my arms.

And with that i was dragged away to my impending doom.

~time skip :D Im lazy~

~Kaoru's POV 

We were all waiting anxiously for the girls to finish dressing up Naomi. The Host club had ended a while ago, after dealing with a jealous customer who had begun to bully Haruhi.  

"C'mon! Are you done yet?" Hikaru never really had any patience.

The girls came out. "She's all ready! Hope you guys enjoy our work!" They then left the building. We waited a little longer before Naomi finally spoke.

"...i'm not going out there..." We all sighed. I looked to Haruhi.

"Can you get her out?" Haruhi nodded and walked into the changing room. At first we heard Naomi complaining and whining about her outfit, but then Haruhi whispered something in her ear. None of us could make out what she had said. 

Then Naomi timidly peeked her head out the curtain. She was blushing. "You guys better not make fun of me..." She had a small pout on her face. Then she stepped out.

She was really cute.

She was wearing a cute maids outfit with adorable cat ears. She was absolutely stunning. Her shy composure added even more to her cuteness. I couldn't hold back a heavy blush. And by the looks of it, none of the other guys could either. I looked to the side, hoping she wouldn't notice the red staining my cheeks.

 She was blushing even more now and looked down to the floor. "Why won't you guys look at me? Is it that bad?" She started fiddling with the fabric of her dress. 

Immediately we all started throwing out stuttered compliments. She looked confused. Haruhi came by and led her back to the changing room. "Ignore them Naomi. They're just being boys." 

All of us stood there awkwardly, until Kyoya spoke up. 

"I think we just found our first ever female host."

~~~~~~Yay 2nd chapter up!! Sorry if i ignored the plot a little >.> I didnt feel like writing it. I know i kinda rushed things... please! Critisism is HIGHLY APPRECIATED!!! It will help me to write better!






I need SOME feedback or i'll be going insane @_@"

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