~Easter Bunny Mayhem: I'M TOO YOUNG TO DATE!!

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~Naomi's POV

"Not exactly.' I squealed and tried to jump away from the sudden male voice, only to be grabbed by my waist and lifted off the floor and onto the dudes shoulders.

"Put me down!! Creeper! I'll sue you!! This is kidnapping!! Sexual assault!! Armed battery!! Buy a girl some coffee first, damn!!" I kept screaming and punching my 'kidnapper's shoulder. "I demand to see my attorney!"

He sighed but kept walking, not saying anything. I couldn't get a good look at his face. Dammit! I have a feeling I know him though...

I eventually gave up my consistent struggle and sighed. 'Mystery Guy' chuckled, "Finally gave up on abusing me princess?"

I mumbled incoherent words under my breath. I recognize this dudes voice I swear!

We walked (or in my case, was carried) in silence for a while.

"How'd you find me?" I asked. I could've sworn I was so ninja...

"You were reading manga on Facebook. You know it shows your location if you're on Facebook from your phone right?"

"Uhm...Yeah! I wanted to give you a chance!," I pat his head, "You were smart enough to find out my plan! Good job!!"

"Yeah. You planned all of that. Sure. It had nothing to do with the fact that I was just smart." I could tell he was rolling his eyes.

"Smart? That seems kinda impossible, no?"

"Ha. So original."

I pouted (not that he would be able to tell). I'm supposed to be the sarcastic one around here!!

As we entered the already full auditorium, everyone became quiet. We were the last ones. Great.

I looked at the Host members and saw that they were kinda shocked. Heh, they have to go on a date with a guy.

As we reached the front stage, I was finally placed back on my feet. I looked to the guy who found me and my mouth fell open.

You readers probably don't remember him, but it was Akio Namikaze, that guy I got in a Pokemon argument with back in chapter 3. I knew it!! I'm so awesome! :DD I didn't know he rolled that way!

He smirked at my shocked expression and pushed me towards the stage. I stumbled up the stairs and sat in my chair.

Kyoya coughed to gain everyone's attention and spoke. "Alright, since we just announced that there will be no winner for finding the most eggs since SOMEONE found them all before we even started," Whoops. That was me. ", our only winner for this years Egg hunt was Akio Namikaze, for actually being able to find Naomi."

Tamaki stood and addressed the Host Club. "So Akio, what Host guy are you looking for? The cool type? The boy Lolita? The-"

Akio held his hands up.

"Whoa man. I don't swing that way."

Tamaki was confused. "Well then who?" Yeah, who? Unless he knows Haruhi is a girl?! O.O

Akio gave him an annoyed look. "Duh. Naomi of course."



I'm confused.


~3rd person POV

Tamaki laughed lightheartedly. "Very funny Akio!"

"I'm serious..."


Akio sighed. "Yes! Is it really that hard to believe?"

"uh....yes. Uhm...can everyone else give us some privacy? Uh...we need to discuss this..." Tamaki spoke quietly. All the fans whined but left nonetheless.

Akio climbed onto the stage and sat in the now open chair next to Naomi. She blushed and hid her face in her hands.

"I don't see how this is a big deal."

Tamaki pointed at Naomi. "MY DAUGHTER IS TOO YOUNG TO DATE!!!"

Akio looked to Naomi then to Tamaki confused. "Daughter?"

Haruhi sighed. "Don't ask..."

Akio nodded still confused, but continued on, "She's the same age as me. How could she be too young?"

"She just is!!"

Naomi sighed and looked up at Tamaki, still blushing. "It's ok Tamaki...it's just one date..."

Akio stood up smiling and gave Naomi a small peck on the cheek. "Thank you! I'll pick you up tomorrow!!" Before anyone had time to react, he was already happily smirking and running out the door.

The twins growled and ran after him, screaming about him being rude and 'tainting a pure heart'. Haruhi walked to Naomi to see that she had fainted and had a dark blush on her cheeks.

Haruhi smiled and poked Naomi.

"Aww, Naomi's really shy. I guess she's not a romantic after all...You know, that might've just been her first kiss...and it might be her first date too..."

Everyone still in the room just froze and stared at the napping Naomi.

"Oh no."



chapter!! Sorry if it sucks! I wanted to post it today or a certain fans birthday! ^-^ happy Easter my sweet peeps!!

Now, how many of you can HONESTLY say that you remembered Akio from the 2nd chapter? C'mon be honest. I know many of you didn't ;3


1)What do you think Akio and Naomi will do on their date?

2)How do you think the Host club will interfere, if they do at all?


Pic of Akio Namikaze to the side! (hopefully >.>) next chappy might take a while since I will try to draw a picture!!





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