Jungle Pool trouble prt.3~ o.o"

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~~Heya guys :DD Im gonna be starting something new!!

I'm gonna ask a question at the end of each chapter. The comments from you guys will or will not connect with the story's future 0.0 So feel free to try it!!

ok, on to the story!! :DD 


~Naomi's POV

I looked away from a Honey doing a handstand on Mori's back while Mori was swimming against the current. I had gotten out of the pool a while ago so Honey could show me some tricks.

I've been sitting on a lawn chair next to Kyoya, trying to see what he keeps writing in that binder of his. But everytime i got close enough to read it, Kyoya would turn around and I would have to act unsuspicious. Like whistling and poking something.

Eventually, he caught me and poked my forehead roughly.

"Will you stop? Sit down over there and stop acting like a Tamaki."

I gasped and clutched my chest dramatically. "How could you say something so hurtful? Kyoya i thought you were supposed to be a gentleman?"

Kyoya rolled his eyes and patted my head. "There there. Now stop overreacting." I got chibi eyes and ran away.

"Yay!! Kyoya does have feelings!!"

He sighed and went back to whatever he was doing in his binder.

I stopped running when I reached Haruhi, Tamaki and the Hitachiins. The twins pulled out water guns.

"Hey boss! Wanna have a water gun fight? If you get hit in the face you lose!"

"Now why would I stoop to a low level like that?" said Tamaki.

The twins suddenly appeared next to Haruhi. "Say Haruhi, I think it's about time we got married~" Hikaru said.

"Yeah! And we could honeymoon in Hawaii!! And Naomi could be our adopted daughter!!!" Kaoru spoke.

" Whoa don't bring me into this-"


Tamaki spoke with anger in his voice. He had grabbed a water gun.

Tamaki looked to me with confidence brimming his eyes and handed me a water gun as well. "You'll be on my team Naomi! And together we'll be unstoppable!!"

I smirked and nodded. The twins were gonna lose.  

Because I have perfect aim.

I have never missed a headshot.

"Alright! The competition starts now!!"

While Tamaki was distracting the twins and engaging them head on, I pulled myself up into a tree's branch. From there I jumped from treetop to treetop to get a good shot.

As soon as I had perfect aim I fired. A splash of water and a shrill shriek was heard. I had already taken down Hikaru.

Since Tamaki probably wants to have the spotlight, I'll let him deal with the rest. I slid down the tree and walked up to Hikaru. I points at his dripping face and shouted.

"This was my kill!!" I did a little happy dance around Hikaru.

"That was you?! I had to give up the game! Now I owe Kaoru $13!!" Hikaru grabbed my arms and shook me frantically.

"So? You guys are rich. What's the problem?"

"I don't have to answer that!!" I sweat dropped.

Hikaru than began to carry me towards the river pool thingy. He held me completely over the water.

"Oops. My hands are slipping."

"Hey, hey, hey! We can talk this out!! You don't have to do this!!"


I fell into the water with a silent splash. The current then took my still shocked body down the river.

Since Hikaru dropped me pretty much in the middle of the river, it would've took a lot of work to get to the ground again.

So I did the obvious thing and gave up.

I let the river take my body down the river for about 5 minutes until I felt big hands grab my sides and lift me out of the water. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Mori holding me up.

"You shouldn't just flow down the river. We don't know whats at the end." 

"Bleh. I wanna stay in the water, but I'm too lazy to move."

Mori carried me towards the edge of the pool and sat me down on the edge.

"Wait here." He got out of the pool and walked to where everyones bags were. He searched through a pink bunny bag (guess who xD) and pulled out something. He came back with a red floaty tube and a string. He called Honey over. Then he tied one end of the string around Honey's tube and one around the red one. He then placed me inside the tube.

"There. Now you can rest while Honey pulls you around."

Honey began to swim, dragging me around.

"I'm a train!!"

I looked to Mori and gave him a closed eye smile. "Thanks Mori-kun!!"

He nodded and walked away, apparently to get something to drink.

10 minutes later, disaster struck!!! (always wanted to say that xD)

Out of nowhere, I felt a low rumble from far away. I paid no attention to it. But not even 2 minutes later, the rumbling turned into violent shaking. I looked up and saw a giant wave towering above me and Honey-senpai.  

I held my breath and closed my eyes.

Well this will be fun.

~~Yep. There's gonna be a Jungle pool part 4. I either get too into detail or I haven't been writing enough per chapter.

I've been really sick lately. I got the flu :( I had to take 2 days off of school and I feel guilty >.< thats just how I am.

Alright now for the first ever chapter question!!!

Q: What are some fun truth or dare things the group can do? (It can be Naomi asking/daring or another host asking/daring)

Now for the love interest totals!!!

Kyoya- 12

Honey- 11

Mori- 11

Oh snap its getting real. Voting ends Feb. 1st!! (or like when i get home from school on feb1st)




Play some pokemon!! I know i am!!

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