My secret job the Host Club doesn't know about...

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~~Naomi (Gin)'s POV

I opened the door to my house and walked to the kitchen. On my way, i saw my cat Sir standing next to a bottle of red wine.

"No Sir, just because you look fancy, doesn't mean you can drink wine. You're a cat."

He hissed. I sighed and walked to his (full) milk bowl. I put some red food coloring, enough to make it look like, well, wine.

He elegantly walked toward his (wine) bowl with his head up high and drank. I rubbed my forehead. "Damn cat. You are so spoiled. You're lucky i kept you."

I went to my room and changed into my chef's outfit (you know, the white apron and mushroom hat thingys?)and black leggings. I covered up in a long black trenchcoat. I grabbed my keys and left the house.

As soon as i got in my black Dodge Charger i saw a limo driving towards my house. Just to be safe, i locked the car doors and hid under the seat. If it was who i thought it was, i should avoid being seen all together. I heard the limo door slam open. I heard them walk to my house and knock.

"I don't think she's home boss." Damn it, why am i always right?

It was the Host Club.

"Kyoya, are you sure this is the right address?" Tamaki.

"Yes, it is the right address." Kyoya.

"We should just go guys. I know i wouldn't want you guys coming to my house at 6'o clock at night." Haruhi was here too? And 6?! i need to be at work at 6:30!

"Well we are not leaving till Daddy sees where his little girl lives!!" Aughhhhhhhhhh just go awayyyy.

I pulled out my phone. Maybe i could call someone to bail me out-

"Gin-chan, why are you hiding from us?" I froze.

I looked at the window slowly and saw Honey and Mori. Honey looked hurt while Mori was being Mori. I smiled sheepishly and sat in the driver's seat."Hey guys. I was just looking for my phone..."

i ninja-stealthily put the keys in ignition.

And, still smiling, took off. They chased and called after me.

I felt guilty for leaving them all like that, especially Honey. He just looked so sad...

But i couldnt let them know i live alone and had a job. i mean, who knows how they would react?

I was at my full-time job as a pastry chef. I started to notice abnormally large orders of cake, but didn't pay it any mind. I was working and a Tri-Souffle platter when the chef called me over. Hesitantly, i walked towards him, keeping any eye on my souffles'. Didn't want them to collapse.

"Table 7 has requested a talk to the pastry chef. They adored your confections!" I didnt find this odd. Recently, a lot of people had been asking me for recipees to give to their personal chefs. I mean this was a 5-star restuarant.

I approached the table and bowed. "Thank you for the kind compliments on my pastries, I really-"

"No problem Naomi." They all said in unision. I froze for the second time today. I looked up and saw the Host Club with deadly looking smiles on their faces.

"We need to have a little talk with you~" They sang in, again, perfect unision.

I'm screwed.

I pushed my bangs to the side

"So...are you guys gonna pay with Visa or Mastercard? Hehe....."

~Heres the next chapter :DD Sorry if its shorter than usual.





Ja ne! :3


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