~Hikaru and Naomi's Chuck'e Cheese Adventure!!

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~Naomi's POV

After picking up our needed supplies, Hikaru and I drove down the the neighborhood Chuck'e Cheese.

As I walked through the entrance and tried to get through to buy myself some tokens, I was stopped by one of the worker ladies.

"Excuse me sweetie, are you alone? Do you want me to call your parents?" the lady said. I stood appalled. How old does she think I am?!

Hikaru came from behind me and laughed, "That won't be necessary! She's with me!"

"Oh are you her brother?"

Hikaru rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "I guess you could say that..."

"Well ok then! Have fun!" The lady stamped our hands with the special hand stamps (those ones that only show under backlight?) and let us on our way.

Hikaru snickered and placed a hand on my shoulder. "So little sis, what first?"

"Oh how funny," I rolled my eyes. "Hmm...Oh look Hikaru! They have a Fruit Ninja game!!" I pointed to a HD 3ft wide looking screen with a sign 'FRUIT NINJA' on top. Hikaru just looked at me weirdly.

"You have an app for that. Why waste tokens?"


Hikaru smiled and pat my head, "True," he inserted a token into the game, "Now have fun you crazy kid."

"What are you talking about? We're playing together!"


I rolled my eyes and pat his head, "Well it's a giant screen. We can both play at the same time!"

Hikaru rolled his eyes but played anyway.

And after a while, I regret letting him play. He hogged the screen and wouldn't let me choose the blade! He wanted the 'flame blade' because it matched his hair! I wanted the frost blade...

Anyway, after about 6 tries, we got the high score of 697 (which made both of us laugh). Then we played basketball (which I beat him at), car racing (beat him again), and air hockey (need you ask?). We also played Guitar Hero, but he won twice--only because I was playing on Expert and he was playing on Easy!

He eventually learned I couldn't be bested and decided to waste all of our tokens by throwing them at the guy in the Chuck'e costume. I just sat laughing at how the little kids following Chuck'e for tickets began turning rabid and insane for tickets: tackling the poor underpaid mascot and such.

He huffed in annoyance and left the scene of mouse-mauling children. "Now what do we do?"

"Well I was gonna say 'let's throw coins at an already miserable mouse', but I think you beat me to it." I said sarcastically.

"OHMEHGAWD WE THINK SO ALIKE!!!," Hikaru feigned a valley girl accent, "WE MUST BE LIKE, LONG LOST SISTERS!"

"Yes! We might even be...TWINS!!"

We both gasped dramatically, then broke out laughing.

We are such idiots together.


"What now Nao? We either broke or got the high score on all the arcade games here." Hikaru asked poking my cheek, "Not to mention clogging those tunnel things and the slide. That plastic wrap blocking the end of the slide is like a spider web." He sat next to me as we were both eating cheap, yet delicious pizza.

I cringed at his new nickname for me. I'll talk to him about that later. "Hm...well we have this crawling hand and horror movie makeup in supply and a birthday party nearby. Or do you just wanna play some Skeeball?"

"Hm..." Hikaru stoked his imaginary beard, "Skeeball seems very tempting...but who can pass up terrifying little children and their parents?"

"Normal people. Good thing we're the opposite!" I smiled and replied.

~Time Skip~

Our plan was perfect. While the kids of the party (8-13 year olds. We're not that evil) were playing the games and the parents were chatting, Hikaru and I set up our scheme.

I hacked into the lighting panel and set it up so that Hikaru could easily manipulate the setting.

I, on the other hand, painted the crawling zombie claw into a bloody crawling human hand. Then I hid my arm under my bandages and painted them red, making them look like I was missing an arm. Then I hid until the time was right.

As the party people were singing the birthday song, Hikaru dimmed the lights and slowly turned down the happy music. Then our favorite horror movie soundtrack gradually became louder and louder.

Little kids began whimpering and parents became outraged. I flipped the switch on the crawling hand, turning it on. I set it on a course that would take it directly down the aisles.

As it began it's crawling, a 8 year old child noticed, "Mom? What's that moving thing?"

The mother looked in the direction the child was pointing at and gasped. "Oh my god its a hand!!"

Other people followed her example and freaked out when they saw it. I stealthily laid myself flat on the floor in my Grudge-like outfit and bloody missing arm, then crawled slowly after the hand.

"My hand...come back..." I groaned after it. I then grabbed onto a lady closest to my and held onto her leg, "Help me...Can I....borrow your hand...?"

The lady screamed.

About 5 minutes into our prank, everyone had already fled in terror. I took off the gross messy hair wig and sat on the floor. Hikaru came and sat next to me and spoke--

"You know, that wasn't as fun as I thought it would be."


Blah I thought this chapter sucked =-= no rikey. I could've done more with it...

Finally able to post this chapter! My Wattpad has been deleting every chapter I try to write! :(

Ok QOTC!!! (pretty unrelated to the fanfic)

1) What OHSHC character are you most like? Like if you took a quiz or some friends told you? I'm curious! ^-^

I've always been a Kyoya ._. Every time I took a quiz it'd be like "You are Kyoya!!" My friends say its true =-= well I AM smart xD *cough*wheniwanttobe*cough*, I love money, like big in charge, am manipulative, only motivated if I get something from it, called evil and dark--

You know what im gonna stop there ._.

Now please, if you will,





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