~Caught; with consequences. =-=

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~Naomi's POV

After Hikaru and I had pulled our awesome prank (that went a little overboard, I admit), the cops had been called. Hikaru and I were caught, since we were disabled by our continuous laughter.

They handcuffed us and were taking us to the police car when the Host Club arrived, like usual, in a limo. Kaoru was the first the run out to us.

"Naomi! Hikaru! What's going on?! Why is there police?! WHAT DID YOU TWO DO?!?!" Kaoru freaked out. A large man, who I assume to be the Sheriff or whatever, walked to him.

"They're charged with harassment of a public audience. They are also found to have destroyed public property, assault, and robbery," he gave us a look through his dark sunglasses, "That's a pretty large fine for a pair of kids. Or a long while in Juvenile Hall."

"KAORU! WE WERE FRAMED! BELIEVE US!" Hikaru and I cried our from the back of the squad car we were just forced into.

"I would, but I just saw you two laughing. And I think that amount of trouble could only be caused by you two together." He facepalmed and turned to the cop, "We can pay for the fine. Here's a check."

The cop looked suspicious, but said nothing else. He gestured to his men and they let us go.

I don't even want to know how much the fine was.

So instead of asking, I ran to Kaoru and hugged his leg. Hikaru doing the same.

"It was Hikaru's idea!! I was a victim to peer pressure!!"

"No it wasnt!! Naomi used her evil innocent charms and made me want to go with her evil plans!!"



"Mori. Take these two to the limo please." Kaoru sighed, shooting us a glare.

"Hn." Mori picked me up and held me over his shoulder, then grabbed Hikaru by the back of his shirt and dragged him to the limo where the rest of the club waited.

Everyone stared at us. I didn't really know what to do, so I pulled a bunch of SweetTarts and Smarties out of my pockets.

"Anyone want some? Heh..."

Not surprisingly, Honey was the only one who took a few packets.

"Were those what we were charged of stealing?!" Hikaru asked.

"Yes...I didn't have enough tickets..." I replied, "You're the one who broke the ice-cream machine and the Terminator guns! And you pelted Chuck'e with metal coins!"

"Well you punched that one dude in the face!"


Tamaki rang a random bell that he carries around with him. "Stop you two! You both are at fault here! What you two did today was very immature and selfish! First, Naomi, you left during your date with Akio-"

"But-" I started but Tamaki cut me off.

"Second, Hikaru, you decided to do what you wanted to and left the park with Naomi without telling us-"


"SHHHHHHHH." Tamaki hushed him. "Thank you. And then you both got ARRESTED. What were you two thinking?!"

". . . What's thinking?"

"Naomi you're grounded."


Haruhi sighed, "Senpai give them a break. They were just having their own version of fun." She took a pack of Smarties, "Though I don't think it was fun for anybody else..."

"...Fine." Tamaki started, "But I'm still upset with you two. So at school, you two will be working after classes end to help Nekozawa-senpai with his club!"

". . ." We stayed quiet. That wasn't really a bad punishment, but we wouldn't want him to change that now will we?

~Time skip: Next school day~

I groaned rubbing my face as I left my last class and headed to the Host Club. I fell asleep during a test and now I have a funny arm mark on my face. It burns!! =-=

I opened the door to Music Room 3 and saw the Club staring at a trio of girls. The girls were in weird poses in the middle of the room.

Then they sang out;


I slammed the door shut.


Not today.


Sorry I take so damn long =-= been practicing for my cousins quince. I'm one of the Damas or whatever. Now I'm glad I'm not having one >.>

Plus finals suck .3. I think I failed Korean.

Sorry if it's so short!! I'm gonna try to move a little with the storyline, so I put the Lobelia thing the let you guys know where we are at .3.


1) want me to do a Lobelia chapter? Or skip to the next episode?

2) Smarties or SweetTarts?

3) Hikaru or Kaoru?


Ok I'm done .3. You don't really have to answer all them~

So please, my loyal beautiful readers, for sticking with me this long-




( ̄^ ̄)ゞ good luck to peeps still with finals!! (like muah =-0)

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