~A Date to Remember! Part 2!!!

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~Naomi's POV

The mystery person led me away from the teen and to a small cafe. There they ordered us a large funnel cake. I may have been dragged here sort of against my will, but I'm not complaining~!!

Without questions, I began nomming one half of the funnel cake. Strawberries, whipped cream and sweet powdered sugar~!!!

The M.P sat by as I happily munched. I looked to them and wondered who they were. That mustache is really throwing me for a loop...either way, they seemed to be waiting for me to say something.

I stopped eating and looked to them.

"Who are you?"

M.P sweat-dropped. Then pulled off his mustache! How could someone do that like nothing?!- oh wait it was a stick-on mustache...

I laid my head on the table and mumbled. "How did I not recognize you...? The mustache doesn't even match your hair color...."

Hikaru laughed, "I don't know! I mean I was wearing a black mustache!"

I huffed, "Whatever...You're lucky you bought me funnel cake...So where's Kaoru?"

Hikaru frowned unhappily, "They made us split up to cover more of the amusement park. I'm covering the booths. He's covering the Arcade..."

"Oh so you're going through Kaoru-Deprivation?" I said picking up a strawberry with whipped cream smilingly.

"Don't say it like that! You're making it sound like a medical problem!" Hikaru exclaimed blushing.

"Uh huh..." I finished the half of the funnel cake with strawberries and sugar, leaving the chocolate and caramel half untouched. I picked up a piece with my fork and held it out to Hikaru. "Ve~ Hikaru! You want some? I don't like the chocolate..."

Hikaru snapped out of his thoughts. "Huh? Oh no thanks."

"Really~?? You sure~???" I said as i waved the cake piece back and forth.

"...fine. Just stop waving it around ok?" Hikaru said. He then ate the piece. "...It's ok..."

I smiled happily. "If you like it, I can try making some for you at home!"

Hikaru looked away, with a flustered expression on his face. "You don't have to. We have personal chefs."

"But mine will be special!" I flailed my arms in a circle (or maybe a squiggle). "My food is always made with LOVE~!!!"

Hikaru just rolled his eyes. None of us really had anything else to say.

"Hey Hikaru, what now?" I asked.

". . . . Wanna just leave?" he replied.


And so we did.

~3rd Person POV

As Hikaru and Naomi spoke about spongebob and the Teen Titans in the limousine that had picked them up, Hikaru's phone rang. It was Kaoru. Naomi could hear him freaking out. Mostly because Hikaru put the call on speaker.

"Hikaru?! Where's Naomi?! Akio just ran in here looking for her!! You were supposed to watch her!! What the hell happened?!" Kaoru shouted over the phone.

"Calm down Kaoru! AM watching her. Literally. She's right in front of me. We just got bored and left." As proof, Hikaru handed Naomi the phone.

"Hi Kaoru! Hikaru got me a panda-corn doll and bought me a funnel cake!"

Kaoru sighed in relief. "That's great sweetie. Now hand the phone back over to Hikaru please?"

"Mkay~!" Naomi threw the phone at a fleeing Hikaru, causing him to reflexively catch it.

Hikaru sighed, knowing that he was in big trouble for interfering with the date. He gave Naomi a pointed look. She just shrugged in reply.


"Yes Kaoru?"

"I hope you have a good reason for taking Naomi away from her date. I don't think ANYONE is going to be happy to hear that."

Hikaru sighed again, exasperated. "Of course!! She wandered off first! I just happened to see her by herself talking to some creep!"

Kaoru thought for a while, "But you could've sent her back..."

"Do you really think she'd be able to enjoy her date after finding out we were there watching her? Nuh uh. Don't think so." Naomi nodded alongside Hikaru. Not that Kaoru could tell.

"Fine...I'll just text everybody that we can leave now...Stay at home! I don't trust either of you. Not for your own sake but for the general public..." Hikaru hung up without replying. After a few minutes he broke the silence.

"Wanna go to Chuck 'e Cheese?" Hikaru asked with a smirk.

Naomi smirked as well, "Only if I'm allowed to bring super glue, a screwdriver, some toilet paper and my scary movie soundtrack."

"Of course. I'll bring the walking hand toy and some plastic wrap."



Akio ran back and forth through the park looking for Naomi. It was really late and the Host's have already left.

One of the security guards came up to him. "Sir, we have reports that Miss Naomi was seen leaving earlier...with some boy."

"....what?.....Did I just get stood up....in the middle of a date..?"

"Yeah. Probably."


Sorry the chapter was so short *^* I feel like such a douche pickle. Been training for swim league and it's finally over!!

....we lost but it was still badass .3.

Im so mean for leaving Akio there ._. eh. He'll be back....I think...

Anyway~!! I wuv anyone who is still reading this!! I thought since I took so long everyone would give up on reading *^*

So Q.O.T.C!!!!

1) Would you like a chapter of Hikaru and Naomi's "adventure" to chuck 'e cheese? Or skip to whatever is next?


Now please~




Funnel cakes FTW!!!! xDD

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