Prank wars with the Hitachiins!! ~filler >.>~

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~Kaoru's POV

"Naomi. Wake up~' Naomi slapped Hikaru's hand away from her and covered herself completely with blankets. She wasn't as bad of a sleeper as Honey and Kyoya, but almost nothing could wake her up.


Hikaru gave me a a smirk and i nodded, We both walked to the back of the room and leaned against the wall. 

Then we pushed ourselves off the wall and jumped onto Naomi's bed.

With a shrill scream, Naomi flew out of the bed and towards the ceiling. She landed flat on her face when she came into contact with the bed. Hikaru and I looked at her curiously as she sat up and started laughing. She seemed to pull a bat out of nowhere.

"THIS MEANS WAR!!!!!!!!!"

We took this as our cue to leave.

As Hikaru and I were playing video games, a sweet, delicious scent floated through the room. It smelled like cookies. Since we were both so hungry, we decided to take a few cookies while the chefs werent looking (If they saw, they would nag about ruining our apetites). 

We tiptoed into the kitchen and saw Naomi take a single cookie out of jar and run off giggling. We didnt think much of it. As we opened the jar, our hearts sank. 

The only things in the jar were crumbs and a blank white card. I cautiously picked it up and opened it. Then a ertain song began playing.

We've been rick-rolled. 

~Naomi's POV

I giggled as i ran from the kitchen hallway. I got them!! I had eaten all the cookies before they got there and placed the card inside the jar. I am so evil~

I pranced happily to the living room and turned off Hikaru and Kaoru's game so i could play Mario Cart on the big tv. 

I played till a while after midnight, until i realized i havent seen either of the twins since my little prank earlier. I paled considerably and ran to my room. When i opened the door, I saw that everything in my room was covered in tin foil. EVERYTHING. THEY EVEN WENT THROUGH MY CLOTHES AND WRAPPED THEM ALL SEPARATELY (Pervs even wrapped my underwear >:l)

They were SO gonna get it.

~~Back to Kaoru's POV

I woke up the morning after our tin foil prank to hear my cell phone ringing. As i reached towards my phone, I felt like i was stubk. I couldnt move! I pulled away from whatever was holding me as hard as i could, which ended up with both me AND Hikaru falling onto the floor. 

Now that i was out of the blankets, I was able to see that somebody had tied me and Hikaru together with ducktape while we were sleeping. I sighed as i had to cut myself and a still sleeping Hikaru free. 

After a quick stretching (our bodies were stiff from sticking in that position all night), i had decided to go get some supplies for our counter attack. However, as soon as i opened the door to the hallway, I saw almost hundreds of cups just sitting in the hallway, full of chocolate milk. 

Since i stopped so suddenly, Hikaru had bumped into me, causing me to fall onto all the cups and spilling the liquid inside. 

Only it wasnt chocolate milk, It was hot chocolate. And it burned like hell. 

"Kaoru what's going on?!" Hikaru asked, now aware of his surroundings. 


"Alright!" Hikaru ran off, but not before grabbing a cup of cocoa to take with him.

I sighed and smiled.

If she can prank us back this good, she would make a fine addition to our mischievious plans.


YAY FILLERS!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry if you dont like fillers, but i wanted to post a chapter and this came to my head. BE HAPPY! PRANKS ARE AWEsOMe!!!!!

Question of the Chapter!!!

1) Which holiday do you think is Naomi's favorite???

Comment to Answer!!! I WILL POST THE ANSWER IN A LATER CHAPTER! If you get it right i will award you~ :DD




Use some ducktape!!! >:D

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