~ A Drastic Change...

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~Naomi's POV

I yawned, stretching in my bed. Oh how I love the weekends~!!

I quickly hopped out of bed and looked to my clock. 8 a.m. That's a little early...

I shrugged and headed to exit my room, only to pass by my vanity mirror and get a glimpse of something different. I paused and stepped back, slowly and cautiously making my way to the mirror. When I saw my complete reflection I gasped and screamed for the two devils I got stuck living with.

"HIKARU~!!!!!! KAORU~!!!!! GET YOUR ASSES OVER HERE NOW~!!!!!" I screamed at them, knowing they had to be awake to pull this off.

The mischievous bastards slid sneakily into the room, standing at the doorway with their arms crossed and their mouths as smirks. Already fully dressed to go out.

"What is it~"

"Sister dearest~?" Kaoru and Hikaru said sweetly. I growled.

"Oh I get it. So funny. You two got a lot of nerve messing with my hair. Especially dying it that damn orange of yours!!" I practically hissed, tempted to dip their hair in some ink as revenge.

"We'd thought it'd look cute on you~!!" Kaoru coed, running his hand through his hair. The same hair color my hair now looked like.

"Yeah! I mean it already looks cute on us! We thought why not try it on our little Naomi~?" Hikaru persuaded, not doing a good job.

"Because you don't die a girls hair without permission!!" I yelled, glaring at the pair.

"Aw no complaining~!!" Hikaru ironically whined.

Kaoru smiled, "You're just gonna have to deal with it, seeing as we had it professionally dyed. It's going to be there a while~"

I paled. My raven black hair...

Hikaru snapped his fingers, seeming to remember something, "What are we doing? Boss will be here any minute! Naomi, quit slacking off and get ready! We're going to Haruhi's!!" The two then skipped happily out the door, letting the other pair of twins, the maids, take their place.

I sighed, a figurative raincloud planting itself over my head.

Not only was I stuck living with the Hitachiins, I now have to LOOK like them.

They were going to pay...


Tamaki's limousine arrived at the front of our mansion about 10 minutes after the twins little 'surprise'. I was unwillingly dragged outside after being quickly and equally unwillingly dressed by the maids.

Tamaki looked out of the limousine window, calling out to us, "Hikaru~!! Kaoru~!! Where's my little daughter~?"

"Right here boss~!!" The twins said together, opening the limo door and tossing me EVER SO GENTLY (note the sarcasm) into the vehicle.

I groaned and sat up, rubbing my forehead. I happened to land on my face, if you couldn't tell.

I looked around to the other sides of the limo and frowned. Of course with my luck, we were the last to be picked up. Inside was the rest of the Host Club (excluding Haruhi), looking at me with differing expressions.

Honey was confused, tilting his head and looking to Mori.

Mori had the same expression as usual, though his eyes were widened slightly.

Kyoya had seemed to study everything for a while, agitated, then went to write in that binder of his.

Tamaki looked pale, worry and horror etched onto his features as he was feeling my hair.

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