Jungle pool trouble!!~ prt. 1

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~Kaoru's POV

The limo door opened. Hikaru and I stepped out and called to the group. "We need some help over here! Our little alcoholic passed out." Hikaru stated rather bluntly.

"Just wake her up."

"We tried, she kept slapping our hands away before we could poke her." I stated.I turned to Mori. "Can you go pick her up?"

Mori nodded and walked off. He came back a few minutes later carrying a small Naomi bridal style. She was half-asleep and poking Mori's cheek.

"You're like a big teddy bear!!!" We all sweatdropped at her random statement. Except for Mori. He was blushing. Honey jumped up onto Mori's leg.

"Enough with this boring stuff!! Let's go play Naomi-chan!!" Honey quickly pulled Naomi out of Mori's arms and ran off. Naomi stumbled behind sleepily.

Me and Hikaru shared a look and smirked.

This is becoming interesting.

~Naomi's POV

"Honey-senpai where are we going?" I dont know where we're going cause im too lazy to open my eyes.

"I'm taking you to Haruhi!! You two gotta go do some stuff! "


We ran for a little bit longer until Honey-senpai suddenly stopped causing me to almost lose my balance.

"We're here!!" I opened my eyes and saw what looked like a changing room. Before I could ask what was going on, two familiar maids popped up from behind me. I jumped and hugged Honey by the waist.

"HONEY THEY'RE GONNA EAT MEEE!!!!!!!!!" Honey hugged me back tightly.

"It's probably because you're so sweet!!!" He handed me over to the twin maids. "Enjoy!"


Honey waveed goodbye to me as the maids took me into what i know knew was a changing room. Full of bathing suits and bikinis.

"Aw crap."

~Time skip :DD~

I stealthily walked out of the changing room. I was extremely uncomfortable. The maids put me in a bikini. A BIKINI. What were they thinking?!

I snuck through the foilage. If i could just find Haruhi-

"What do you think you're doing?" I jumped away from the voice that i knew was Kyoya.

"Heh, you see, i was just going to find .... a narwhal. I aw one WAAAAY over there away from all of you. SO if you'll excuse me~" Before i could prance away, Kyoya grabbed my hand and began to pull me away.

"I dont think so. We're going to everyone else by the pool. Sorry if this changes any of your plans." I looked at him with puffed up cheeks. He looked away quickly. With a little blush on his cheeks?

As we walked, Kyoya-senpai wouldnt make eye contact with me at all. What did i do wrong??

We reached the poolside shortly. Hikaru and Kaoru greeting me first.

Hikaru looked at my still bandaged arm questionably. "You look AMAZING. But what is that still doing there? You can't get in the water with bandages on."

I shook my head and held my arm closely. "They're waterproof bandages."

Truth be told, it took a LOT of work just to get past the maids with this on. That's why i was sneaking.

The twins looked at me skeptically and backed away into the water slowly, doing that 'im watching you' gesture. I sweatdropped.

I looked around and saw a snacks bar and smiled. Maybe i can get something nice to drink. I looked towards Kyoya and clung to his arm.

"Kyoya-senpai!!~ Can i order some drinks from that bar over there?? Please??" I looked up at him with sparkly eyes. Again, i saw a light blush on his cheeks.

"Yes of course, but-" Before he could speak anymore i ran towards the bar.

"One full island margarita please!!~" The bartender shook his head.

"Sorry. We've been prohibited to sell any alcoholic beverages today."

I collapsed to the floor with a depressed sigh. I had a feeling they planned this out. Kyoya walked up to me and held out his hand to help me up.

"Come on. You dont need alcohol. Get up." With a sad smile, i grabbed his hand and stood up. However, Kyoya senpai didnt let go of my hand right away. I didnt want to be rude though and yank it out of his hand. So we both kinda stood there awkwardly.

Until Honey ran towards us.

"Bad Kyoya!! Trying to steal Naomi-chan from me! She was going to play in the pool with me first. Wait your turn!"

"I was not stealing her from you. I was simply helping her up. "

"No lying Kyoya! You were just standing there!..."

I snuck away and sat next to Haruhi on a foldable lounge chair. I sighed exasperated.

"I thought this was a relaxation center."

" 'Relaxation' and the Host Club dont quite work well together." She laughed.

I grabbed a phone that was sitting on a nearby table and checked the time.


This place doesnt close til 4.

Im not gonna make it out of here alive.

~Yay! Sorry if this chapters crummy. I had no idea on what to write. This will be continued next chapter!




Play some pokemon :DD


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