~Confrontations at the beach!~ prt.2

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~Naomi's POV 

I sighed and crawled back into my sand-fort. No one wanted to have a sand-ball fight with me :( 

I looked Towards the group and pouted. Kyoya has the Host members working.  Luckily the customers havent found me in my sand-fort. Who knows what they'll be making me do. Just last week they had me model. DOWN AN ACTUAL RUNWAY.

Guess who gave them that idea?

If you guessed the twins, you are wrong. 

It was Tamaki, going on with his 'my daughter deserves the best!!' crap. So he gave them the idea of having me walk down a real runway in the girl's choices of clothing. So naturally, i did the normal thing and painted scratch marks all over his arms while he was sleeping (with the help of the twins). 

Long story short, he hired an exorsist from Spain and literally drowned his house in holy water. It almost makes me feel guilty. Almost.

My ears twitched as I heard about 3 pairs of footsteps approaching. I heard some giggles. I quickly tried to dive into the opening of my sandcastle, but with my luck, it collapsed on me. As i crawled out of the pile of sand (covered from head to toe in it) the girls stood infront of me smiling. 

"Silly Naomi!! Princesses shouldnt play in dirty things like sand! Look, your swimsuit is all dirty. Come on, we have to get you changed!!~" I pouted but agreed nonetheless. If you've had sand in your bathing suits, you know how uncomfortable it is. 

As I was being walked to the rich girls' portable wardrobes (>.>) I saw Haruhi throw a centipede into the air towards a mountain. I broke away from the girls and ran after the bug.

"NOOO!! NOT MR. EINSTEIN!! I'LL SAVE YOUU!!!" Unfortunately for me, once i caught it, the bug bit me. I didnt know centipedes bite!! 

"BAD MR.EINSTEIN. NO." Before i had a chance to scold Mr.Einstein more, Mori slapped it out of my hand.

Before i could react to that my customers had already crowded around me.

"Oh dear! It's bleeding quite a lot! Let's go get you a bandaid!!"

"What if that bug had a disease?! Let's get her to the doctor!!" 


But, since i'm so tiny, they were able to carry me away without my consent.

~Kaoru's POV (can you tell i like using his POV? >.>)

"Hey guys, have you noticed that the our heroines dont really act like heroines?" 

"Yeah, i thought most girls were afraid of bugs?" Hikaru asked. 

Tamaki spoke next, "Well, they must be afraid of something."

Hikaru and I had just thought of and idea. 

"Hey boss do you wanna play a new game we made up? It's called the 'Who can find out the girls' weakness's game!!" Hikaru and I asked in unision.

"That game sounds terrible!" 

"Yeah, you're right. Besides someone would only share their weakness with someone they're close too." Hikaru said.

"Man, what kind of father doesn't know his own daughter's fear?"

"arggh. Fine. What are the rules??"

~3rd person POV 

"NOOOO GET THAT AWAYYY FROM MEEEEEEE!!!!!!!" Naomi screamed and jumped around the room, avoiding the doctor following her. Her black long sleeve shirt covered her bandages. She was wearing a pair of dark blue skinny jeans with her hair down messily.

"M'am if you would stay still!! That bug's carcass carried the advanced state of the flu and on your medical records it says you havent gotten a flu shot in 5 years!!" The doctor shouted over the sounds of Naomis bawling. 

"No no no no no noooo!!!!!"

Naomi quickly surveyed her surroundings and saw a partly open window. She gazed at it for a short while. The doctor followed her gaze and quickly ran to close the window.

"HA. You've got nowhere to run now-" Once he closed the window he turned and saw that he had been decieved. While he closed the window, Naomi took that as her chance to run out the front door.

Naomi ran all the way back to the beach. She stopped to catch her breath. She soon realized that it was dark outside and sighed. She called Hikaru's cell phone.

'Naomi? Where the hell did you go?! The doctor said you ran away from the office!'

"Relax. Im at the beach. "

"Well get back to the house!"

"Does it look like i know where that is? Just get come to pick me up!"

"Fine whatever."

After he hung up, Naomi looked around. Her eyes soon landed on a small unlit firepit. She smiled and began looking for some wood.

~Haruhi's POV 

"Guys, Naomi just called. She wants us all to go down to the beach. She also said to bring marshmellows, sleeping bags and pajamas." Hikaru yelled through the hallway. Luckily, no one was asleep yet, especially with all that happened tonight. 

"Why would she want us to get that stuff? It makes no sense." 

"Guys, she's obviously planning on having us camp on the beach. Havent you guys ever camped?" I  questioned everyone while grabbing a sleeping bag for both myself and Naomi,

"Well we have a estate in the woods-"

"-Is that like camping?"

"No. It's not." I sighed and rubbed my forehead. I'm already getting a headache.

We soon gathered all the necessary things for camping and hopped into the limo. We reached the beach in about 5 minutes or so. I saw a campfire and a shadow sitting in the distance. 

"Naomi! We're here!" I yelled out to her. She turned and gave us all a small wave and a smile. Something seemed....off.

"Hey guys. I've got a lot of things planned out for us!!"

It was odd. Naomi's smile seemed.....



w00t!!! SO SORRY for the crappy ending!!! 

What does Naomi have in store for the night? o.o Does she have anything in store at all?


1)What do you think Naomi would dress as for Halloween?

~~~Picture of Naomi i drew when she yelled to Mr.Einstein!! ~~~~>





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