Chapter Eight: Entrance Exam part two

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Kane's POV
"You left me! You just left and said nothing! I was stuck here in this hell while You and Dazai left without a word to la-la land! I hate you, Kane! I wish we never met! I wish we never became friends!" Chuuya yelled walking closer and closer to the cliff.

"Chibi, I wanted to take you. I really did. I wish I could have. I regret every day that I never went back for you. I regret listening to Osamu and just leaving." I sobbed

"You really are useless." a voice echoed. I looked up to see my parents standing behind Chuuya.

"You want to save people, but you can't save your self let alone keep ahold of your sanity and emotions." My father sternly stated with his arms crossed. I crouched down to the ground with my hands clutching my head.

"Please I am trying. I want to be better! I never asked for this life! I never asked for this power or you two as parents! I just want to be happy and even that is slipping away!" I cried

"Then maybe you should jump. Put everyone out of their misery." That voice was too familiar not to recognize. I looked to the side to see Osamu, but it wasn't him. He was in his Port Mafia clothes with a cold look in his eyes one I only ever see when he looks at people he hates or kills.

"O...Osamu?!" I cried shocked by the statement. Everyone that was there surrounded me blocking any escape.

"He's right, You should atone for what you've done," Chuuya said coldly as my parents turned into how they looked when they died.

"I...I am trying. I am becoming a good person as Odasaku asked. Please it already hurts so much. I am trying to hold onto my humanity as long as possible, it is just so hard." I pleaded

"Then let go and jump." My mother stated pushing me off. I began to fall with memories of my life passing by as I went down. When I hit the bottom, I was impaled with a sharp-pointed rock.


I shot up from bed sweating and tears streaming down my face. I looked around to see no one in the room and with that, I balled myself up on the floor and cried. When I finally calmed down I got up to take a shower. The shower was burning hot but I didn't care. Finishing up I got dressed in my usual clothing. I received a text from Akiko about all the details from the meeting I missed this morning. Responding to the text I apologized for not being there telling her I had a bad dream and Osamu was supposed to wake me for work. I went out the door with my stuff to head to work. As usual, I went to get coffee first to start the day. I never lie and that includes how I feel about myself and others. Everything about me is an open book or at least the thing I want people to know. Walking into the cafe I could hear that oh so familiar voice, but I ignored it and went to the counter.

"What can I get for you, Kane?" The owner of the cafe asked.

"The strongest coffee you got," I asked in a solum tone.

"Rough night?" He asked

"You could say that." I sighed. He went to go make my coffee after I paid and I turned to face the window. Leaning against the counter with my arms crossed and a sad look plastered on my face. I began to listen in on Osamu's conversation seeing as he hasn't noticed me yet.

"Are you sure you have time for this? The agency seems so busy dealing with the new bomb threat. Especially Kunikida, he seems so anxious." Sasaki claimed

"You got that right Kunikida in an insane workhorse. Get this! He spends two hours reviewing his notes before going to bed." Osamu remarked as Doppo sat in the booth behind him. " I couldn't stand doing that for two minutes. Maybe he has some soldier ants working for him in his brain."

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