Chapter Eleven: The Kidnapping

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Kane's POV

Early that day the agency was raided by the Black Lizard. I avoided the agency at all costs to prevent fighting old comrades. I would much rather not fight people I care for so dearly. I was back in my usual detective attire but I left my coat and tank top today excepting it to be hot and was ready for work. Like always Osamu was nowhere to be found. He masters at not being found, but that never stops me. I was going to head back to the agency to help with whatever cleaning needed to be done but was stopped when I received a text from the bandage man himself. Being his normal self sent a riddle for me to figure out where he was. I had nothing better to do but try and find him, which is never usually hard. Using the text I figured out where he was and began to walk to a beach. Upon reaching the destination I noticed cop cars everywhere meaning it was a crime scene. I stood there for a bit confused as to why I was here till I heard my name being called out.

"Kane! How are you doing snack buddy!" Ranpo cheered waving to me as he walked alongside Atsushi. Ranpo stood at the same height as I, 5'6, while Atsushi was 5'7.

"What are you doing here Amejisuto?" Atsushi questioned

"Call me Kane. I just received a text to be here that's all." I replied

"Well then. Kane, you will join us in this investigation. Come now." Ranpo said walking ahead and down to the crime scene. Once down a cop turned to us looking annoyed. The body was further away from where we stood but still visible.

"You know your late agents." the detective stated

"Now hold on who are you? Where's Yasui?" Ranpo asked with his hands firmly on his hips.

"I'm Minoura. I took over from Yasui. This case has been reassigned to our division, so we no longer need you or your agency." the guy named Minoura answered quite rudely pissing me off.

"That's ridiculous! Every difficult case should be overseen by a master detective like me." Ranpo complained

"We won't need private investigators on this, because the victim was a cop that worked for me," Minoura said sternly.

He walked us over to the body and pulled back the bag revealing the pale corpse. It was a brown-haired female with three bullet wounds in her chest. She was soaking wet meaning she was pulled from the water. Her body lacked any sign of decay, so the death was recent. There was a possibility that the Port Mafia killed her due to the signature three bullet wounds, but it could be a cover-up. There was a watch on her left wrist as well that was one of a pair.

"The victims a lady." Ranpo sighed putting his hat to his chest.

"Yes sir. Her body was found floating in the river this morning.." A cop beside us stated

"She was shot three times in the chest. We don't know where or when she was killed. We haven't found the bullets either." Minoura explained

"Any suspects?" Ranpo asked

"Not yet. As far as anyone knew she wasn't in a relationship, so we doubt it was a jealous lover." Minoura responded

"Very interesting. So that means you don't have any leads." Ranpo teased causing the annoying cop to scowl.

"It's all the more reason we can't let some amateur private eye handle this." He commented pissing me off even more.

"Hey! Looks like the nets caught something!" yelled the cops working with the crane. This caught everyone's attention.

"They put out nets?" Atsushi pondered

I didn't stay long to hear the rest of the conversation. I walked to where they were pulling up the net to see what they caught. The pointed saying there was a man caught in the net. I finally realized why I was called here and wasn't surprised at the statement. The cops pulled the net up at the others ran to the scene, but once it was fully visible you could see the all too familiar of an upside-down Osamu. Atsushi grimaced at the sight, while I stood with my arms crossed.

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