Chapter Twelve: Unjoyful Reunions

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Osamu's POV

Kane had been missing for almost two days and this meant missing work, which she rarely ever did. It wasn't till a young girl had used her ability to bring me to the place I never wanted to go back to that I had found her. They had her chain to the same cinderblock I used to torture people at. She was passed out and covered in bruises and blood. It was a sight I'd always hated seeing. Her delicate limp body struggling to keep fighting. The people that brought me in had chained me to face the stairs and to the right of Kane. No one had been there since, until the next day when my former prodigy came to visit. He sat on the phone giving commands most of the time. He was cold and emotionless much like I was back when I worked with the Mafia. He eventually got off the phone and began to speak.

"No matter how fierce a pawn is just a pawn. How 'bout you then? Are you the player or the lowly pawn to be used until its own inevitable demise?" Akutugawa asked calmly. This in response just caused me to smirk as I looked down at the ground.

"Let me ask you this. What about Kane? Is she just one of your pawns? An opponent? Or an innocent bystander?" I asked still with a smirk plastered on my face. I knew this would irritate him enough to answer truthfully.

"She wasn't supposed to be a part of this," he stated still calmly, but with a sad look on his face. Afterward, he took that chance to leave without another word.


Kane's POV

I sluggishly opened my eyes and groaned as I shifted in the uncomfortable chains. My body was sore and everything hurt. The gas was fully out of my system which meant I could get out if I needed, but I don't think I would have enough strength to escape even if I wanted to. My breathing was weak and my throat throbbed to the point that if I were to speak it would most definitely crack. I looked to see if my dagger was still out of its holster and sure enough the whole holster was removed and put at the other end of the room. The painful silence was broken by a voice I didn't expect to wake to.

"Are you alright Kane?" Osamu asked

"As alright as I will ever be after almost being beaten to a pulp," I replied with a raspy and pathetic voice.

"Who did this to you?" he asked in a slightly harsher tone.

"That doesn't concern you. If I were to say there would be unnecessary violence and you know we don't need that." I stated, "How did you end up here?"

"Got abducted by a kid." He answered in a shameful tone that just caused me to slightly laugh.

"That might just be the most pathetic and funniest thing I've heard." I continued to laugh, but this caused me to cough some more blood.

"Dying chained up really isn't the way to go out," Osamu commented with slight worry in his voice.

"While that may be true, dying with you makes it less boring," I added recovering from my coughing.

After that comment, he stayed silent for a few minutes. The only sound in those moments was the rattling of the chains and our breathing. With the lack of sound, I could have fallen right to sleep but had to force myself to stay present. That was when Osamu began to sing almost as if to keep me there with him. A pair of footsteps could be heard coming down the stair at the same time he began to sing.

"Do do do do~ You can't do a double suicide all on your own~ Boom Boom~ It takes two who don't wanna die all alone~" Osamu terribly sang

He was interrupted by Ryu's Rashomon clutching his throat. Directly after was dispersed with No Longer Human. This of course would raise Osamu's cockiness to a new level.

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