Chapter 2: "Is That Your Catchphrase Trolley?"

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Max's POV:-

"Yep Ma. I'm all set," I say into the phone.

"Good good," she says. I hear plates cluttering in the background. "I miss you, Max. I hate coming back to an empty home," she admits.

"Ma, you'll be okay. Don't worry," I whisper, feeling sad. "You know what, you should start dating again. Or go out with your old friends."

"Yeah, I guess honey," she mumbles distracted. "It's such a load of my mind, that you got into this good college with your football scholarship thing. I was worried I won't be able to save enough for your tuition."

"I'm glad too. We both know, I could've never done it by studying," I reply making her laugh. I lie down on my bed, wincing when a sharp pain ignites in my sides.

"What happened?"

"Nothing," I answer. "Just bumped into something in the airport. It'll be okay by morning."

"Alright... Max, I'll call you tomorrow okay? I gotta go," she says quickly hanging up. I toss the phone away and stare at the ceiling. 


Nice name, for a mental chic. She's been on my mind all day. Not in a sick-puppy love way, but because she rammed her megaton baggage into my ribs. Everytime I moved, the mute throbbing reminded me that girls may look small and cute, but they have the destructive capacity of a hand grenade.

"Let's go for drinks. C'mon guys," Wil says from the door. I sit up. 

"It's past curfew," Noah says from his bed. Me and Wil exchange looks. 

"No need to manhandle me, you dogs!" Noah cries, as we both lift him up and throw him outside the room. Noah was my dorm-mate, and Wil was in the next room. 

"I can't climb that," Noah squeaks.

"Watch and learn," I mutter, and take a few steps back to run forward, and climb up the back gate. It takes a while to get Noah across, but soon we three hit the road.

"How do you know, where the bar is?" Noah questions. "You've been here before?"

"I don't know. We are exploring dumbass," Wil rolls his eyes.

"What if we get mugged? It's getting pretty late," Noah shivers.

"Noah look at your damn roommate! Men will piss themselves before molesting you, when Max is your bodyguard," Wil points out. 

"Fine. Max is the only reason I agreed to this. I like to live, thank you very much," Noah mumbles.

"Boys, let's get drunk and attend our first classes hungover," Wil announces stopping in front of a bar.

"Gentle reminder, I'm no good in protecting you, if I get wasted," I confess.

"I want to go back," Noah whimpers.


"I'm never drinking again," Noah groans.

"Said every drunkard ever," Wil mumbles. Last night after some drinks, we stumbled back to our hostels. I woke up with a slight headache, Wil had an upset stomach and Noah was just plain sad. He was definitely a lightweight.

"My classes are this way," Noah mutters leaving us. 

"Max! I saw a pretty girl going into my class. Wish me luck," Wil squeals.

"You would need more than luck with your bloodshot eyes bro," I mumble, watching Wil run away. I continue walking looking for room T-109, where my first class is to be held. I wanted to skip, but Noah insisted saying first classes are the most important and all that. So here I am, goin-

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