Chapter 12: He Only Barks, Doesn't Bite

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Sam's POV:-

Confront Dave. Confront Dave. Confront fucking Dave.

I'm chanting and walking towards the stage. This morning I got a very scary TED talk from Becca, who made me memorize this chant, so I would just get it all clear with Dave. Chants always work for me.

"Sam, sit down!"

"Yes mam," I mumble, and quickly take a seat beside Dave and his friends. Benches were set on the stage opposite to each other, and teacher stood in the middle, looking up and down the roster. Max, Liam, Tracy, they all were in front of us. 

Dave entwines our hands as teacher spoke. I ignore him, and his weirdly smug face and concentrate on teacher. She was talking about the big day. I was given the job to stay with the lighting guy, away from spotlight, guiding the spotlight.

"Can we get pancakes?" I ask Dave, as teacher dismisses us. "Yeah sure," Dave smiles. "Lexi and Sean were just asking me-"

"No, just the two of us," I squeeze his hand. "Oh, alright," he agrees. 

"Pick me up at five?"


"It's Kayden's birthday next week. We have to go," Dave sits down with our drinks. 

"But, I don't know Kayden," I frown.

"Yes you do. You met him yesterday," Dave reminds me. "Tall guy, medium built, red hair."

"Ah," I say in realization. "But still, I don't know him. Neither did I get an invite."

"You're coming with me. You're my girlfriend."

An uneasy heat wave travels down my body. "Dave, about that," I start. "What are you doing?" He chews a choco chip, looking at me confused.

"You keep telling people, that I'm your girlfriend," I say calmly, ignoring the anticipation for his reaction.

He has the nerve to say, "And?"

"And, I never agreed to be your girlfriend," I use my most patient voice. "That night I said it, just so you didn't lose face in front of Max." Dave scowls, not liking my choice of words.

"Look, I understand, okay? Max and you have your problems, but you are telling everybody that I'm your girlfriend."

"What are we doing then Sam? We go on dates, we hang out everyday. We're technically dating."

"Or," I suggest. "We are friends, who eat pancakes together, and hang out everyday. Dating is different. We are friends, and I like it like that. I told you that I'm not sure, if you and I should be dating."

"You should have never said yes, if you had such problems," he says a little rudely. My liking for him, dials down even further. I thought I was helping him out. Apparently not.

"Yes, it's my fault," I say, not wanting to fight. "I was stupid, and should have said no that night." Sorry, my ass! 

No wonder so many guys don't like Dave on stage. I could not even stomach the pancake, feeling sick of everything. My main focus was to clear things out, and ghost this boy for eternity. 

I really do suck at making friends.

"Now don't talk like that, victimizing yourself," he continues to grumble.

"Victimizing myself?!" I gasp.

"You're making me feel like the bad guy here," he complains. 

"I said, I'm admitting it's my fault. What do you want from me Dave?" I demand. "Do you want me to fight? Is that what you want?" 

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